Over the last couple years, I’ve seen more and more people in technology trying to make government work better. They’re idealists who are also making a large impact. These are people that I respect–some of them worked to fix healthcare.gov, for example. From talking to many of them, I can tell you that their energy is contagious and they’re trying to improve things in all kinds of ways.
I want to see whether I can help too. So for the next few months, I’ll be taking a leave from Google. I’m joining the US Digital Service family, specifically the Defense Digital Service at the Pentagon. I’ll be moving out to Washington, D.C., as part of the change. If you’re in the area, please say hello! And if you’re interested in the US Digital Service, you can find more information at usds.gov.
Wow, very cool. Best of luck!
Well done Matt, good luck and stay in touch.
Congrats – you’ll do a great job there mate
Awesome & congrats! Very excited for you:)
That’s terrific to hear, Matt! Your talents will be well utilized at the USDS π
Thank you for your service! I’m glad to see our government is more and more focused on Digital services and defense. No doubt you’ll prove valuable to the government and to us all.
Awesome news and your skills will definitely be put to amazing use there.
Excellent news, not only for the US. Wonderful to hear people with such vast experience getting involved. All the very best with your next challenge.
Nice one, good luck.
Best wishes Matt.
We SEO, people across the globe will miss you. π
Take care!
Congratz sir. All the best.
Best of luck Matt!
Contributing to the community and making our experience, knowledge and expertise for making the world a better place, in any way, no matter small or big, is a great thing! More power to you Matt! Cheers!
Sounds great.. have fun!
Help spread the ‘don’t be evil’ philosophy matt. Good job.
Good luck Matt!
Interesting move, and although it means less SEO-related updates, it\’ll be interesting to see what you get up to, and how it compares to the Government digital initiatives in the UK
Awesome! Good luck at the new job!
All the very best with that, Matt. I hope you will also find time to post your occasional blog posts; they are always extremely balanced, informative and engaging!
from fighting webspam to fighting cybercrime/war. Thanks for taking up this big challenge.
All the best,
Congratulations Matt – would love to hear more about how your skills are used there (if you can say?).
Congratulations on the new job! Sounds like it will be a good change of pace.
Great scott!
May the Force be with you ! Bons baisers de France
Goodness gracious, what a move. Well done and enjoy. Keep in touch.
Congrats Matt! I am sure moving to U.S. Digital Service will challenge you.
Sounds exciting!
Best wishes Matt.
Take care!
How cool! I would love to be involved. The healthcare.gov site was an example I used in several talks on UX at conferences. Wish you the best Matt.
Huge congratulations and respect to you and yours Matt.
I am positive you’ll make a major impact, just as you did in search, in this most important of rules.
The USDS have a great new guy on their team
Best of luck on your new adventure, Matt
That’s awesome new Matt. I know you can help make a difference and be our voice. Do update us some how on your blog and not in a couple of months.
Congrats, but please don’t work with NSA and other shady stuff the US government practices.
Hope you’re doing something you really enjoy. Thanks for the update.
I live in New Jersey just a few hours drive. Perhaps sometime this summer I’ll do a few days up in DC site seeing and perhaps see you Matt taking pictures walking around.
Do Google proud and spit out all your Idea’s.
Matt, you may of gave me an excuse to plan a mini vacation in DC before I go further South for a longer vacation. I’ll hit you up in social media land when I’m in DC but I’m to busy with my Job to take a vacation. New projects starting and I’m the lead on them. You must know the stress of taking a lead on a project that they tossed at you with no enough time to get all the kinks out.. I’m in the IT industry. lol
Ok I’m out of here. Getting my day started offfline.
All the best Matt! May the force be with you ?
Good luck Matt I know you will be good for the project. I am glad to see the government getting professionals like you involved. If you need any help cut me in. I donate 10% of my work week to good causes, being a digital patriot would be an honor.
Congrats, good for you!! And that’s no April Fool’s joke!!
Fantastic! Thanks for doing this, Matt!
Congratulations. The government could definitely use your assistance. Thank you pitching in.
Congratulations Matt! They made an awesome choice and I know you’ll do incredible things for our government. #winning
So happy for you Matt. Have a blast and go make a difference. You have and you will continue to do just that.
Congrats, Matt. I follow your simplicity, really i miss you from google webmaster team. Anyway, All the best Matt! Your job are well and continue.
Congrats! Will you be dedicated to one project, or work across multiple? I’ll be lifting a beer to you tonight for wanting to make a difference. We need more of that in the world right now.
How do you one-up the work you’ve done at Google? Fix something in our government!! Good for you, Matt. Best wishes! Go kick some butt!
I don’t always comment here, but when I do….Wow, congrats Matt!
That’s fantastic, Matt! Congratulations! It’s inspiring to see you signing up to help make a difference for our country.
Congratulations Matt! Sounds like a great new adventure. DC is a fun place. I went to school and lived there for a while. And I also used to have meetings in the Pentagon when I worked on the Air and Army National Guard advertising accounts. Definitely an … experience.
Oh, but do be prepared for the humidity. Remember, foreign diplomats used to get hazard pay when they were stationed in DC. π
Best of success to you, Matt. Good to see you working hard for positive change.
Congrats, Matt! I’m sure you’ll prove to be a valuable team member. Enjoy your new adventure and please keep us posted.
And yes, as AJ Kohn said — be prepared for the humidity (rayon shirts a must!)…not sure about the hazard pay for foreign diplomats, though π
Delighted to hear you’re heading into public service. When your stint is well along, would love to get your insights into reforming tech procurement and ops in the federal government. I get asked a lot about tech issues by congressional staff and occasionally members, and I’m sure you’d enhance my answers!
Jim, once I have some experience in the area, I’d be happy to talk. Hope you’re doing well!
Nothing to say but best wishes for you, Matt!
Wow Matt, nice to hear, all the best, and looking forward to your experience…
I see, i move away from DC, so now you feel that you can move here eh. π congrats
Good luck Matt!
I am excited for your next adventure! You have provided many thousands of hours of discussions to the search industry, insane amounts of sanity in the midst of utter chaotic nonsense, and a LOT of opportunities for several memes over the years.
DDS is getting a truly brilliant mind added to their efforts.
[ Smiles ] Best of luck, Matt.
I think that you will be a great asset to the US Digital Service.
Congrats and good luck Matt!
Congratulations, Matt… Wash. DC’s a great place, and I’m sure you’ll find plenty that needs improving at your new job!
Awesome! You’ll do great things!
This is great and impressive that you are taking the time to do this work, share your expertise!!
Great choice by the USDS. We will all benefit.
Truly appreciate you giving back! Best wishes!
Congratulations and Good luck! I’m sure you will make a difference!
Congrats, Matt. Wonder how the Big G will get along without you??
Great. My best wishes and have a great time Matt Cutts.
Wow, very cool. Best of luck!
I’m glad that you made this decision in a time when silicon valley is becoming a competitive playground for adults where the one who has the better mustaches on their app wins!
Technology & science originally had the goal to improve human kind so that we and our successors can have a better quality life and survive longer. That mission has been always encoded in our genes but we are often blind to see it.
That sounds an exciting move, Matt, and your expertise will come in just great. Good luck with it. π
All the best Matt.
Wow Matt that’s amazing Good Luck!
We will miss you. You are the best Google ever had.
Good luck Matt, exciting time ahead. But im sure u still will be back soon π
Excellent news! Best of luck! Thank you for helping out.
Congratulations Matt.
Very interesting choice and career change
In my more formative years when considered taking the civil service exam, I was discouraged by a mentor who felt that the risk averse, seniority based system would beat down a young college grad. The opportunities for reform would be obvious but efforts to implement change by a new employee would be seen as threatening by incumbent management.
But the desire to serve, initiate change and make a difference doesn’t go away. The difference in this case is the equity you and your peers bring to the equation.
I sincerely hope there are tangible long lasting effects and satisfaction from your upcoming efforts. Genuinely jealous.
Congratulations and nice….do share your side of the story for digital gov….
Congratulations Matt.
Good luck to change.
Best of luck Matt, looks extremely interesting.
No more plans to further your TV career after your input on the Silicon Valley episode?
I have a face made for radio, not TV..
Wow! Congrats Matt! We’ll definitely miss you. π
That’s really cool, best of luck Matt.
Congratulation ! Matt
All the best for your new Task.
Congratulations Matt! Best of luck!
Best of success to you, Matt. We will miss you.
Congratulations Matt! Good Luck! Thank you for your help till now!
Best of luck Matt. Thank you for taking this on. Somehow I feel like I am going to sleep better tonight knowing that you are on “their” i.e.. my team.
God Speed
Best of luck Matt Cutt, i am very glad to hear that you are joining US Digital Service.
Congratulations & Best of Luck 4 Your Future.
Enjoy your tour of duty. I wish we’d do similar here in the UK. π
Wow, well done Matt. Good Luck!
I also wish you good luck, Matt. I also think it’s very cool.
Congratulations Matt. Best of luck on the next chapter of your already impressive career.
One small request… perhaps a Penguin 4.0 release before you go? π
(ducks to avoid object flying at head and exits room)
Congratulations Matt. I already miss you talking about search engines and google. Best of luck.
Onwards and upwards!
Congratulations Matt, and Good luck’n Have a nice day.
Congratulations on the new job Matt and well done for choosing something worthwhile (although you’re probably loaded now anyway π
Cool! Enjoy your time in Washington, Matt. I’ll be up there a lot this summer and early fall, so let me know if you want to meet for dinner.
It would be good to see you!
Congratulations Matt. Thank you for the guidance over the years. All the very best!
Best of luck for your new venture!
Well done Matt
Hope it goes well for you π
Bold move but solid. Commendable as well. Best of luck to you.
Good luck Matt! π
Well done.
It’s is a good new for American
Great to hear great minds will be at work in the neighborhood. Welcome to Arlington, at least for work, living in Arlington is also great, lots of great places and great communities.
thanks for your idea. Good luck
That sound very interesting! I hope you will continue writing on this blog as I have enjoyed your many posts!
I want to know eagerly. How was your working experience at Google. Would you be still associated with webmasters community?
How do you look at future of SEO and it contributes to social life more than just businesses.
Thanks for guide us to share right information for right people. I follow your all updates.
Good luck with it!
Wish your all the best , matt.
Best of luck Matt
America Stats
You’re fighting wars in 40 countries.
20% of your entire population is on drugs.
You’ve got 1 mass murder a day.
You’ve got more guns than human beings.
And you’ve killed over a million people in the middle east in the last 15 years.
White police kill blacks and get away with it.
Black people kill whites and get executed.
You’re war mungers.
America is NOT the best country in the world. Its the worst!
Yeah, America Stats…. spamming Matt’s blog is a GREAT idea… be sure to let us all know how that works out for ya! SMH
Great Idea Matt and Good luck. Please do keep us updated on the progress π
It would be lovely if the government would offer free e-mail and web search services. π
Good luck!
Good luck Matt, exciting time ahead. But im sure u still will be back soon
Wow the god of SEO is moving from Google ! Good luck for your next adventure!
Nice tips, Thanks Matt to share with us!
Well done matt, great work !!!
Wow, well done!
All the best!
sounds great..it just beginning..good luck and looking forward to hearing next good news matt
Going to miss you man, when you’re back in the Bay area I’d love to do lunch.
Best of luck Matt! god of SEO is moving from Google ! Good luck for your next adventure!
All the best, they are lucky to have you. look forward to hearing all about it ( well all you can tell the public LOL)
Good luck matt cutts
giving a contribution to our country is good things, good luck matt, I hope the project can works very well π
Best wishes for the new role Matt..You knowledge & experience will help to make the services better..
Good luck to you Matt in your future endeavors. Thank you for all your advice.
Best of luck for your future endeavours. Hope this helps the world and make internet more secure and useful.
giving a contribution to our country is good things, good luck matt .
Best wishes, Matt! Success is going to be yours. π
Just don’t take a leave from blogging.
Sounds exciting!
Best wishes Matt.
giving a contribution to our country is good things, good luck matt, I hope the project can works very well
Thank you man
Quite a nice initiative Matt. Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi has also initiated with Digital India Revolution. Many Government works are not been able to be done using the power of the internet, for which earlier people use to go to various Government offices.
There is a lot of scopes to make this world a better place using the internet. I hope everyone uses the technology for the right purpose only. Good luck with your mission π
It is great to see you joining to new company best of luck, but have you left Google totally?
Well done..
Best of luck Matt.
WOW!!! You Will Do a Great Job.Carry On.
Best Of Luck.
Congratulations Matt, and Good luck. Get back soon!
In your recent interview was by Anil Dash, your comment “Most people even when stressed are still reasonable and nice,” reflects positively and leadership. Thanks for all you have and do offer the search community.
Holy cow Matt! Congrats my friend, very well deserved indeed. Hopefully the Government treats you amazingly well because you’re special! Hope you keep us updated.
Congratz on new job! So now who is going to replace you at google?
We hope you are doing amazing Matt and hope to see some more great posts on your blog soon. Looking for some more great search knowledge and some of your expertise. We will subscribe to your feed then and look for a new posts soon hopefully.
Congratulations Matt, and to given best knowledge of seo….
Congratulations Matt, and thnx given losts of knowledge of seo……..
Great Job Matt!
Best Of Luck.
Congratulations….Best Of Luck Matt
Sounds good. keep it up.. great work
Great… Good Luck Matts… π
WOW, Good Luck.
Thank you
Hey Matt! When are you going to talk about the changes to the keyword planner, about how unreliable it is now? Seems rather odd that you haven’t said anything; Google is not only now requiring people to have paid Adwords accounts for a service that was once free, but they are also bucketing search terms arbitrarily. The changes have been unanimously hated by SEO’s everywhere, since it obviously makes data less reliable and less accurrate, but this was most likely Google’s intention. They have no incentive to provide users with free, accurrate data. What do you think?
Google Guy to Government Guy – Congratulations
Congratulations Matt… You’re just one of the few persons I wish to be like.
Congratulation Matt, hope you will do better and better in your life. Can you please an answer of this ghost question because most of people wants to know that who is the next head of webspam team at Google after you?
have fun, good luck.
They need all the help they can get now with all of the things going on with the state department. I am kinda sad you have left Google, you always gave good SEO tips and guides. Best of luck with your new role.
Congrats Matt, you did a great job.
Congratulations Matt with best wishes.
Awesome job,
A nice and informative post, thanks for sharing sir.
Hey Matt,
Congrats man and have good luck for your new job.
Congrats! π
Well done Matt, good luck and stay in touch.
I pray, may all your efforts are not in vain, friend
Awesome job Done.
I am sure you will make a difference in this world by joining public services. Cheers!
Be vewy vewy quiet. The blog is sleeping.
Congratulations Matt! Enjoy your time.
Please share us what you are doing about US Digital service. We are waiting for you.
Thank you.
Yep, this is a great, wishing you well and better days ahead. Hope You love and enjoy Washington DC.
Matt, I realize the initiative of many people help other people in the USA. Here in Brazil there are many NGOs but all focused on helping underprivileged children, the elderly finally need. Perhaps all corruption that exists in government few people undertake to help in government causes. Congratulations for the initiative and would like to have more news about what is actually performing.
Hi Matt, proud of you! Thank you for your work!
The Pentagon, that is some serious stuff. Well try and find out if they have aliens π Just kidding π
Good luck Matt!
They will miss your videos on web spam
Dear Matt why dont you come back? I guess we all would be happy to see you with google.
People like you are the ones who take the world technologically fast forward…congrats and have a good luck!!
I am traveling to DC over the holidays – any wild chance this offer is still live?
Hey Jeannie, things are a little crazy right now. When do you think you’ll be in DC?
I plan to take in some of the holiday with family and am quite flexible with making final travel plans. What would it take to connect with you?
I am getting into medical search and your work with the government is a dream for me.
At this point, I’m still not sure whether I’ll be in DC for the holidays. I might be in Kentucky or Nebraska visiting family..
send regards for success. do your best and keep in touch.
That’s great Matt. Our well wishes with you.
I guess I haven’t heard that Google allows people to just take a leave. Maybe that’s a perk for their more celebrity team members?
How exactly does that work? You go do a different project for several months, a year, etc., then go back to your previous position?
Nice decision by matt…keep it up
Best Of Luck Matt, I am late seeing this update but you have inspired me for my entire SEO life.