Someone on ThreadWatch asked why I’m using WordPress instead of Blogger. Here’s the scoop. I was at a WebmasterWorld pub conference a while ago talking to a moderator there, and he said “Matt, you need to run your own site if you really want to get a true webmaster perspective.” That lodged in my mind for a while, and the same person mentioned it again at the most recent pubcon in New Orleans.
So I finally decided to get my act together and do a site. I decided to learn as much as I could. I already use Blogger at work, so I’m familiar with it and wanted to try something new. Typepad looked really nice, and I signed up for a while because of the domain mapping, but if you want to have normal content and Typepad on different parts of the site, it’s a little difficult (I do like the idea of central hosting to manage things for you though–no messy installation). Blosxom is pretty awesome, but it also takes some work to assemble things like comments. After looking around a bit, I decided to give WordPress a try. It installed fairly easily and it has served me well for all 4-5 posts so far. đŸ™‚
Should Matt be using Blogger on this site? The short answer is nope. I know how to use Blogger, and the idea here is for me to learn. I might give Movable Type or other stuff a try eventually. But unless I fumble around, make a few mistakes, and fall down sometimes, I’m not getting the most out of it. For example, it turns out the making a pretty site is kinda hard. Especially if you’re like me and you have the design sense of a moose.