I’m looking for some more spam reports. Not in the comments on my blog; please use Google’s spam report form. I’m especially looking for Chinese/Japanese/Korean spam. Oh, and any sites that consist mostly of English keyword stuffing would be nice too. No special keywords are needed, but feel free to put “cjk” on any Chinese/Japanese/Korean spam reports, or “keyword stuffing” if you’re pointing out sites that are, you know, keyword stuffing. Just right in the description is fine–thanks.
Thanks Matt, we will sure do that. How about german??? What would we write for that??? Regards, Roger
Hi Matt,
I’m surprised there isn’t a report spam button on the Google toolbar. I use the report spam button in my Gmail all the time. I’m sure I could get into the habit of using it on the web. Is there too much abuse potential or something?
Thanks, Jamie.
Just one question
Are these fields always necessary?
– Exact query that shows a problem (copy this from the Google search box)
– Resulting Google page that shows problem (copy the Google URL)
Why do you don´t give any feedback to the BigDaddy Supplemental / pages lost problem?
Hello Matt,
what about Spanish SPAM? I have been sending SPAM reports for this language (about 15-20) in the last month and have not seen any changes. The only changes I could appreciate was that some pages lost some positiones, but due to better positioning of other pages, not because of a penalty.
Your are making a great job with this blog!
No doubt it is poor work and pretty retro. Comment stuffing went our years ago.
My point is, there are samples of keyword stuffing out there that actually stuff the words on the page, in off page layers, etc. Comments are not used for any thing so that person could pull the comment junk off and it would not effect their rank one way or another.
I personally think Google needs stay focused on rcatching real spammers not Webmasters who just don’t know any better.
SpamHound, yes, I fully agree….. And I believe they do….
Dumb question: there is a company (fairly well known) which spams blogs, including mine, for backlinks. Where do I report them? To their host, the regular Google Spam report or elsewhere? (it’s not a blogger blog)
Hi Matt
Very glad to see WebSpam Team going now after “keyword stuffing” !
However, maybe you wish to add “keyword stuffing” to spam reporting list on http://www.google.com/contact/spamreport.html
Type(s) of problem (check all that apply):
Hidden text or links
Misleading or repeated words
Page does not match Google’s description
Cloaked page
Deceptive redirects
Doorway pages
Duplicate site or pages
Other (specify)
Nice to see the onslaught continues!
May I ask how well you feel Google is faring against CSS off page keyword stuffing – it’s come up several times lately.
Been doing this for months. Hoping to actually see some results. I’m still seeing some basic things such as doorway pages working
I think the biggest problem is that people are just buying old sites with lots of links or renting space on good sites and ranking for stuff. Also java redirects are wokring to cloak. This is such old stuff I wish Google would clean it up.
Matt for the blogger.com team:
Now that my blog is better established I’m seeing a lot of comment spam on old postings. A nice feature would be something to make it easy to delete those while preserving the real comments (WordPress is great for this).
Yes, this Public Witch Hunt is so rude. What a shame.
Is it that the Google algo are not able to determine keyword stuffing any more? Here is the formula:
– kw density = (kw count)/(total words count)
– if (kw count >threshold1) && (kw density >threshold2) then kw stuffing 😉
[quote]I doubt Google is going to take action on keyword stuffed comment tags since those are not used for anything any way.[/quote]
I’m not just commenting on the comment tags at the top of the page of bluelazerdesign. Check out the alt tags… for their “corner” gifs. If this doesn’t look like keyword stuffing… I don’t know what is…:
alt=”Columbus, Ohio, website, designers, services,hosting,Web Site Design,Web Site Placement,Web designers,business plan, business plans, internet marketing, marketing plans, business marketing,artistic designers, search engines,search engine optimization,webpage designers,interactive,internet consultants,ecommerce,artistic,galleries,art gallery,online art,real-time website designers, Columbus, webdesign, website, designers, hosting, ecommerce, OH, webdesign, Ohio web design, webmaster,web designers, web developers, web design, how to, free, where to start” (all for a 28 by 22 corner image).
I think that is a little over board for all four corner gifs. I understand having good keyword density but it should come from normal onscreen readable text. Aren’t the guidelines:
1 Avoid hidden text or hidden links.
2 Don’t load pages with irrelevant words.
3 Don’t create multiple pages, subdomains, or domains with substantially duplicate content.
4 Avoid “doorway” pages created just for search engines, or other “cookie cutter” approaches such as affiliate programs with little or no original content.
I have reported several sites that use redirects that you described in a post a while back and on that I reported yesterday ONLY had 71,000 pages but today thay have Results 1 – 10 of about 131,000 from 71pkjrDOTinfo
Now what type of response to a spamreport is that? I have reported several sites that are using just numbered subdomains with one page in the subdomain and the redirectoting and it seems to be more and more propular and I don’t get why Google doesn’t go after these sites that span the index…. as far as I have seen in the last few days there are over a million pages that could have been removed instantly and that is just for 3-4 sites…
To me these sites are just a waste of time and should be removed ASAP
One question:
As you may already noticed i’m speaking in behalf of some portuguese news sites related to gaming that are having some trouble in visitors numbers for a while (since BigDaddy started to run).
One thing as crossed our mind.
There are more then two dozens of websites (mostly blogs) that copy full contents of our sites. Brazilian, Angolan, Mozambique, etc. Could BD be penalizing us for detecting duplicate content in diferent URLs?
We can’t do much to avoid this, since we’re a major source of gaming news in portuguese.
RE: “You are not harming a site – you are harming real-live Human Beings”
No, they are harming spammers who in turn ARE the ones hurting real-live Human Beings by taking their SERP position with unethical practices.
The more spammers that are outed the better IMO.
Couldn’t agree with you more Dave.
Believe it or not, i spent the last 3 hours filling spam reports, in a total of 68.
I see it grow everyday. I use a benchmark search “jogos ps2” (ps2 games), and the only site with useful content was on #74. The others were mostly (90%) spam directories (some using overture, others using google), highly filled with AdWords and using keyword stuffing and bunch nonsense text with sensible keywords.
I got pissed, and i filled them all. Prolly as useless as giving pearls to pigs, but you never know…
“””””””””””Believe it or not, i spent the last 3 hours filling spam reports, in a total of 68.”””””””””””””
Mac…it’s people like you that probably ruin the whole spam reporting form. So many times I hear of people reporting obvious spammers and nothing ever happens to them. Why? Because people like you submit ALL of your competitors. You mentioned reporting 68 sites …. I bet a few of them might be worthy of reporting meaning the rest just wastes the guys who read these messages time.
Look, I agree obvious spammers should be reported. But only if it’s super black hat spamming. Otherwise just quit crying and start focusing on your site. Keep adding content and get relevant sites to link to your site and you won’t have to worry about spammers.
Dave Said,
March 10, 2006 @ 6:50 pm
RE: “You are not harming a site – you are harming real-live Human Beings”
No, they are harming spammers who in turn ARE the ones hurting real-live Human Beings by taking their SERP position with unethical practices.
The more spammers that are outed the better IMO.
I agree but either Google doesnt have time or the ability to address all these issues or just doesnt care. Its one thing to talk a good game but its another to produce.
I whine about some of my competitors but not all. When you see spamming and report it I personally believe if it is on topic, Google could care less if they are spamming or it is a crap shoot as to whether the offending site is penalized.
None of us are angels, we all are recovering spammers in one form or another, its just that some get breaks when they spam and others dont. You decide which category you are in.
Matt, I have always wondered: Does Google have people out routinely surfing the top X,XXX search terms looking for spammers? Is Google entirely (or mostly) dependant on spam reports?
I would be interested in knowing some of the ways that Google works to proactively deal with spam issues (besides the obvious post-spam algo adjustments).
I didn’t explained myself properly.
I compiled all in the same spam report. Explaining why the site was misleading and what SEO exploits it was using, FOR EACH SITE.
RE: “Google could care less if they are spamming or it is a crap shoot as to whether the offending site is penalized.”
I think they do care a LOT as spam is more harmful to Google than any other single issue.
My guess (that’s all we can do) is most spam is accounted for in the algo and as such, most spammy tricks are simply ignored and NOT used to determing SERP position. It’s only when the algo cannot cope that manual intervention is required.
I not sure why, but most that see a spammy page in page 1 of the SERPs automatically assume the spammy trick(s) IS/ARE the reason for the page position.
AFAIK, spam reports are used to better the algo and would rarely directly see the site/page banned.
Isn’t this spam request just a sign that google are unable to program out spammers and crammers? My god, I thought they are meant to be the most technologically advanced search engine in the world … and they’re left relying on inter-industry back-stabbing to solve the problem.
I question the worth of us all sending in spam reports. You didn’t act on the last batch that I sent … and they were all excrutiatingly obvious spammers … why should I waste my time again ? Banning BMW.de for only a couple of days was a really cheap show and IMHO not an act worthy of the company that I used to admire so much. Please Please Please give us something to be proud of again … Col 🙁
I comply with Dave
Why should a site be removed from the index?
Less or more devaluating a site and follow the actions of these sites is just one way to create the opportunity to detect more and more unfamiliar ways getting (back) in the SERP’s. It’s like a product selling it self.
Hi Matt,
I have reported some cases under the term cjk.
And what about this one !
[code] www dot vidr dot jp [/code]
Disable CSS styles.
You’re starting to sound a little bit like a stamp collector now Matt. Please don’t tell me you go to parties and bore everyone with your collection of rare web spam from round the world. :-p
Hi Matt,
What about spam in languages other than CJK? Should we wait for our turn to report spam, say, in Turkish language?
I’m quite happy to hear about google now is taking action on spam of asian languages. I hope google has a good detecting algrithm for aisan langauges.
off topic:
In google news portal, is it possible to recognize different character sets? Usually I use english google news portal,but when I direct type in chinese and “search news”, it usually turn out ‘none’. So first you have to switch language and then search. This is not a good usabilty friend interface.
Take a look at this:
I’ve got apple.com at number two on a volkswagen query
I kind of agree with what Search-Engines-Web said. This does look like a public witch hunt. I´m not against Google, in fact I like the google search engine and way of doing business a lot. But,…. isn’t asking for spam reports showing not being able to find bad sites on your own?
Why is it so difficult to find spam sites anyway? All you have to do is write an algorithm (for lack of a better word) that detects certain types of spam. Every time Matt showed a spam example, all he had to do was show a picture and it was clear to the whole world the site was spamming. Shouldn’t be so difficult to turn it in an algorithm. After that you just need a bunch of people to check all the red flagged sites.
Maybe it´s just a matter of marketing,. 🙂 Allow the public the feeling they have some control and they will follow you,… where ever you go,. 🙂
Peter (Brane), how are you going to create an algorithm to detect spam without getting examples of all the different types of spam first?
It looks good to act tough, but why are so many reported cases of spam and hidden text etc, just ignored?
I reported a quite well known directory for hidden text, and was anything done? What do you think?
To be fair, I think Google are low on staff, given the length of time it has taken lately to respond to enquiries. However, just ignoring spam reports goes aginst their propaganda.
We appreciate what you are trying to do by asking for spam reports, but looking at the forums, there seem to be a lot of irrate webmasters, who are losing both business and staff due to the ongoing problems associated with supplementals.
It seems that many webmasters are becoming dissilusioned with the length of time it is taking to deal with this, unless this is how the SERP’s will continue to show, and in that case, people should be made aware of the fact that Google have decided on the current results as the way forward.
Many are aware of the changes in infrastructure, but meanwhile, laying people off work, losing business, and not knowing the future of the SERP’s, is creating a lot of unease and tension.
I include ‘reader offers’ on my blog (e.g. http://www.stephennewton.com/2006/03/faster-internet-broadband-or-dial-up.html) along with other advertising. All advertising is clearly labelled and every page on the blog explains my advertising policy (e.g. http://www.stephennewton.com/#paid) along with links to example reader offers for clarity. (Of 699 entries in the blog, no more than 30 are reader offers; less than five per cent!)
Even though I’m careful to place relevant keywords in reader offers, I don’t believe I’m guilty of keyword stuffing. Everything is perfectly ‘human readable’ and makes sense. I never hide text or links.
Nevertheless, earlier this week my blog fell out of Google, so I’ve had to file a ‘reinclusion request’. The reader offers are the only element I can think of that may have caused this. The Guardian newspaper (UK’s most successful on the internet) also runs reader offers (http://www.guardianoffers.co.uk/mall/departmentpage.cfm/guardian) and they’re in Google.
I know that Google is under no obligation to act consistently or methodically, but it would be nice if they did.
Hey Matt,
I’ve been reporting a list of 20-30 sites for keyword stuffing from chinese sites, they’ve been removed, and then decided to go with stealing content from other sites that are ranking well. They adjust the keyphrases and etc and they’re off to ranking well again.
Here’s a sample.
8 out of 10 pages are chinese spammers.
Matt, with regard to CJK SPAM, this site, http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200510/200510180020.html, is pure SPAM. Dont miss where at the top how they make a version of this site in all 3 languages to boot.
John Colascione,
About the apple com result for the volkswagen search, this happens when some folks do a little bowling.
From Googles cache of the apple.com home page results for that search.
These terms only appear in links pointing to this page: volkswagen
The overseas indexes are chock full of spam so no shortage of opportunity for a Spam Killa. When do we officially rename this blog to eval.mattcuts.com ? 🙂
Matt has said himself that the algo. is like a child, some times it is brilliant while other times it is clueless.
The repair needs to be done to the algo. and I think this is their focus.
If they tweak it and the result is millions of spam sites dropping off the charts it would be much quicker than manually looking into individual complaints.
So you might be whining that nothing was done when in reality something will eventually be done.
Dude, the more you rant and rave and babble on, the more incoherent and funnier you get.
What about the harm Real Live Human Beings do to the user experience by employing tactics they wouldn’t otherwise use, simply to satisfy their own desires for more traffic?
What about the harm that Real Live Human Beings do to the businesses that the engines operate by continually trying to find ways to screw with the engines in unethical ways such as those described above?
If a business tries anything blackhat and they get screwed, well, too bad so sad for them. They’re not getting any sympathy from this end of the equation.
I’m curious about the request for keyword stuffing spam. From the beginning, the Google algo has devalued each instance of a word on a page, until any further instances are worthless. At least that’s what B&P published. Keyword stuffing has been taken care of from the start, so why the request for it now? Maybe that bit of the algo has changed since the beginning, but surely not to the extent that more and more instances of a word on a page adds more and more scoring points for it, ad infinitum.
Perhaps you are looking for a particular kind of keyword stuffing, Matt, such as where keywords and phrases are inserted into text, so that the text no longer makes any sense. Maybe you should be clearer about what you are looking for.
It’s not that it’s difficult to find [b]a[/b] spam site. It’s that it’s difficult to find [b]every permutation, combination, manipulation and bastardization[/b] of spam techniques.
This is in no way a fault of any engine, be it Google, MSN, Yahoo! or anyone else. This is the fault of a relatively small percentage of society (and let’s be real here, spammers don’t exactly make up large chunks of the population) who believe that the end justifies the means when it pertains to this type of thing. So it’s up to us to help point out the stuff we see that someone like Matt can’t (no offense, Matt, but you can’t be omnipotent.)
The problem with the whole theory is that everything appears to be dealt with using the algo as opposed to getting rid of the spammer first and then figuring out ways to block others using the same techniques after.
One thing the whole bmw.de situation taught us is that firing off a warning shot into the air, using a site as a public example like that, does have an impact and does create a buzz. People were talking about the whole BMW.de site fiasco for weeks afterward. And chances are, it had a trickle-down effect: some of the people trying the same technique may well have been scared straight. Obviously not all of them would, but some of them would. So it served a purpose.
By the way, Mac’s right on that “jogos PS2” search. I don’t speak much Spanish, but I do know how to spell “Novedades” (and what it means). That’s almost as bad as “i90 ringtones” was and still is.
Maybe that’s the way Google could go about dealing with it: find the scum phrases and knock those bastards out algorithmically.
By the way, that Blue Laser Design site is a riot.
So where would I get a nearly square monitor to look at their site? Oh wait, I know. I’ll just take my 19″ with the 4:3 aspect ratio and bash the sides in with a sledgehammer. That should be okay. 🙂
Personally, I think they should be banned just on the basis of natural selection. I consulted Charles Darwin via the Ouija board, and he agreed that any professional web design company using Front Page should be rendered obsolete by the process of evolution. DIE, you WYSIWYG scum!
As far as the keyword stuffing goes, I actually know of one at least as bad (or worse). They’re not getting a link from me, but it’s frynge dawt cawm for those who want to check it out.
View the source, and you may be reminded of a Johnny Cash song: “I’ve been everywhere, man…I’ve been everywhere, man…”
I’t’s very easy to get rid of 80% of the spam on the Internet right now, shut down the vast majority of Google Adsense sites. If that isn’t the single greatest source of spam and utter garbage on the Internet the pyramids never existed. Also quit ranking blogs which are the second leading source of spam. Clean up your own house before you start soliciting others for free work.
Google has been persecuting white hat SEO since update Florida. Thousands have been ruined since then with these inquisitions. Why be a party to it when Google knowingly OK’s thousands of keyword stuffed Adsense sites with stolen content onto the Internet daily. Let Google start policing that program for spam, which should keep them busy till doomsday.
Bottom line is don’t be a part of ruining other people’s lives. Target Adsense junk and spam if you must but only because most is built on the pure principle of spam. If Google is not willing to remove Adsense spam then you should leave anything else alone. Help Yahoo and MSN because this Google Adsense spam has flooded those engines.
Although I do possess some bias on this topic (as I do use Adsense as a revenue source), isn’t that a little extreme?
There are quite a few sites running Adsense (www.707directory.com comes to mind as one I’ve seen just today that isn’t my own) that do have something useful to offer other people. If they fire AdSense on it to make a few extra bucks, I say good on ’em. They provide something for free, and they’re entitled to it.
The problem, and I do agree with this totally, is that there are a whole bunch of members of the I-wish-your-sperm-count-matched-your-0-IQ club that do use AdSense in conjunction with scraper sites and all sorts of other spammy crap to make a quick buck off the backs of Big G’s advertisers. This really needs to be nipped in the bud as soon as possible before it really gets out of hand.
And I don’t think Matt’s gonna do anything on purpose to help Yahoo! or MSN. That would be career suicide. 😉
Isn’t blaming AdSense for spam a bit like blaming money for most crimes????? There is only the spammers themselves to blame for spam. and the harm they do to legit businesses. Let’s not portion some of the blame elsewhere, but leave it at the feet of those who CHOOSE to spam.
All those that say spam reports do not work, based on their experience, that again is like saying laws don’t works as we still have crime. So let’s try anarchy???
Just because we cannot see affect from spam reports does not mean there is no affect.
Hi Matt,
Do these keyword ranking trackers that use the Google API violate the terms of the Google API (meaning I can’t use or recommend them)?
Please let us know.
Well Adsense is the root of most spam on the Internet today and money is the root of most crime.
My advice is to leave Google alone. Google has already spawned enough work since the Florida update for every white hat around with their unrelenting manipulation and purging of the serps. They’re a multi-billion dollar company that can hire help to find spam. Are they giving you free Adwords accounts to do this work?
RE: “Well Adsense is the root of most spam on the Internet today and money is the root of most crime.”
Yes and both are facts of life and here to stay. No amount of complaining will rid the World of money, or AdSense.
I will continue to report spam to Google whenever I see it. Google is a FREE traffic service which has treated me VERY well over the years. Spammer on the other hand steal traffic from legit businesses by snubbing their noses at the guidlines.
If Google hadn’t come along you can just about bet Yahoo & MSN would charge for inclusion.
BTW, not one update of Google has ever had an adverse affect on my SERP’s. It’s only black hats that sleep with one eye open & dread updates.
I have one question Matt. I maintain a SEO forum for romanians only. (the forum is 100% in romanian language)
We have a dedicated category for websites that SPAM.
Can, or will someone at Google (maybe a romanian from your SPAM team), check this category frequently ? Basically, around each site (with it’s own thread), there are comments, proofs etc.
There’s at least 1-2 new reported spam sites, daily, in that category.
If not, the members will anyway, report them.
Thanks. 🙂
Doorway pages will get you banned. Hiding content in the noscript element of the page is fine though, unless it’s too stuffed. Google does absoluetly nothing against hidden noscript content (or content in hidden divs). I reported about 5 examples to Google and Matt about hidden div spam ages ago and nothing was done, so now I do it on all my sites and am making an absolute killing. I’ll keep doing it until I see the original spammer I reported get axed (that’s http://www.ambergreeninternetmarketing.com and its clients). But its been so long now that I don’t think they will. Google won’t ban or penalise a site for using hidden content unless its misrepresentative of the pages content.
Hey Matt,
why should we send in more Spam reports when nothing is changing? All spammers and Duplicate Content … are still in the index with top positions. May be U could tell us what u are doing with these reports. Are u going to finetuning your filters or are u going to look at the reported sites and delete them ( after senden an spam alert email ) out of your index?
That would be a great help for us, cause slowly we don´t get a kick out of it, if nothing is changing.
Have a nice sunday ….
I have an idea for Google in the war against spam.
Why does Google doesn’t make a special SPAMreport site where people can give in the url of the spamming site? The SPAMreport site checks imediately for spam on the page.
When SPAM is found they give it automatically to the SE-databases, when not > the url’s are checked manually to figure out how they can calculate for reporting this spamsites also. Once this calculation is made again lots of sites doesn’t have to be checked manually.
If you do it like this you also have to have less spamalgoritms in the SE-calculating. You only keep there the main spamalgoritms. This done your SE-algoritms can more focus on good content(which is the thing that Google likes).
It will bring also websiteowners and SearchEngine closer together, they can work both for the same goal. Find spam.
Maybe i forget something that makes it difficult to have a SPAMreport site but if their this a problem but the main goal could be very usefull then it should be possible to solve this problems.
What does other people think about my idea? Is it possible to build a SPAMreport site?
Hi Friends!
I read in some of your comments frustrations about assumptions that WebSpam Team isn’t as effective as you might expect it to be in removing spam sites from the index. However, several webmasters have reported that the spam sites they have reported were deindexed after a while.
Personally I have reported a site using gateway pages for around two months ago. That site has gone and its owner for sure is singing now the famous Johnny Cash song; I walke the line (talking about Johnny Cash as per Adam Senour previous comment) 🙂
For few days ago I have reported another spam site using keyword stuffing, and I’m waiting now for Matt & Co to take care of the rest.
Having said that, there is of course undesired side effect of reporting spam in bulk. Matt would be busy in dealing with spam reports and wouldn’t have time to write more Gadgets posts.
The choice is yours 🙂
Harith, the response time between “spam in the index” and “spam removed from index” is very critical to how profitable spamming can be. If the cost time is X to set it up, and a spam campaign generates 1/2X per day, well, nipping it in the bud will take away some of the monetary reasons to spam.
Leaving spam in the index until the next update (weeks, months, whatever) means that the spammer profits from their evil deeds handsomely, and has enough money, resources, and time to figure out what their next campaign will be. Serial spammers are not worried about their current listings, but about what the NEXT update will list for them.
Only waiting for the algo to get them next time is the best way to encourage more spam, IMHO.
thanx for sharing your experience with spam reports. My experience is, that all the Duplicate Content and Keyword Stuffing Pages are still in the Index not shortly but for along time now. And they are doing pretty good. Very good sides are doing poor! One spammer was delete for just a week and after that the made it from pos #3 up to pos #1.
Maybe now u know why we are more than disappointed from the spam reports. Not that every spam report is a real spam report, i know. But real spammers and DCs should be de-indexed somehow faster.
Grettings, Germany
Funny, but SEO, porn, gambling, and my allegedly small penis (thank you V|aG_Ra) come to mind as larger sources of spam. Not to mention making millions of dollars in my underwear and bed and bath liquidation sales.
Dave’s right. AdSense spam is a problem, but blaming Google for the actions of a few random idiots who abuse it is kind of like blaming the steroid manufacturers because a bunch of random idiots abuse it for athletic gain (and for those who don’t know, steroids do have alternative therapeutic purposes for which they were originally intended, such as the treatment of breast cancer.)
Don’t blame the product, blame the abuser.
Matt is being strangely quiet in this thread.
Unless things have changed, and they may have, Google doesn’t remove sites from the index that reported as spamming unless the spam is particularly bad. They use the reports to help them write algos to target spam. That’s what they’ve said in the past.
So nobody should expect a site to be removed just because they sent a report in. From reading this thread, it seems that people expect action against sites that are reported, but that’s not been the case in the past.
If I ran a search engine, and I wanted to deal with spam, I definitely wouldn’t remove sites that were reported as spamming. I’d want to write algos that would deal with them, and others that contain the same sort of spam, and I’d want them in the index so that I could see if the algos worked ok. To the best of my knowledge, that’s what Google does. If people are genuinely interested in getting rid of spam in the index, then they too should want reported sites to stay where they are, so that an algo can be written to deal with them AND catch others like them.
Hello again,
Removing SPAM is the best way to keep SERP’s relevant.
Thanks to SEO SERP’s become more relevant.(Most SEO work for results in Google and which SE is the most relevant?)
Why shouldn’t Google start working together with webmasters and take action very quick after reporting it?
If the problem is that you need lots of people for doing this why don’t they use the time that webmasters put in it more accuratly? I even want to invest more time in dealing with SPAM.
But Google has the key for removing it and that’s something where webmasters hard work is done.
The key is at Google and they can use reports for better results, higher relevancy and more visitors. But they have to make a discission how they can benefit most of the time that webmasters invest for their SERP’s.
We could all start spamming but who wins with that?
>BTW, not one update of Google has ever had an adverse affect on my SERP’s. It’s only black hats that sleep with one eye open & dread updates.
That’s an absolute lie Dave. I’ve seen you in these threads crying more than once please please Mr. Matt look at my sites and tell me what I’ve done wrong. Please, Please, Mr. Matt. Have some frigging dignity fellow. You follow Matt around like a puppy dog mimicking his every word to the extent you can’t tell you from him.
I haven’t. Could you be more specific? I’m not saying you’re wrong or anything like that. I’m just curious as to what you’re basing that on.
any job offers sent thru spam reports are by me. 60g
RE: “That’s an absolute lie Dave. I’ve seen you in these threads crying more than once please please Mr. Matt look at my sites and tell me what I’ve done wrong. Please, Please, Mr. Matt. Have some frigging dignity fellow. You follow Matt around like a puppy dog mimicking his every word to the extent you can’t tell you from him.”
Oh no you haven’t. Care to prove your case by linking to any post of mine (anywhere) where I have complained, or even mentioned poor SERP position? If not I guess we will all know who the real liar is 🙂
BTW. There is an old adage you should take heed of. That is, “think first then act, don’t act then think” 😉
RE: you can’t tell you from him.
Bloggs can be confusing for some can’t they 🙂
PhilC – excellent post and I agree…sort of. I think this indirectly explains why there is so much Google collateral damage in the vast crowd of middle quality sites with no good procedures to handle the problems caused by very aggressive algorithmic anti spam campaigns. I’d suggest there’s been a shift from innocent until proven guilty to guilty unless you quickly prove yourself innocent.
Dave and Graphite – there’s only one way to settle your score and it isn’t pretty. May the best man win.
You’re sending Matt unsolicited job offers through spam reports? That’s sort of ironic isn’t it?
I’m pretty much Matt is extremely occupied to look at the blog. Big Daddy has backfired big time, from what i’ve seen and heard.
Most probably some heads will roll after this, and Matt is also probably more concerned on his not being part of the rollers, than looking into his blog.
Btw, if someone would send me a job offer via a spam report, I surely would put his name on a blacklist.
Hi Matt,
I hope all is well. I have a question. If another site copies your exact content from your home page and uses it on theirs. Could that hurt the first site that had it on their site? If so, who and how could you report that?
I will be out to sea with one of the kids class on a research vessel for four days. I will look for your reply on Friday. Have a great week!!
Big Daddy
I think you waste to much time with spam, and should spend more time with quality site, which is lacking on Google.
Looks like one site that copied some of your content is also using hiden text.
Matt could have fun with this.
Hey everybody, I just wanted to say thanks for the spam reports. I’m asking folks to sink their teeth into them.
Big Daddy, I would do a spam report. If that doesn’t work, you could also do a DMCA request.
Hi Matt,
This might be a stupid question. What is a DMCA request?
Big Daddy!
Good morning Matt
Any weather report about the progress of the real BigDaddy?
Have a great sunny day and a spam free week 🙂
Surely with all the billions google have made they can afford to do this themselves, and with all the extra money you will be making from the chinese market i am sure you could stretch to paying people to search for you.
Rob Said Said,
March 11, 2006 @ 5:23 am
Peter (Brane), how are you going to create an algorithm to detect spam without getting examples of all the different types of spam first?
Come on,.. it’s not like Google is doing this for the first time. You just have to find 1 spam page and look at why we would consider that spamming. Then you simply write a simple program that blasts through the index search for similar patterns.
Though it´s possible to hide the fact that you´re hiding text, in many many cases it´s 100% clear that the text is being hidden. Should not be difficult to detect.
But maybe there is also a ranking system for deciding on which spam sites are of a higher priority to detect. Perhaps for more popular searches spam pages are more important to Google than for sites with low popularity.
I don’t know, I still think that spam detection is way too manual.
Big Daddy Said,
March 12, 2006 @ 9:18 pm
Hi Matt,
I hope all is well. I have a question. If another site copies your exact content from your home page and uses it on theirs. Could that hurt the first site that had it on their site? If so, who and how could you report that?
I would definitely would like a clear answer on this one.
Because if I own the content and decide to have it in two different domains, lets say .com and .au, because of two different publicity campaigns, one for americans another for aussies, why the hell should I be penalized?
Google can’t dictate my honest and legal marketing practices.
And I don’t think it does, since Matt himself said at SES NYC 06 that honest webmasters should have no trouble with duplicated contents.
Google should be concentrating on fighting hijacking and framing. Having a list of honest content providers, submited manually and checked automaticaly would do only good.
My 2 cents.
Still I would like a clear answer about it. Care to enlight us Matt?
I found the answer to why NOTHING happens and NOTHING is going to happen if you report a spam:
“Google prefers developing scalable and automated solutions to problems, so we attempt to minimize hand-to-hand spam fighting. The spam reports we receive are used to create scalable algorithms that recognize and block future spam attempts.”
I found it at the botom of guidelines for webmasters: http://www.google.com/webmasters/guidelines.html
I had been submitting spam websites and also wondered why nothing happened. Now I am sure first of all Google uses the spam reports to improve their ALGORITHM.
I also think Google guys would remove the spammy websites MANUALLY only for VERY COMPETITIVE words which harm ADWORDS.
What do you think? Is it still worth reporting the spam???
Thank matt,
Have Chinese report form. So good.
I will try it.
I just want to to know what is the difference between white SEO and spammers ?
The main difference is that white SEO _BUY_ links to promote site, and spammers pay nothing.
Both are cheaters. Isn’t it ? Both are spoil main google’s idea about PR and ‘real’ links.
I remeber july 2005, when google baned a lot of doorways every 3 or 4 days. And what ? 90% of results was absolutly irrelivant. There was a lot of stupid forums, guestbooks, blogs and so on. But there wasn’t any commercial sites (doorways too).
So spammers helps to improve google relevance in almost all commercial areas.
Thats my humble opinon.
Mac, I would say you would block SE access to the .com or .au via a robots.txt file.
Dave, what is this compulsion you have about answering for Matt?
The compulsion is 2 tired.
1) I enjoy helping others where I can.
2) Matt rarely answers questions.
Ahhhhhh but he does, David. Matt answers many questions. The thing about his answers is that they’re somewhat like the game of Jeopardy!; they come before the questions.
It’s also a little-known fact that our boy was once a substitute host on the game show itself for a week in the mid-1980s. Studio execs lent him one of Alex Trebek’s old suits and he was put on camera. Apparently, no one knew the difference.
But a crack team of investigative journalists found one of the original tapes and were able to extract still images such as this one from it:
Hmmm…it appears that image HTML code doesn’t work.
Ah well:
RE: “Ahhhhhh but he does, David. Matt answers many questions”
I’m sure he does, but not to direct questions in his Blogg.
Here, let me show you.
Do you Matt?
Do links which circle back to Google class as spam?
This site has hundreds of them. You go to google, hunt down a lyric you want, click on the link on this site (TRY IT!!)
and WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE you’re back at the google search page where you started. Clever huh?
> I enjoy helping others where I can.
That assumes you know what you are talking about. Big assumption.
Not sure where else to ask/post this. I filled out a “Dissatisfied with your search results?” message about a week ago.
I did a search in our Niche and a site, which has been out of commission for a few months, is still showing up in the listings. Their site has been down for quite some time. I believe they have been out since late 2005 or Jan 2006. The cache date is of the page is Oct 23, 2005. You will get a DNS error when clicked.
Their ranking actually seemed to improve recently (to #2). They absolutely would deserve to be there if they were still in business. It was a shock when they went out.
This is clearly a bad result for the Google user and, of course, knocks us down in the results by one notch.
How long does it take for something like this to go away naturally? Seems like more leeway might be given to a site that has a good PR and strong links in (has also been around for quite some time).
RE: “That assumes you know what you are talking about. Big assumption.”
No, it means YOU assume I assume I know what I’m talking about. Bigger assumption.
Feel free to correct anything I post 🙂
BTW, Kirby. I believe the “helping others where I can” statement is bit hard for you to comprehend and against your nature.
So not only do you speak for Matt, you now know me. Wow.
No, I know you kind and your kind are pretty simple.
Hey Matt,
This iis a semi-related idea for a future tool that might help on two levels.
What about a tool for directory sites that see spam and reject them from their own sites to be able to post the spam sites to Google? That would not only help you guys be able to figure out which directories are worth something (based on the number and quality/accuracy of the spam reports) for your algorithm, but it would also serve to provide you with some spam reports that you might not otherwise see.
For example, take this rejection from HEDir here (yeah, I’m biased, since I rejected it, so you guys can go ahead and shoot me if you wanna):
Now…there’s nothing on-the-page as far as extreme keyword stuffing or bad links or anything like that, but it becomes obvious that this is a “network link farm” (my term for a closed network of relatively low-content sites lifting each other up). And I know that on HEDir, there are at least 500-600 sites that could easily be submitted en masse to Google for a variety of reasons, and that 500-600 would be better to deal with in terms of an algorithm than just 1 or 2 that come from the results.
Mind you, it still requires the step of seeing if anything is really wrong with it and tweaking the algo accordingly if necessary, but you’re really bored and have nothing better to do anyway…and it’s supposedly your job or something like that. 😀
Anyway, just a thought on how you might be able to get some more raw data outside of the SERPs themselves.
By the way, did anyone else get a “slander alert” from those Blue Laser guys?
I have reported some definate spam results to Google and you have took no action. Websites with the keywords the same colour as the background. I am very dissappointed in Google.
slander alert? for what?
hahahaha look at their source code now, they have this at the top:
you have to much time on your hands if your reading this
comment tags dont do anything at all, thats why they are called comment tags
It’s funny that the first sentence calls them a “premier web development company” yet they can’t tell the difference between homonyms (to, your), and they use frontpage for their webdesign.
If that’s premier , then my 13 yr old cousin’s myspace is 3133t!!
It looks like the cleaned up the major items that people had commented on. Cheers to them. Now if they could only get rid of the duplicate content pages (only changing city name) they’d be playing by all the rules. I’d think they’d be excited to have us telling them just what was wrong and what to fix.
so Adam, I wonder if pointing out all the improper spellings all over their pages would count as slander? Hypothetically speaking though…
ps, they didn’t fix all the problems, just the homepage. Their sub pages are still about 400 lines of useless keywords in comments and meta tags (one page even had a meta tag that doesn’t exist) .. all before you actually get to any HTML code.
pss, you mentioned hedir earlier.. are you an editor there? i submitted a couple sites… and that 750 word minimum description is really annoying. that’s TOO much to say about some sites.
Yes, I am a HEDir mod, but only on the boards pertaining to the submission of sites. I don’t mod the other sections of the site.
I feel the same way about the 750-word minimum. Not really sure why they set it, other than to curb potential abuse. The best thing I could suggest that way is to join the forum (that’s where the submission goes anyway) and msg Lahkya or post publicly about it.
hi matt,
i found another huge german cloaking network.
i sent some more spam reports by using the spam report form.
that was one week ago & untill now nothing happend.
what´s the average time untill those reprts will take effect?
Hi Matt,
Would this be something Google would consider as hidden text and would like to be reported as spam?
Let me know.
Have a great weekend.
Big Daddy!
I’ve submitted a bunch of these over the last few months, but I haven’t seen any action taken on them on the new servers. This seems to be the new way to get on top of google for all town names in the US. Simply add a div id=”blah” at the bottom of your front page and put a ton of text in it. In an external css set display:none; and no one sees it except search engines.
This site does it for a live example: http://www.vinsite.com/
Matt: just submitted a real beauty as far as spammers go.
Ryan: are you HockeyGod? If you are, you’ve done some damn nice work.
Seriously guys, you should go check out some of Ryan’s work (assuming it’s him):
If you’ve ever had trouble understanding a 12-year-old AOLer, this is your tool. 🙂
What is the point Matt? You guys have such vast resources you cannot do this yourselves? Wait a minute……..are you trying to gather different trains of thought to change your algo to weed the spam?
I really learned a lot at SES NY…thanks! I have a problem with a competitor that was apparently “banned” from Google as I had subitted daily spam reports to alert Google to their actions. This competitor was misusing alt tags, hiding tables of keywords and hiding keywords with font colors to get a #1 organic ranking for the search term “pharmaceutical training.” As of today, they are back to the #1 search result by using the exact same unscrupulous page features as before, AND they have a higher page rank than our site. Additionally, there are more irregularities than before, this time on their home page.
Allowing sites like this to appear in Google search results will only encourage other pages to do similar things. Despite sending daily reports and emails to every Google contact I have, Google only seems to care if it involves pay-per-click. I hate to sound jaded, but I am losing business because of another company’s unscroupulous practices…any advice?
funny thing.. i’m getting spammed by google.ru?
A new comment on the post #58 “Music” is waiting for your approval
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Google news and reviews…
To approve this comment, visit: http://rady.knicksonline.co…
Any thoughts on this? A response would be cool.
I really learned a lot at SES NY…thanks! I have a problem with a competitor that was apparently “banned” from Google as I had subitted daily spam reports to alert Google to their actions. This competitor was misusing alt tags, hiding tables of keywords and hiding keywords with font colors to get a #1 organic ranking for the search term “pharmaceutical training.” As of today, they are back to the #1 search result by using the exact same unscrupulous page features as before, AND they have a higher page rank than our site. Additionally, there are more irregularities than before, this time on their home page.
Allowing sites like this to appear in Google search results will only encourage other pages to do similar things. Despite sending daily reports and emails to every Google contact I have, Google only seems to care if it involves pay-per-click. I hate to sound jaded, but I am losing business because of another company’s unscroupulous practices…any advice?
Here is an example of the “spammiest” site I have ever seen:
Check out the use of fonts to hide keywords in the background, missuse of alt and div tags, and all the tables of keywords. If there is no existing algorithm to oust this site, then I doubt Google really cares.
Hey Matt,
It looks like you guys are working on some new tool/algorithm to fight spam.
Hi everybody,
I work for a Hungarian SEO company and we have a lots of trouble with not ethical SEO companies. For most “professionals” SEO means that they put 2-3pages keyword spam in the code. Because it’s never happens any problem, even, this site are listed on the top results, they don’t care about it. But what is the bigger problem, that the clients dont”t care often as well, they only see it is working and costs just about 100-200 Euro..(just…)Of course lots of them understand, what’s the problem with it, if we explain, but regarding the fact, that companies spend here just a few money on internet and people know very few about SEO at all, they “save” on the unethical SEO. Could you pay not a little bit more attention to Hungarian websites? You would find interesting things, I promise…This whole SEO topic is very new here, and people have no correct information and we afraid that this “professionals” will impair the reputation of the whole branche..Not to speak about, that it makes impossible the situation of the ethical seo firms…And then stay only this “gurus”..Thanks in advance!
How long does it take usually to see improvements in results where one reports a lot of spam? A lot of terms in my industry are getting worse and worse. The same person or two using cloaking, keyword stuffing, and all that jazz and just redirecting to the same site.
If you check the alexa traffic rating on this guy, he is like 3000 and it’s all from spam that is ranking all over the first pages and i’m sure its all over lower pages too.
I rely on my good spots, but this spammer is just crippling the results. Result after result all spam going to the same site. It all comes from shady directories and subdomains on aol de sites and other strange sites.
I report them all the time, but it is just getting worse. Whatever this person is doing, it is all getting through to google no problem.
Can you tell me does this site count as search engine spam.
broadspeed dot com
I’ve reported it through the Google Misuse forms (http://www.google.co.uk/search?safe=off&q=buy+new+car&meta=cr%3DcountryUK%7CcountryGB ) a couple of times over the past few months and not seen any real consequence.
I’ve been asked by clients to do a similar thing to their site since this website seems to be performing so well, adding huge amounts of links to every page spamming keywords, and I keep putting them off telling this site will get picked up and banned but now I’m starting to wonder if maybe this is a valid technique and not some dodgy method?
Yeah I noticed a number of sites getting number one rankings in google; and when you use the links command you see all the links pointing to their site are from spam blog posts. This seems to be a big problem.
Is filling tags at the top of a webpage spam?
I have found a site lakedistricthotels dot net that have a large amount of text and links in human readable form with lots of keywords in there but the text will not display in any browser with javascript switched on, which is probably 99.5% of people. The text is therefore hidden for most people. The site in question has recently moved to a no 1 position for the popular phrase, lake district hotels. Is this considered by Google as serious spamming that if detected will constitute immediate removal or is this a grey area? Is this the sort of thing that should be reported to Google?
Matt, when search the google index I’ve found a few websites with massive spam results. You might want to take a look at that… http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=121047
Regarding my previous post about the search phrase “lake district hotels”. The problem I am having is with results that the user would say are relevant but the website has artificially inflated their position in the results by using hidden text. I am also beginning to wonder whether the fact that the site in question (lakedistricthotels.net) is paying for Adwords has a bearing on whether the site is relegated for spam particularly as the average user wouldn’t necesarily notice that the results are being manipulated. After 4 weeks of submitting reports every day it would seem that Google aren’t particularly interested in dealing with this one. What report volume is necessary to trigger a response to the situation.
Hello Matt,
Fisrt, i would like to thank you for the time you give to us.
About spam report form, how many time a web site need to be report for spam to get punish (from France and other) ?
If i ask, it’s because when i found a website whith Hidden text I complete spam report and nothing happen.
Hi Matt
Firstly I really apprecite to have a connection with end user and world’s best search engine. I am really worried about real estate sector. Normal agent don’t have any idea about computer or seo stuff. They gladly give top page link to directories and those directories holder become king of SEM.
Nobody can beat their link exchange as they have loads of link given to them unknowingly. It really hurts. If u have nice content people are having good content but of no use because you can not cross them. Their linking strategy is monopoly. I think google has to take care of it, because people has to pay atleast 10000$ to get the top listing.
SE was never meant for this kind of crap. Hypertextual search engine is made for people honest opinion not for link exchanging. Google engine need to take care of it. People are selling links on ebay, there are broker and so many stuff.
Is google has been founded for this or get a honest opinion of people and keep their user informed. It is a big flaw in the engine. Somebody has to do something. Being a God is good thing but god has to take care of their followers too.
Hi Matt,
I’m sure you’re right when you said that there is a difference between webmaster and company which use code to get a better rank.
But what do you think of this code – find on a french website (query : banque on google.fr ; this div is just afert ) : BNPPARIBAS.NET : Tous les produits et services de votre banque en France.
This is a job of a professional referencing company (i’m sure of that).
So, my question is : how google know that a page is optimize by a webmaster or by company ?
Hi matt, What is the defination of doorway pages? Will having the keywords that I am targeting listed at the bottom of my site qualify as spam? If their is just say 3 or 4 of them on each page? seperated like this:
serach phrase 1 | serach Phrase 2 | search phrase 3 | Serach phrase 4
Best Regards
We reported the same three Spam sites for the last six months. Nothing seems to happen 🙁
I also need to know or need elaboration from Matt what David Eaves asked what exactly is doorway pages and keyword stuffing.
I agree that it has become a huge problem and it only seems to be getting bigger.
At least some spam sites that I see have actually been taken out but some seem to stick a lot more.
Hi Matt,
I found this pretty new Firefox extension that allows posting to spamreport with a minimum of effort. I used it a few times and it worked quite well for me.
Install extension: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/3875/
Support site: http://www.spam-report.net/
Would you recommend using this kind of tool ?
Yes Matt, you want more spamreport or not?
My comment was removed last week 🙁
I am Getting Lots of SPAM on my email is there any way to stop that ? there is spam filter but still they are attack on my inbox, I got borred with that.
If you are using webmail from any hosting then you have to contact your hostting company , they can make your spam protection powerful.
I know this post is old, but didn’t want to hijack a newer thread.
Can the team make it easier for non-geeks to find and report spam? My mom was doing genealogy research and found results that were 95% porn. She was afraid she had some spyware, and wondered if I would look at the results. She had no idea how to report things to Google.
I know to report it through the webmaster tools, and if I search on Google Report Spam I can find the page under contact where I can report, but there is no (as far as I can find) natural link to report spam. The closest link is the “dissatisfied? help up improve” link.
Suggestions..from the dissatisfied page, add a link to report spam. Add a word about spam to the text of the dissatisfied link. Under contact us or help, add a place to report spam. Or if they are there, I’m blind.
On the dissatisfied page, you may want to add a disclaimer similar to the spam report — that this helps improve the algorithm, but results may take time, and are usually not tweaked by hand. My mom emailed me the next day, asking me why the search results were still there, and said “oh, maybe it’s because it’s the weekend they haven’t had time to get to it yet”. I told her that it takes time to retrain the page rank pigeons to be de-spamming pigeons.
Im Mary
As luck would have it, Mort, Mort’s Mom and myself all use Tomsastrblog for our blogs. This was handy because it meant I could use the exact same code for all of them – the only downside is that they perhaps aren’t as representative of all blogs everywhere as they could be, though the techniques I used would work for any blogging system, and I imagine the results would be much the same. But I suppose you’re all screaming to hear just what these cunning things I did are. You are, right? Yes, I thought you were.
Thank s
Hi Matt,
I think I have found a network of domains that are being used for click fraud, the perpertrators doing this use many domains including a domain similar to ours. A combination of flash redirects and css cloaking are used and most names have a whois connection.
There are hundreds of domains being used and many are listed in Google.
I am concerned because the name that is similar to ours may cause confusion and I would like to get this sorted out without risk to ourselves, I think this may be beyond the normal spam report facility and I would like to divulge the names etc but not in the public domain.
What do you suggest?
I imagine the results would be much the same.I think this may be beyond the normal spam report facility and I would like to divulge the names etc but not in the public domain.
Why bother with the spam report? everytime I have done it the sites never get removed and it is clear they are breaking the rules. This is very discouraging for white hat SEOs like myself who tries to follow the rules and makes sure my clients do or they get dumped.
just submited another one for this page http://www.virext.com/searchengineseo.htm which comes up in the top ten #1 for “Tampa Bay Area Search Engine optimizing” who have stolen original content from my site and used it on both this site and this site http://www.virext.com/searchengineseo.htm what ever happened to google only indexing original unique content?
Maybe google should concider adding somthing to the webmasters tools where webmaster can submit their original content for each page to stop other sites stealing said content.
Truth is Google created a monster which is feed by useless websites with stolen content and spam that pop up every day to collect on adsense. They do collect money from these sites so they cannot complain about the spam nowdays.
I did a search in our Niche and a site, which has been out of commission for a few months, is still showing up in the listings
How come the big boys get away with cloaking.
Such as http://www.experts-exchange.com.
example page show that you must be a member. but google cache shows content.
if you search for: “You may try Kinetic Fusion” in google you get http://www.experts-exchange.com/Web/Q_20948014.html on second page, but search term is only visible in google’s cache. This is not in my best interest, which google preaches about to webmasters.
Is cloaking now accepted by google?
Hello John,
I agree with your Experts Exchange example. There is a bit of discussion about this already on the “what spam should we target”.
They do collect money from these sites so they cannot complain about the spam nowdays.
I don’t think that’s really fair. What about quality scores etc.?
This site http://www.touchlocal.com is domination google results here in the UK and stopping small industry sites from having a chance.
They have a domain for every city in the UK and Ireland with the same design
www. touch (city name).com
They must have over 500 domain’s all with the heading touchlocal.com with the same design
See your yourself:
Google Query: asbestos removal contractors
Result page: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&pwst=1&q=asbestos+removal+contractors&start=0&sa=N
Look for Touch (cityname) .com on the first 5 pages
can you look into it Matt please, lots of UK small business not happy about this sites results
I have noticed this as well, I do agree with Julio Marketing de Sites~ it’s all about money. As long as money is being made then google can care less
try this search:
when are Google going to clamp down on this type of spam?
Alot of folks are getting away with spam and blackhat tactics, while it seems like google isn’t doing anything about it.
Hey Matt!,
I’m reporting about a big Spam-site (co.il) for more then half year and i see no results, the web site is still everywhere in google.co.il , still stilling money from google and webmasters AND STRILL ABUSING GOOGLE.CO.IL , is there anyone who keep an eye on the israeli network? , i’m an seo expert and webmaster , working “with” google more then 10 years,
I have NEVER seen something like this, this web site is just the biggest MFA site i’h ever seen.
for more information please contact me, I’would love to talk with someone who cares…