My next project: AutoSEO

This was an April Fool’s joke.

I’ve been working really hard with some friends on a project to handle SEO automatically. Now we’re ready to take the wraps off it over at

One of the ideas that helped the World Wide Web succeed was that it separated presentation and content. You could write your text and decouple it from the problem of how the text looked. AutoSEO takes that to the next stage with search engines, so you don’t have to think about things like redirects.

How much would you pay to never have to worry about keyword density, H1 headers, or meta descriptions again? How about.. free? That’s right, AutoSEO is free for individual, students, self-hosted installs, and companies with fewer than 100 employees. AutoSEO is also built from the ground up to handle mobile browsers.

We’re starting with a limited set of invites to kick the tires on the system before opening things up for wider usage. Read more about the project over at!

This was an April Fool’s joke.

40 Responses to My next project: AutoSEO (Leave a comment)

  1. It sounded too good to be true. Yet of all the April fools jokes, this one I actually almost fell for.

  2. Nikola Milasevic


    I must say that I am very disappointed – I have always thought of you as a visionary, someone who can and will make something BIG for the mankind, and – to relieve ordinary, small site owner from the burden of SEO hassle is BIG. I was very excited because, right now I’m in the process of creating my site and-surely, SEO is a huge headache, so-when I have read your article, I was HAPPY and ever so grateful to you! “That is his big thing, I knew it, I knew that he will make something revolutionary!”, I thought and I thanked you in my thoughts and my prayers.

    For me – your words HAD weight. Not any more. It’s one thing to throw a pie into someone’s face, but to give hope and then take it away – that’s just mean. And not because of a fact that this solution was to be free, no, I would pay gladly, because for me SEO is nothing but a headache, I would pay!

    So-yes, I’m stupid, I’m a fool. You got me. And I’m hugely disappointed in you. No hero after all, just an average jerk.

    God Bless you.

    Regards, Nikola

    P.S. I apologize for my broken English, it’s not my native language.

    • Nikola, yes it was a joke, but also a commentary on the short-sightedness many have when approaching SEO. It’s not a headache to be cured, but something that makes this world a better place, and HELPS your business grow and succeed.

      Google is merely trying to elevate the experience their users have when searching for something.

  3. Hahaha…Matt πŸ™‚

    That was a funny joke!

    Looking forward to following your blog here, and maybe learn a bit more about SEO.

  4. billybob linux

    That was good. Due to the date I already had my suspicions. However I still had to read it a couple of times before I was sure it was an April Fools (like the classic cartoon double take!). When I read the first sentence: “I’ve been working really hard with some friends on a project” I thought, OK Matt has been helping some friends with a new project, great this sounds interesting. It started to fall apart at the link and the name of the “project” very nice.

    I thought this line was hilarious ” You could write your text and decouple it from the problem of how the text looked. AutoSEO takes that to the next stage with search engines, so you don’t have to think about things like redirects”
    That made my day on a dreary, chilly day here in Scotland. Thanks for that.

  5. Liked the part where you made it free for companies with less than 100 employees. But you should have done it on the 1st of April to be fair, eventhough it might have made it harder to sell to everyone.

  6. I,m Not spamming, no one spam on the web spam team head’s blog, why I can’t comment here πŸ™
    Lets try once more time. \
    Matt this time you got me, and i am the one who was really fool. BTW I had no idea it was April 1st :/

  7. You know for a true April fools prank it’s got to be on the first of April, otherwise it’s just trapping the gullible πŸ˜‰

  8. Even I fell for it, even got excited that some thing autoSEO coming up, but when opened the page and found that it was a April fool joke, could not help smile at my stupidity.

  9. I knew this was way tooooo good to be true. Well played Matt, well played! LOL


    Laurara Monique

  10. Oh, that’s why, i was unable to see the whole page content before some time. And i was also not understanding the motive and message of this particular post. Ha…Ha…Ha…! This is really fun! Thank-You, Matt. I like your sense of humor.

  11. Haha, I totally I fell for it and click on the link. But I guess there’s no such thing as free lunch in the world.

  12. Fool me once shame on you! πŸ˜€

  13. hahaha,
    I was looking for that cause friend talked about this automatic search engine optimization. So I found this page and was really suprised. At least I now unterstand that it was a seo joke…. πŸ˜›

    I hope in the next year you will also have a good joke πŸ˜‰

  14. thanks Matt
    I will share your post to my friends.


  15. Looking forward to following your blog here, and maybe learn a bit more about SEO.

  16. I was checking my mails daily, but today I decided to check out your blog.
    This was the best April Fool Joke.

  17. This is a joke Matt? This is really fun! Thank-You, Matt! I hope you are doing well…

  18. Haha, you got me this time!

  19. Tejas Solapurkar

    Though I am late at reading this.. but this is one of the good April fool day jokes I have read about SEO πŸ˜›

  20. That was funny! I am a new follower and look forward to learning new things.

  21. That was awesome, i caught on this and send invitation to all my friends, hahaha.
    Seo.Ninja hahaha πŸ˜€

  22. I felt the same as others. Excited but at-last laughing on my stupidity!

  23. That was a nice joke i have ever read for April fool. I shared it with my friends, they were like: It is really good to be true. After that i told them i was a April fool joke. Their faces are like annoyed.

  24. I was checking my mails daily, but today I decided to check out your blog.
    This was the best April Fool Joke.

  25. I was double stupid as it even had the red heading that it was an April Fools Joke and I still read the whole thing thinking wow – now that’s interesting that he would do that!!

  26. Ha…Ha…Ha…, ‘Auto Seo’ – This term make me feel something beyond the Seo! Yeah, I often think that, is this possible really? When your post came, i was surprised to see the things i used to think at sometime in the past. But at last you putted the water on the fire. Thank-you Matt, it’s really awesome to hear a single word comes out from your mouth. Stay live all the time…

  27. Shouldn’t you have posted it on April 1st?

  28. Haha Matt I must have tried about 10 times before I went onto read the rest of it. You totally got everyone on this!

  29. Ha ha ha.. I thought you were serious until I read the comments.. you almost got me Matt. Good joke !

  30. The funny thing is that, even though April 1st is already over, you must get lots of clicks still on that domain name ( Pretty cool one, it suits you πŸ˜‰

  31. I’m still not sure if this was really funny or cruel. Either ways hat’s off for not posting this on April 1st, everybody would have seen right through that.

  32. Hahaha…Mr. Matt πŸ™‚

    That was a funny joke for SEO peoples! I am ready to learn lots of things from here and hope you will also provide me best information through this blog. Looking forward to following your blog here, and maybe learn a bit more about SEO.

  33. Haha, you got me this time!

  34. nice to hear that, i want to test it and give you feedback πŸ™‚

  35. Haha…I came here looking for answers to domain change and duplicate content. Saw that post and got excited for about 3 seconds. Got my answer and a good laugh. Thanks Matt.

  36. Dude, if only… LOL. = l33t domain ^^

  37. LOL, but I have a question matt..

    How come you ruined the joke yourself by posting on 31st of March?

  38. I have a pair of steel toed tire kicking boots! Hook a brother up! Wait. What? This is a joke? I just erased all my meta data and H1 headers!

    Dooood. πŸ™

  39. Lol.. Many wish it was true.. πŸ™‚
