The end of the year is a perfect time to think about goals. Did you get done what you wanted in 2012? What do you want to accomplish in 2013? Instead of setting year-long goals, I’m a big fan of trying out new things for a month at a time:
This month I’m going to try to unplug from Twitter and most news. I’m also going to cut down on replying to email.
I’m going to start out with a week without internet. Harper Reed called it a “reading vacation” and I can’t wait to curl up with a few books.
Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn or try? Why not give it a shot for 30 days and see how it goes?
If you end up appearing in a GoogleWebmasterHelp video this week, people are going to think you’re lying. Precorded my a$$! I declare shenanigans in advance!
My goals in 2013, talk to more humans rather than machine. Build face to face relationship.
Do it Matt! This time year everyone is allowed just a little bit of downtime.
If I didn’t rely on the internet to run my business then I would say I could do it, but as I do then it’s impossible for me.
Not Once…
Not Twice…
Not Three Times….
Not Four Times and more….
Over a fucking domain, you don’t even want anymore……
Ah I forgive you no use holding on to hate. Its a negative vibration and I have had more than enough of that from you.
Karma sorts these things out.
I will not be the first and won’t be the last this happens too.
I have made positive changes from the experience…….have you?
I survived and you can try and hit me down again but I will survive that as well.
There are some things you try for 7 days or 30 days that stay with you for a long time. I would estimate staying off the internet is not one of them. 🙂
I would like to challenge you to try a Vegan diet for a month if you haven’t done this already. This one I tried and decided to stick to it and haven’t had any regrets.
I like the idea of the reading vacation by I’m not sure I can do that and run my internet business quite yet, but it is a goal I will strive to do by next year!
Matt, that is an AWESOME picture! Congrads on Ted.
A guy who works as hard as you definitely needs a break! Since I changed careers to I.T in 2007, I have struggled to pull myself away from a P.C or laptop. I should take a leaf out of your book and enjoy the outdoors, like I did once upon a time ago – I should reacquaint myself with the places I traveled throughout New Zealand and Australia all those years ago (you should definitely come down under for a holiday).
It is definitely good to have a break from technology every now and then – it has helped us tremendously with sharing information and learning, but at the time become so invasive that it can be hard to escape for a break.
I hope you have a good break Matt :).
Great video Matt, I would like to try this sometime however running an online business makes this difficult! Look forward to some more posts from you.
I don’t think I can disconnect…it might be an addiction. I once broke an addiction to lip balms and that was painful. Chocolate has been a whole different story – I didn’t think it could be done but somehow I managed. The Internet though? And Facebook? I’m just not so sure. I like your 30-day idea since “they” say it only takes 21 days to form a habit. I’m “eating clean” for 7 weeks thanks to a contest I stupidly signed up for after the holiday gluttony but that seems a little excessive and extreme so I have decided to take a vacation right in the middle of the contest! Like one of your other commenters said, some things are just not sustainable.
If you find any good books on your reading vacation, please share! Something else new I am trying this year..the Nook from B&N.
Great idea, I will try
It is really great to see you on TED talks Matt. You are inspiring as always. Keep up the good work.
I withdraw my comments here please delete, It’s easy to blame other people and in part that is true but I should have been stronger and reacted better. I take responsibility from now on.
So I finally came out of self indulgence and watched your video. I loved it, and I mean that. It’s a great philosophy, kinda like a bucket list for those without a terminal disease.
The fact you wrote a novel in 30 days was incredible, the fact it was awful made me laugh out loud.
I am trying to take back control over my life and the video I found inspirational.
In my opinion, the most important thing when you have a job, it is enough to provide compensation. It is important to have a hobby, that has nothing to do with the job.
So I think, a week witout internet, ist the best you can do.
Hi Matt!
Trying a new schedule for a month sounds like a great idea. If we achieve something significant then we can continue doing that for some more time or say till our goal is achieved and we fail, we can always start a new schedule.
I am still wondering if you could successfully keep yourself away from internet for a week. :p