Today is the last day of my vacation. When I was planning to take some time off, I said to myself “if I’m on vacation on June 30th, that will flow right into July 4th, so I’ll have a short week when I come back.” Of course, I didn’t count on the fact that people would count the seconds until I got back. Sheesh. 🙂
So this is just a post to let everyone know that I’m back and I’m beginning to catch up on my blog reading. My wife has been in North Carolina for the last 4-5 days and she gets back today, so either I can write a short “Hey, I’m still alive and I’ll start posting again soon” message, then get some roses and clean the place a little *OR* I can start on a long blog post that I probably won’t finish and my wife will walk through the door to see me typing on the laptop with the place looking like a hurricane hit it. I’m opting for the short blog post with roses and a little cleaning.
So: hey, I’m still alive and I’ll start posting again soon. 🙂
Hope you had a good vacation. Good to have you back!
No need to rush back as we are having a spamalicios time wihout ya. 😉
Good to have you back. Nothing about the Google update? Keep up posted man.
Cancel the eulogy!
On Wednesday, at the Gooleplex Irvine Open House, while chatting with Jeff Huber, I asked him if you were alive and let him know that my team was concerned that you had been abducted. Jeff said that you had been sighted, alive and kicking, and that he would pass on the concerns. The team wasn’t completely convinced until Jeff emailed me “Proof of Life” in the form of your comment at our seomoz guest blog about the event before we even caught it.
Seriously, it’s nice to hear you’ve returned to the fray. I hope you had a chance to catch your breath.
Yup Tim, after Jeff mentioned your concern, a little while later I read Zach’s description of your visit and I couldn’t resist commenting. 🙂
Do you have any vacation pictures?
What did you do with the cat while you were gone?
Roses are good.
We might still believe your coming back is a hoax.
Welcome back! Hope your batteries have been charged.
BTW – Shoemoney was playing bookie while you were gone, but then he had a kid so I think he lost track too:
Welcome Back! Hope you had a great vacation!
Roses are $12.99 for a dozen at the local grocery stores in Toronto.
So in the States, they’ll probably be like $5.
And they last longer than the ones in the flower shops.
So yeah…go cheap, dude. 🙂
As far as cleaning…that Mr. Clean all-purpose cleaner and get everything soaking wet. Then turn the fan on.
While you’re waiting for your entire house to dry, get your ass back to posting. 😀
Great, looking forward to hearing all about the spam I’ve been seeing in the SERPs since June 27th. 😉
Maybe it was just me, but I thought you were gone for good.
Welcome back.
Now, please talk to us about the possibility of a two-tiered Web (Google-indexed vs. non-Google-indexed), and the repurcussions for small business, hobby, fan and niche sites that might have a difficult time getting links from the New York Times.
Welcome back!
You may want to know that June 27th was a, um, popular date that you’ll be hearing about. 🙂
Are you too young to know the great old TV show and song “Welcome Back Kotter”? If you don’t, ignore this, if you remember … sing along
Welcome back,
Fighting spam was your ticket out.
Welcome back,
To that same old search that you laughed about.
Well the spams have all changed since you hung around,
But some spams have remained and they’re turned around.
Who’d have thought they’d lead ya …. Back here where we need ya!
Welcome back..
Will you please let Googleguy know your back. Thank you.
Hope you had a good vacation and welcome back!
Hi Matt
Nice to have you back. Hope you enjoyed your vacation, did you actually get to read all the books you wanted to? It was good to see you could keep away from the blog for so long 🙂
Thanks for commenting on our blog at SEOmoz about our visit to the GooglePlex Irvine, we had a great time and hope you enjoyed your vacation. We have not had near as much fun without your blogging :).
Good Luck with the onslaught that awaits you.
Just cut the crap and fix the Google Big Daddy mess. To be blunt, most of the world cares more about that than your vacation or flowers for your wife.
Hey Matt,
Welcome back to reality 🙂
Not much SPAM in my vertical – Have seen lots on my wife’s online shopping experiences though.
Can you clean that up? She keeps nagging me as to why that crap shows up and where is the actual product…please…soon…she needs those jeans right now
Welcome back. Were all hungry to hear your new thery on the BigCrash (BigDaddy), massive SPAM, and site: not working. If it’ll help, here’s what Adam Lasnik says about site: not working on but working in the datacenters….
Two separate issues:
– Sometimes-inaccurate site: count/listings.
– Indexing concerns.
We’re working on both at the same time; it’s an ongoing process. We read Threadwatch and WmW and tons of blogs, and obviously run ginormous amounts of stats to get quantitative info, so we realize that there’s still much to do.
Welcome back Matt,
I hope that we will hear from you more about d-day June 27th.
Many established site with original content that are on the Net more than 5 years, never been affected before from Google SERP changing are now almost dissapear from search result.
Its terrible and unfairness. The webmasters on webmasterworld site wait desperate on any oficial answers.
Your cat, perhaps, is sad
Hi Matt,
Great to see you back.
In fact I can’t wait for the long blog.
You have the whole weight of G on your shoulders, and an adorable audience, anilysing your every word.
Ever thought of going for President?
World cup? What world cup?
Matts Back!!
Welcome back Matt.
Ignore the bias whining Webmasters and ONLY listen to the searchers with no personal agenda. On seconds thoughts, Google probably does ignore all the bias whining Webmasters and that’s why Google is still doing so well!
Each & everytime Google tweaks, or does something new, SEO forums (and now your blog) are spammed with bias whining Webmasters.
I bet you feel like another holiday already Matt 🙂
He he he, if you can’t afford help with the cleaning then you aren’t paid enough. 🙂
DoingItWell, may be he is out-of-google for these spammy sites 😀
Hey Matt, welcome back !
Welcome back Matt, its good to hear from you
Sounds like you had a good break, some of us are considering taking one after the June 27th changes. I doubt you want to get back into this on a holiday weekend but it would be nice to see a acknowledgement from G that things are still “in progress”
Hey Matt
Your wifes been away 5 days and you are considering A) present her with flowers and clean the house or B) Write your blog. I do not want to turn this into a sleazy post but surely you have an unprintable option C !!
Good to have you back 2! After Finally getting into google, my home page was just indexed for months, I am going to be glad to read more of the posts here.
1 thing if i may add to anyone!? This might be dumb.
If my site was getting visitors and clicks and buying before, why has it stopped about 2 months ago and now just gets visitors, clicks and No buyers.
Looking forward to your next blog. Hope the vacation was good.
That was some vacation, glad to see your back. Can’t wait to hear your next words of wisdom.
That certainly has positive effects on ones ego 🙂
Welcome back!
Heh.. Glad you’re back 🙂
You got a lot to catch up ..
Welcome back Matt, I got names of all the scraper software sites so and all the IP’s of the users, let me know, I will give you their names, Black Hat is doomed….
Welcome back Matt,
That’s great! I hope you had fun and relaxed.
WB, Matt.
Looking forward to hearing what you have to say about the 5 billion pages in Google fiasco.
Welcome back, Matty! These guys went ape-s**t w/o you!
I love the “go cheap, dude …” comment. Women really love those cheapsters.
Hope you’re stayin’ cool up north … hot as the seventh circle of hell in southern cali!
Wecome back Matt !
Life has come back to SEO.Hope to learn more quality tips.
Hawaii SEO, any pictures I have are cruddy cell phone pictures (640×480), but I’ll try to root around for a couple to show.
Joseph Hunkins, I was more of a Gilligan’s Island fan. I think I’m one TV show iteration after Welcome Back Kotter/Three’s Company/Taxi. 🙂
Thanks for the welcome back everyone (except minstrel, I guess). I think I’m actually going to go into the Googleplex today (Saturday) to see if they’ve moved me around or anything.
LOL .. Love is in the air 🙂
Yeah minstrel, what’s up wiyh that?
WB Matt. 🙂
Either nice timing, or they’re throwing you a Stealth PageRank update at the office… only certain sites at certain times, then they roll it back, kind of a teaser, but you know it does help keep us obsessive compulsive types busy. 🙂
If you get a chance, Donna had asked you some questions in a blog post, it would be neat if you could answer:
Welcome back Matt!
Just got done reading if you were “vacationing” or “vacating” (in the “English language…lol!). I hope you’re rip roaring and ready to go. Things in my niche are crummy. I’m seeing too much real estate on page 1 and 2 for immportant keyword searches, being occupied by multiple eBay listings and numerous pay for inclusion – comparison shopping services. What a bummer! I’ve got a family to feed and sell the same products for LESS! Consumers (searchers) would want to see my prices if they can find my site amidst the melee of junk.
minstrel is just saying what the rest of us would love to say. We all know Google is screwed up and it has nothing to do with our links.
WB Back Matt
Hope you had a good holiday.
by the way Is there a PR Update running ?
Greetings from Munich
Minstrel has a good point: rankings are messed up, site: command doesn’t work properly and the pagerank update is weird… anyway good to see you’re back to blogging Matt, may be you could enlighten us about the pr update, will you get a pr11 this time? 😉
Ditto what minstral and Nintendo said. Once (if) this ever gets fixed I might actually be able to take a vacation.
Welcome back Matt hope you had a good time.
Lets get to the point now, since from what I have seen you are still trying to find out what went wrong with Big Daddy (Because something definitely went wrong) I will try and help you.
OK I don’t really know what went wrong but here is my theory [Disclaimer I am just a dietitian not a SE specialist or a SEO (are there any really? probably just a couple).
The problem is the random appearance of old indexed and cached pages going back a year or so. When I first saw them I thought that it was just a desperate move from Google to fill their index and claim that they fixed the site query. Maybe it’s that maybe it’s an infrastructure problem. However this is causing a lot of problems why you may ask? Simply because Big Daddy if it uses that index then switches to the current back and forth back and forth it sees sites gaining and losing links very fast and penalizes sites because of that. I realised that when I saw a webmaster complaining about losing pages, rankings etc he claimed that his site was free and the only thing he did that wasn’t so white hat was that he participated in a link scheme about a year ago but he has dropped it several months before. I checked the site and saw the cache was almost a year old and the link scheme was present in the cache not on the site. So the obvious is that he was retroactively punished for something done about a year ago from Big Daddy that is obviously more sensitive about this kind of link schemes and spam (but not on the subdomain cloaking redirecting etc spam) because his old cache somehow resurfaced.
So the real question is why is these old pages resurfacing and not the why sites are losing pages and rankings.
Disclaimer once again: I am just a dietitian (and a really good one 🙂 )
Yeah, but the rest of us wouldn’t have put it so rudely.
Now that I read my comment I have to add
Disclaimer: Not a native English speaker
Hey Matt, welcome back! I was about to change my homepage, I thought maybe you turned mormon on us…
I’m seeing some STRANGE stuff as of three days ago – I’m losing an entire page or more (i.e. I was #3 on page 1, now I’m page 4 or further!) to sites that are obviously spammers (portals, redirects, etc).
This also happened to me back around christmas time, but about February I was moved back to my rightfull positions…
Anybody know what’s going on?
Also, I haven’t seen any official word on this… is the site: operator still broken? And, as far as you know, is the allinanchor: operator working? Should it be fairly consistent from one datacenter to the next?
Thanks! 🙂
Good to have you back Matt.
And minstrel this blog is clearly called NOT or From my reading of it for the past year it has included posts all about Matt from Google to his hobbies and everything in between. Don’t act like this is your private support center. The guy just got back from vacation and you are not his boss – sheesh.
Welcome back. Now give us our answers we seek please. 🙂
Stop being mean to Minstrel. Hes just having a bad day..
Why not add INSTANT CHAT to your blog for times like these?
Good to see you are back, can’t wait to read some postings!
yeah 0–“vista point wasn’t all that vista-y” —
heheheh.. were you doing a little bit of “vista” hacking on holidays ??
btw, WB !!
Michael VanDeMar, I’m just now reading your comment. It looks to me like a majority of these were gone several days ago (although I see a few lingering as supplemental). I took a look at several of the domains and checked on them, and they were detected and gone from Google by 6/26, for example.
/pd, I’ve stayed clear of anything Vista-related other than that hike to Vista Point. 🙂
Hope you had a relaxing vacation. It was very weird (quiet) while you were gone.
haha, don’t forget about shoemoney’s $150 “Matt Cutts Welcome Back Watch Contest”
Back just in time to start thinking about SES, eh? Or were you going to something else… I don’t remember. Anyway, if you’re going to be there again, Alan’s dinner event sounds interesting to say the least. A little different than those steaks that led to that protien induced haze, right? 😉
Wow, wasn’t sure if you were ever coming back Matt. I kept you in my daily reading bookmarks and just got more depressed every day.
I get all my worthwhile info from you and Jon Stewert. When he was on vacation too I was just paralyzed with no-one to look to for guidance 🙂
So, what’s your opinion on Google’s no payment system. Frankly, I was hoping for a special teir for micro-payments. I help run a children’s charity on the side and that would have been really helpful to encourage small donations.
Anyway, thrilled to have you back around (Did you see Superman yet? it was fantastic)
Later – Josh
Flowers! Hope she loved them. 🙂
The Adam That Doesn’t Belong To Matt – a big fat thorny bouquet to you. First – most local flower shops get clobbered in search by affiliates and Now – we’re reading your recommendation to hit the Piggly Wiggly for that romantic bunch of roses. You just don’t know the right florists. 😉
Can’t a real florist hold out hope that a guy that appreciates flowers and notes the daffodils in bloom might patronize a professional? Hope springs eternal.
WB, Matt.
Minstrel – what a misnomer. Troll is more like it.
Great to have you back! I hope your vacation was everything you wanted it to be.
Hi Matt,
I would like to say welcome back too, you will need another holiday to recover from the first week back at the office 🙂
I am normally a passive observer of your blog on a regular basis, but I have a question that I would like to ask you.
I am slightly confused and hope you (or somebody else) may be able to give a small piece of advice in my direction and to any others that may have a similar situatuion with their site, if indeed anyone does 🙂
Since around January (after the BD update) when running the site command the majority of our pages have been added to the supplemental index, last week for a brief period of two days we lost the supps pages and google added around 30,000 actual pages, our joy was short lived as soon after the pages went back to supps.
When running the site command we have around 50 pages of our site that google has indexed and added to the search results (the rest are supplementals), but no more. Is this a sandbox type thing? or is this something we have too sit out and wait to get back in? I believe our site is well built (to the best of our knowledge) and we had a url structural change around 8 weeks ago and cannot work our why this may be?
Any advice from anyone would be more than appreciated, for reference the site is
Thank you for any advice in advance.
Yours Coming to Terms with England loosing to Portugal in the World Cup.
Chris, I would seriously review all those sites you link to. Looks like a few links schemes going on.
Hey Matt
Nice to hear again after 26 may.
Will you share your experince and photos with us please??
I replied to you, then realized that I had no idea if it would get through or not. So, let me know please. 🙂
I set up a new page for you to view with more recent results.
Hi Dave,
Thanks for the feedback, could you let me know which ones specifically you are referring too, that would be a great help.
Matt I think that your wife goes with another man, because if she’s get vacations without you…
Chris, unfortunately the real estate websites are some of the biggest SE spamnmers out there. You should ONLY links to other real estate sites that you know are not ‘bad neighborhoods’. In addition, your first link is to a link exchange site (not good at all) and of no use to your site visitors. Some of your other links are not relevant either.
I would implore to read Google’s guidelines and take special not on what they say about links
HI Dave,
Thank you so much for taking the time to provide this information to me. I have gone through our links list and blasted out the majority of the sites, just left relevant and good neighbour sites, I shall be reading through the guidelines with a fine tooth comb!
Thanks Again,
There were sightings of a PR update.
Can we expect a PR update in the next couple of days?
Welcome back…
We DIDN’T lose to Portugal – at football. We only lost in an extra little competition. That’s the way I always look at it 🙂 We even had the best chances when they had more players than us.
There was something else that I meant to say, but I forgot what it was…………. oh yes. Hi Matt – welcome back – I hope you had a great holiday (vactation) 🙂
Matt, when are you gonna fix it, the relevency in some niches is crazy, MSN and Yahoo are more relevent, while Google appears to grit its teeth and say nothing is happening.
We want Google to be the company and search engine it was, it seems like those days are gone along with the honesty we all once thought went hand in hand with that brand name.
Do you actually use Google Search ?
Matt, welcome back!
Hi Matt, now you can have time to enjoy the World Cup.But it’s a pity that it seems like a European Cup, as the first four place were taken by four European team.
Hi Matt,
Can you tell us more about the site: command ?
Many of us are affected since several month by succesively drops and return in the serps.
Most of us have noticed that the drops in the serps start when the home page of our websites no longer appears in the first position but buried amoung the last results.
Most of us have also noticed that the return in the serps featured once the home page reappeared in pole position as it normally should be.
So what’s going on ?
Most of us try to live on earnings of our websites, most of us are also “white hats” and we follow your guidelines and you know that the indexing of google is therefore very important for our success.
It would be very kind of you to let us know if this is a hint from google pointing out to us that are websites are actually penalised and in which case we will all try to find out what google is disliking in our websites or is it an idexation problem of google in which case do we just have to try and survive while google sorts things out ?
Thanks in advance for your help
I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog since you started it. This is my first post, but just wanted to say “thanks”, and I’m glad you’re back too.
Matt, welcome back!
Hope you had a wonderful!
Hi Matt
I hope you are well rested and had a great time off. I sent in a Spam Report addressed to you. I hope you get it because this sites ALexa ranking reach went close to 1 billion overnight.
Good to see you back Matt!
– Hope you’re well deserved vacation was great!
Welcome back, dude!
Michael VanDeMar, got it and replied–thanks. 🙂
A lot of people are still complaining of “dropped pages” at web master world. I have looked at a lot of sites and noticed that most sites had very bad html coding. I myself had a site that was dropped and once I fixed my coding, it came right back in the google index.
It is evident to me that bad code and the newer mozillabot cause a lot of “deindexing issues” Could you shed a little light on this? I think a lot of the complaints would go away once you point out bad code. Plus all the large site owners would be very busy the next few months fixing their code and would not have time to complain…..
After all, good html code is webmaster 101 classes….
Hi Matt after BMW maybe time for Google spam team to check more big boys like those?
Glad to hear you had a good vacation Matt. Monte and I will see you at SES in August. Hopefully Larry won’t wander into the middle of the group again and put you on the spot like last time 😉 Happy 4th.
For all of you that are not aware there is a new search engine that is suppose to turn google into the Kmart of the search engine business and become the new Walmart. Base on a innovative set of algos tied specifically to search characteristics of the user. Rather George Orwell. Nevertheless developed by a team of Israelis in VA I hear they have assembled an unprecedented amount of venture funds from Carlyle Group and MS
Apparantly this is the competition Google will need to stay on top
I cant say more due to the quiet period but I am sure Matt may have something to say as I here Serge and others are very restless but cant say much due to the high level activity withthis compnay, the Israeli government which is an investor and some of our elected officials. I am sure they feel fortunate they came out with Google when they did and not five years later. Better to be first than good. Howver, if yuo dont maintain quality someone will come and slap you. Regardless, no one stays on top forever. The other interesting thing is their Data center is as top secret as the nuclear facilities. Imagine if a tiny country can build the worlds 4th largest miliatary in 30 years what they can accomplish with a search engine.
Welcome back and have a fun 4th (good timing for sure!) I am glad to know you are back, so I can stop checking this thing everyday to see if you are back or not!! LOL Look forward to hearing about all the updates! By the way the new Google Checkout is pretty cool so far!
Aw c’mon. This was just about as romantic as a blog should be. It meets all the requirements:
1) It has flowers.
2) It involves comparison shopping.
3) I didn’t bury an affiliate hyperlink anywhere.
Come on, where’s your sense of e-romance, darlin? 😉
Got this email about Google Checkout because I’m a Google investor. Also have an online store.
So, my first question is what is the 800 number for merchant help. Can’t go beyond wondering what the service is without a way to talk to a person.
Jeff Said,
July 2, 2006 @ 1:33 pm
A lot of people are still complaining of “dropped pages” at web master world. I have looked at a lot of sites and noticed that most sites had very bad html coding. I myself had a site that was dropped and once I fixed my coding, it came right back in the google index.
It is evident to me that bad code and the newer mozillabot cause a lot of “deindexing issues” Could you shed a little light on this? I think a lot of the complaints would go away once you point out bad code. Plus all the large site owners would be very busy the next few months fixing their code and would not have time to complain…..
After all, good html code is webmaster 101 classes….
Cut the crap and quit trying to blame webmasters for Google’s problems.
But then all the FrontPage and Dr*amw*av*r “web professionals” would be out of work, Jeff. Can’t have that. 🙂
I daily visit and wait for your return. Now you are back Welcome
Hi Matt,
Can I buy you another vacation?
Even some of the oldest spamtricks started working again for my casino sites. I don’t know if this was due to your absence or al faulty algorithm, but it started when you left and Google seemed to have fixed it this weekend.
How does 6 months on some deserted island in the Maldives sound?
But that was three days ago. Thought you said daily? 🙂 🙂 🙂
Talking about bad code…? Its funny that a lot sites didnt has any bad code for a 5 years and then suddenly on june 27 bad code has been found (if it is problem)!?
Furthermore if we talk about bad code then is by ‘SiteSearch Google’ from google advertisement network on 13 place founded bad code by html validator and by google site self 47 errors .
I hope that we will hear very soon from Matt what is exactly problem.
So… Who cares about spam and spammers???
What I want to know is: did you get time to read any books? Which books did you read?
Hope you had a good time!
Jeff, I don’t believe Google could afford to have indexing issues due to bad coding. The code would virtually need to rendered unreadable in a Browser before Google would have problems.
** The code would virtually need to rendered unreadable in a Browser before Google would have problems. **
How so? Just the simple failure to close the or open a could be enough to render the whole page content as invisible to a bot?
Or failing to close a link?
Or many other things…
Just have a look at the million pages that are indexed with one of these in the code…
we goofed we goofed /title>
we goofed
and so on.
** The code would virtually need to rendered unreadable in a Browser before Google would have problems. **
How so? Just the simple failure to close the [/head] or open a [body] could be enough to render the whole page content as invisible to a bot.
Or failing to close a link.
Or many other things…
Just have a look at the million pages that are indexed with one of these in the code…
[title] we goofed [/title
[title] we goofed /title]
[title] we goofed [title]
[title we goofed [/title]
and so on.
[Reposted with [tags] in place of HTML tags]
Glad you’re back Matt, I was starting to have withdrawal symptoms 😉
What is the point of have 89,000 pages in the Google Supplemental Results index if the pages nolonger exist. Is this adding value to the Google users. Googlebot has been crawling my site and these urls, it see’s the robots.txt blocks it (also 301 redirects) and still I see these results in its Supplemental Results Index. There is a bigger issue then just this, when I login to Sitemaps I see no penalty for my site (it states that my site is in the index) but there must be because my index page which is not Supplemental is buried in the Supplemental Results. I have a theory that within the Supplemental Results there is duplicate content and that is the reason why. HAS ANYONE GOT ANY IDEAS about this issue including Matt.
Looking forward to seeing you back and blogging again!
Hope you had a great vacation.
Matt, you should post on from time to time. It’s on the way, or already is the most popular forum out there. It definitely is the best!
– Mike
Thank god, you are back, praise the lord. The SEO community wouldn’t have survived 1 day longer! ;o)
a few things first of all WB Matt.
Second, in Germany we are experiencing the same problems with google. My site is placed 33 from 6 Mil. and the next day ist placed 65 then an hour later it doesn´t appear under the top 100. Something you have to live with I suppose.
Third, Mr. Adam who….
I use Dreamweaver because I am too lazy to type all the php nonsense. I can programme in a few different languages and use a generator for just about all of them. It saves time and effort. There is nothing wrong in using a generator just as long as you know what code it is generating and how to edit it. I thought the web was past the keyboard-cowboy knows beter than the rest???
PS: Doing a good job Matt….now get typing.
Umm, if you have bad code, google might only read part of the page and not follow links. One of my sites was “deindexed” a while back. When we saw that, we did not go out and get links, we fixed our code.
Bad href tags, titles not closed, etc……
We are now fully indexed…
Trust me, if you are having issues with a page being indexed, fix the code and sit back a few weeks. If its a good “quality page” it will be reindexed.
I can attest the newer googlebot is not so forgiving….
Welcome Back Matt,
Roses and a little house keeping is definately the right algorithm to get a #1 rank with the wife. What can we do for a #1 rank? 🙂
I’m glad you’re back and posted when you did.
Welcome back Matt!! 😀 I’ve been missing your posts hehe
Hey Matt,
Welcome back man. I’d like to talk to you, so please hit me up on icq: 944,320,46 when you get a chance 😉
Dear Matt
I thought I’d post to say that I like your attitude.
I run a tinpot little website that I stated last year and the responses have been amazing. No one is queuing up to join our groups but we have had inquiries from teachers all over the country looking for help with courses, and various other interesting people/organisations including two film companies and a TV company. Also our children’s display group are innundated with requests for local fetes etc.
This SEO-ing looks quite dodgy and, like most ordinary people, we’ve actually ignored it entirely. Since (probably) most people are using Google to find us, it all seems to work nicely. Unlike a lot of people here, we haven’t had any problems (not even ‘sandboxed’).
Anyway I think Google is doing a good job helping people find each other for community purposes and applaud your efforts to eliminate the spam.
It seems de rigeur on the internet to offer unwanted, gratuitous advice for some reason so, being totally clueless on the SEO business, mine is make sure that you always put your wife before the rest of the world (or at least the bit of it that comes knocking at your blog). 🙂 I assure you from experience, it pays!
Matt —
I met your lovely wife in Vermont a couple summers ago and I think of her often. Please tell her that I said Hello!
Roses are wonderful…but a clean house is better!
Welcome back Matt
I am confused a bit. Did you buy the roses instead of cleaning the house?
Welcome back
Yeah, WB, Matt.
Now let’s get on with the PR-update and move forwards from the Big Daddy… 😀
I was waiting for you to get back 🙂 was also wondering why you werent posting 🙂
Welcome back Matt and ignore all the whining webmasters.
A few months back Google made one of my competitors go completely “Supplemental Result” so don’t go ‘fixing’ anything that will bring him back.
I’ve been dancing on his grave for months while watching his Alexa traffic rating plunge below 400,000 ….
Everything is just dandy 🙂
Glad your back Matt.
Hopefully you can shed some light on the problems we have with disappeared pages in the serps.
Bill’s on to something there.
I’d like to propose a list of the following sites belonging to people that piss me off and therefore should be banned from Google… 😉
Vinny, I both got roses and cleaned the place a little bit. And my wife’s plane was late, so I got to file away some bills too. It was a productive Friday.
It’s great to see that you’re back and posting again! Was getting a bit depressed to see every time returning to your page that there was no new post! Well, it’s great that you had your vacation and getting away from things for a bit.
If you haven’t read my comment in your last post, if it isn’t too much of a bother I’d like you to email me (services(AT) so I can email you about something I’d like to discuss privately.
Regardless, will be interested in seeing your upcoming thoughts and rants.
Welcome Back Matt,
You should definately rank #1 with your wife after cleaning house and buying roses.
Glad you’re back.
>>>I’d like to propose a list of the following sites belonging to people that piss me off and therefore should be banned from Google
I’ll start the list… 😀
Lots of spam waiting for you, look at a sample of the emails we receive here…
Hello Rachel,
Start a Huge Network of 200+ Google AdSense Websites* Plus 30 free Bonus Turnkey Websites.
These websites include thousands of pages for both Google Ads and Amazon Ads.
We also include Easy Software to Change AdSense ID on all Websites at once (find & replace). More info at:
Jeff, of course if links are not faulty Google cannot follow them.
Google has been dropping and adding pages (at least by site: check) for months now. For us, there *appears* to be no resaon for this. However, there would be and bad code is extremely unlikely to be the cause for, IMO, are obvious reasons.
Just thinks about it for a minute. Over 90% of the Worlds web pages have some code errors. If Google could not see past these it would never have made it in the SE world. There is just no way in the World that Google could afford to be so picky! Just as IE cannot fall over on each page out there, neither can Google..
Having said this, good clean validated code is all part of good web site design and is worth doing for other reasons.
Oops, that first sentence should read;
Jeff, of course if links ARE faulty Google cannot follow them.
RE: “I’d like to propose a list of the following sites belonging to people that piss me off and therefore should be banned from Google…”
I would like to propose that any person that posts here whining about there site, and their whining is out of context with the threads theme, they are banned.
BTW, let’s add Search Engine World to the list along with WMW as these forums are the route cause of lot’s of spam 🙂
Why do I get the feeling that my smartass remark will morph itself into one of the worst ideas ever proposed on Matt’s blog? 😛
Oh yeah, and I’d like to add . I’m getting tired of seeing that talentless bitch on every newsstand in the country, so her site getting banned would be fair trade. 🙂
do you really get to the office at 10? 🙂 this guy (thomas) is not believe in team working or is kidding in a funny way. I liked his “BETA” version remark on the site!
by the way, hope you’ve experienced a good vacation,
LOL @ Nintendo 😀
So Matt is back, and no-one won my ‘spot the Cutts’ competition yipee.
Oh, hang on I guess no one won because no-one knew asI posted it in the private area of a forum.
Damn I will get the hang of this web marketing thang one day 🙂
WB Matt, glad you bought her flowers, and tidied up a little. Next thing we know you will be cooking cleaning dusting, and that is the slippery slope to wearing a gimp suit and being kept in a box 🙂
Be a mna and next time she ask you to make her feel like a woman, take your shirt off, throw it at her and say ‘iron that’ 🙂
OWG has to stop typing now as his wife has come back into the office and he doesn’t want to make her angry. The box is a dark place ;0
Hey Matt,
Hope you’re having a good holiday and avoiding SEO as much as possible. I used to be in the field, and followed your blog pretty closely (of course). I’ve left to pursue the fine art of journalism, though, and have been watching, of late, the progress of AT&T’s attempt to gut the Net Neutrality clause, specifically citing Google as one of the main “evils” to take advantage of this law. They are undertaking massive research and polls throughout the nation, cold-calling every dim-witted senior who has never come near an HTTPS in their life and convincing them (quite easily) to call thier Senator and tell them to stop Net Neutrality.
I am wondering what, if anything, you guys (or anyone else) is doing to combat this disgusting attempt to take control of public bandwidth.
Again, have a good vacation.
Hi Matt,
Welcome back! Now that you are back in the office, perhaps you (or anyone else out there) would look into a big concern of mine regarding the Google Adwords system.
…and I’ve been counting on a solution for months now!
A cry for help – Adword abusers are poisoning the Google Adwords system.
I recently started 2 Google Adword campaigns, one for a product targeted towards ‘pets/dogs’, and the other targeted towards ‘electronics’.
While I was researching possible keywords I often checked the keywords in Google to see the competing Adwords, and to my disappointment I was often finding Adwords which direct to pages with more Google Ads! Let me give you two examples to explain what I am getting at (the second being the most distressing).
Example 1:
Type the keyword: ‘Pets’ or ‘Poodle’ into Google and look for an Adword on the right with a domain (, they normally look something like this:
We’ve Found the Top 4 Sites about
Example 2 (prime example):
Type the keyword “electric magnet” into Google and you will find that of the 8 Adwords on the first page, only 2 are relevant!!
Sites like: Seekful, Wisegeek, Netsbest, SourceTool, 8BestSites, 4BestSites, BestIndustrialSites are all capitalizing on the Adwords/Adsense system, and causing all sorts of problems for Google, its advertisers, and its searchers. Hasn’t everyone seen these Adwords by now… hasn’t Google??
Doesn’t everyone hate these Adwords… doesn’t Google??
How can Google let this happen, isn’t Google all for relevance, don’t they have a strict link policy for people using the Adwords system??
The other 6 sites advertising are just sites with more Google Ads, hoping to make a profit from a visitor clicking on the ads on their site.
I as a hopeful advertiser using the Google Adwords system now have to:
(A) Compete with these useless irrelevant ads
(B) Deal with the fact that people searching are losing faith in Adwords altogether
There are many other types of Adwords doing this… they pay the minimum bid price for a keyword and then direct the person who clicks to another page with more Google ads, just so that they can make a profit when the visitor clicks again.
This in fact is Google shooting themselves in the foot! If this is allowed to continue, people searching Google are going to lose faith in the adwords on the right side altogether, and in turn: less people are going to click, and less people are going to advertise on the Adwords system.
But if Google fixes the problem, then the relevance of the Adwords will increase, more people will click, and more advertisers (with real products/services) will bid on Adwords.
Matt, I only hope that you or some out there who has some sort of an influence can look into this problem and cause it to be resolved! Otherwise it will be too late – it will collapse.
Live long King Google!
South Africa
p.s. By the way, I love the Google Checkout idea… Well done!
Who the heck is Matt Cutts anyhow?
Hi matt and welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your time off and were able to stoke your engines! Looks as though the wolves are at the door already. Man, I pity you sometimes. Its a good thing you have broad shoulders! 🙂
Thanks for your comment re: D.B. at WmW. It was great to finally meet him. I’m feeling a bit lost without him though.
But you seem to like him in your blog.. And you link to him. Wise ass.
hello matt,
welcome back…. 🙂
who is matt cutts??? how can you ask that!!!! he is one from Google 😀
Hi Matt,
On the 27th of June Google threw some kind of switch, which, on all but a small handful of datacenters, caused an immediate and crippling reduction in the ranking position of all pages from certain websites (including ours). On average our pages dropped around 40 or fifty positions (e.g. from slot 2 to slot 52).
From the forums, it seems that this change affected a large number of sites simultaneously. From what I can see, it seems that the SERPs remain largely unchanged, with the exception that around 5-10% of sites have been surgically penalised with artificially low rankings. Our own UK-specific pages, for example, now rank well below considerably less relevant pages from Russia, Germany, and so on (where even the language is wrong).
My best guess is that this is some kind of Spam filter run amok. In our sector, it’s almost as if any site that hasn’t yet been specifically white-listed is now considered Spam and given a 90% page rank penalty. We have already submitted a re-inclusion request, but I understand that this may take several weeks to be processed.
I would be very grateful for any information you could provide about this or for any suggestions about how we could best expedite a resolution.
Many thanks,
Indeed – as everyone says – welcome back Matt!
Without you around, …..well to be honest we coped fine. But, it must be said, your blog just isn’t the same without you. 😉
All the best,
Sorry – forgot to mention,…
Happy Independance Day!
Hello Mr. matt cutts,
Glad to know that you are returning back to work . Hope you enjoyed your vacation.
I know that there’s a site indexing problem going on, specially with sites that link to non related websites. However my website is not linking to any such website and still google has not indexed it even “once”. To make situation even worse, when I search for the domain name, google displays a suggestion “did you mean to search for businessbase”, which is not the case here.
There is only 1 outgoing link which is to the website designers who programmed the site. At the bottom.
I have contacted google quite a number of times but haven’t got a response except the automated reply email.
Please do help.
Welcome back Matt
I hope you enjoyed the technical break in the wilderness.
Is Adam back on deck as well as I haven’t seen him on the boards for a while ?
That is exactly what I am saying, too many people who complain do not have the basics right….
Jeff, I agree. It’s sad that the Webmasters who only come here to moan and bitch assume Google is at fault and not their site in some way. I bet 90% haven’t even bothered to check their site, or read the Google guidelines.
Unfortunately, the more who use Matts blog for their *own problems* will end up spoiling it for all. Matt will become more & more reluctant to give us any feedback on Google as all he gets back is off-topic bithchings.
I don’t know about that, Dave. If I were Matt, and probably if you were, I’d turn around and tell the masses to stick it up their ass just on the basis of the negativity.
Buuuuuuuuut…that’s one of those things that some people tend to get used to. It just rolls off them like water off a duck’s back. Matt’s smart enough to understand that the bitching about Google isn’t bitching at him personally…he’s just one cog in the machine.
Isn’t that shocking, kids? Matt doesn’t personally control all aspects of Big G, nor is he responsible for the individual ranking and/or indexing of specific sites…although he may well have a form of advanced reverse-DNS that would allow him to geotarget an IP to within 500 feet of its actual destination. Blackhats and people with something to hide, please stop reading this blog and surround your homes and places of businesses in tinfoil NOW! Block the evil Mattellite! HURRY!
(That oughta get rid of some spammers and create some real fun conspiracy theories. 😀 )
Always please the wife before dropping back into old frustrating habits, smart!
Welcome home Mr. Cutts.
Most of the people that actually give comments (angry ones or not), are actually offering quality feedback..
Or should Google only respond to feeback from Brett and other high class players ? Or what ?
Altough some people exagerate, they all bring their small contribution. Please don’t forget that that 5 billion page website was removed only after Adam read a damn story in Threadwatch .. It’s speculation I know, but they had 3 weeks to remove it…
Finally, this blog was updated. So, where is the place of your vacation, Matt? Borneo’s forest? then you can not plug your laptop or even your cell phone?
Google for cheap nokia cell phones – look at all those spam sites in the top results.
Aaron Pratt Said,
“Always please the wife before dropping back into old frustrating habits, smart!”
In fact Matt hasn’t done serious attempts to please Mrs. Cutts. Otherwise he would have lost some weight. What do they “feed” them at Googleplex? Fat rich food 5 times a day 🙂
Sorry, Matt. Could resist the temptation 🙂
RE: ” Matt’s smart enough to understand that the bitching about Google isn’t bitching at him personally…he’s just one cog in the machine”
Oh I know that. Trouble is, Matt offers feedback which is his personal take, not as a paid ‘Google employee’. If all that happens each time he offers feedback he is bombarded with HIGHLY bias off-topic bitching he will start to wonder why he evens bothers. It’s human nature to NOT place oneself in the firing line by choice.
RE: “Most of the people that actually give comments (angry ones or not), are actually offering quality feedback..”
I dissagree, especially when you say “Most of the people” and “quality feedback”. Feedback from Webmasters is one thing and likely good, but HIGHLY bias bitching is of no use to anyone, including Google themselves. Besides, Matt can get better feedback by reading SEO forums.
I think most tend to forget that Google’s main customers are its searchers and not Webmasters. Webmasters only make up a minute % of Google’s customers and combined with the fact most have bias personal agendas, their “feedback” is likely taken with a bag of salt.
It was a productive Friday
Isn’t that an oxymoron? 🙂
yes i am a wise ass – i admit it its true …….. thanks for making me see the light
welsome back matt hope you are rested, i need a holiday now but im only taking 4 days……
SEO is bailing out: According to a leading German computer magazine, one of the major German SEO sells his entire business in an eBay auction. Looks like you did a good job, Matt 🙂
Press artice (in German)
eBay auction
(Dave Original) – You interest me, you kiss ass – theres is definately some loving going on between you and Matt !!! Maybe just from your side… And out of interest what is your site(s) urls ?
Agreed, I have looked at a lot of sites from people who complained about “dopped pages” In almost every case the people who were complaining had missed those webmaster 101 classes…..
I really love the comments about how people have unique titles and meta tags, then you go to their site and see they have no meta tags….
Most of the sites are good in content, but the simple mistakes kill them.
Instead of Matt saying “go get more links, etc” to improve your site, the first thing should be fix your html. 99% of the time the issue is the html. Once your html is fixed, then go get links, change your meta’s, etc…
So many people just bitch about it and make it googles fault when 90% of the time its their own fault.
Hi Matt
Great to have you back – I thought you were a gonner there!
Any idea when the next PageRank update’s due? (I had it in my diary for 23 June!)
Welcome back! Now spill the beans.
Welcome back Matt! I was excited to see your feed this morning on my Google homepage 🙂
Did you get to read any of the book suggestions?
Well that may be true but the proper place to discuss such issues would be directly with Google, not aiming all Google issues at Matt like a target on a practice range.
The sad fact is that you CAN’T really discuss these issues with Google so Matt has unwittingly become the whipping boy for the entire search engine and everyone jumps on the bandwagon to push their own agenda.
I just think Matt’s kind of a cool guy with an interesting job and enjoy reading about his trials and tribulations running the gauntlet in the big corporation as I’ve been there, done that, glad I’m not doing it anymore.
However, I can still enjoy small doses of corporate chaos vicariously thru Matt 😉
Seriously now, how many of these people would even be on Matt’s blog if he didn’t work for Google and they didn’t have an agenda?
Just wait and see how many “friends” are left when he jumps ship and his only claim to fame was “I used to work at Google” as that calling card wears off quickly.
Sorry for my previous post here. I didn’t knew that my request could spoil the content and purpose of the blog.
Please accept my sincere appology. I appoligise.
I am no spammer who goes on posting url’s on others blog,(I was under the impression that blogs use rel=nofollow for comments.), it’s just I have been waiting mere “first indexing” for the last 2 months and thought could find some help here.
I do want to thank matt cutts for making all this valuable information available on this blog.
Congratulations on the successful launch of bigdaddy software and sincerely wishing the best.
>>Agreed, I have looked at a lot of sites from people who complained about >>“dopped pages” In almost every case the people who were complaining >>had missed those webmaster 101 classes…..
Nonsence.There are probably more than thousand “innocent” sites that has been affected by d-day 27june.Thats are not new sites but the sites with good reputation, unique content and all teh sties older than 4-5 years.
>>I really love the comments about how people have unique titles and >>meta tags, then you go to their site and see they have no meta tags….
>>Most of the sites are good in content, but the simple mistakes kill them.
Simple mistakes does not kill them for sure.Maybe its better to say that simple “google algorithm experiment” mistake kill them.
>>Instead of Matt saying “go get more links, etc” to improve your site, the >>first thing should be fix your html. 99% of the time the issue is the html. >>Once your html is fixed, then go get links, change your meta’s, etc…
Do you know that 90% of the website do not have validate html including google website self.
>>So many people just bitch about it and make it googles fault when 90% >>of the time its their own fault.
If the all older website (older than 4-5 years) affected by 27june didnt change almost anything in the last 5 years and then they suddenly dissapeared from google (for the first time) then you can make conclusion that it is probably google fault and not from webmasters.
I’ll stay if Matt legally changes his name to Inigo Montoya and posts about his adventures walking around with a broadsword all up and down the left coast. Just please, Matt, no fur thong. Those things are just wrong.
RE: “So many people just bitch about it and make it googles fault when 90% of the time its their own fault.”
I would go as high as 95% 🙂
LOL @ Richie (ass), your childish immature personal attacks have been purposely ignored. If you ever think of some semi-intelligent to say, I’m willing to listen.
Yours truly
The Donkey (ass) kisser 🙂
welcome back Matt, hope to read your posts the next couple of days.
Welcome back, Matt. Looking forward to hearing your take on the new Pay Per Post service that’s surfaced that’s been creating some seriously negative buzz among blog purists.
I agree, that’s wrong…
I can only speak for myself..
I read Matt’s blog exactly because he is an important Google spokesperson and key public element. If he didn’t worked for Google it’s a 99% probability that I didn’t linked to his blog or read it.
I am absolutely sure that even if he didn’t was a Google employee, his friends would’ve been glad to read the blog. It’s a natural flow of things.
I have to agree. I myself have websites 6-7 years old, that I haven’t touched in ages (not off-site, not on-site) and which now have 10% of their pages. Something is wrong in the current indexing patterns and that’s a fact.
Dave (Original) –
If I dont have anything semi-intelligent say ! I visit this blog for news and to see whats going on, I dont usually comment because I dont feel a need to and I dont leave links to my site on blogs like most of the people on here, as you dont either.
However, you seem to be the centre of all the “bitching” on this blog, example last week with Viera.
So just out of interest I would like to see what you do and if you are as good as you you “bitch”. Or are you too big headed and arrogant like most yanks.
RE: “I dont have anything semi-intelligent say”
Aint that the truth!
You make a LOT of erronous ass-umptions don’t you.
As much as I’d like to see what Dave does as well, I wouldn’t call him out on it. I’d personally rather he kept his interests as academic as they appear to be. He’s clearly not here to self-promote, so at least when he says something, it appears to be in the best interests of those concerned. His only mistake (sorry Dave, but I gotta call you out on this) is that he has a tendency to lean toward “genericism”, as do most people who believe in a message. Mind you, it’s difficult sometimes to provide specific examples and answers to things when all of the information isn’t available.
But as far as his work goes, why would or should he show it to you, if you don’t afford him the same consideration? You’re doing the same thing to him that he’s doing to you. I’m not saying he should or shouldn’t do it…I’m just saying that if you want him to step up, you should be prepared to as well.
The same thing goes for anyone who makes statements anonymously. It’s very easy to armchair quarterback when no one knows who you are (Viera, this Bud’s for you). It’s a whole different animal when everyone does.
RE: “His only mistake (sorry Dave, but I gotta call you out on this) is that he has a tendency to lean toward “genericism”, as do most people who believe in a message. Mind you, it’s difficult sometimes to provide specific examples and answers to things when all of the information isn’t available.”
How dare you! 🙂 You’re correct though. However, in my defence, it’s not easy trying to second guess what a problem might be when I don’t even know what the site is.
IMO, all ANYONE needs to do is read the damn Google Webmaster Guidelines and adhere to them. Soooooo many though seem to think that the link scheme *they* are part of is either Google proof, or take the “it wont happen to me attitude”.
There was a nice long Thread as that spammy DP the other day where all were wondering why most sites in a new link scheme (not the coop spam) were dropping. Even after they were told that their “link scheme” was likely the cause, they simply went into denial. In fact, when one user pointed out to them WAS outside the Google guidelines, he was labeled the usual names like “troll”, “holier than though” and a bunch of other personal attacks.
Only 2 days ago I got an email from a link spammer who was willing to pay me quite a sum for me to join their silly link scheme. I told them outright that it’s quite clear they are trying to buy/pass PR and are NOT dealing in advertising at all. I did not want to be in their “link network” and be ascociated with their “bad neighborhoods”.
It’s unfortunate by too many site owners think short term gain without considering the ascociated long term pain.
Matt is my man, for sure! 🙂
Welcome back!
Andi – quiet blog reader
Hi Matt, Next year you will be able visit Poland, plane tickets are not a lot 🙂
Welcome back. Glad you had a good vacation!
Cool! Where are you planning to go next year ?
really nice to hear matts, have a great week end.
Please visit india once, its sure you have a big fan
Next time you can visit south east asia like Indonesia, malaysia, thailand, etc.
welcome back
I daily visit and wait for your return. Now you are back Welcome