I tend to get into Halloween every other year or so. A few years ago, I went as Charlie, our chef who cooked for the Grateful Dead, and who is now opening up his own restaurant called Calafia. Here’s what it looked like:
Recently I was in San Francisco and ran across a bright orange sport jacket. Hmm. Mikkel deMib Svendsen is known at conferences for wearing his trademark orange blazer:
How would an orange blazer it look on me? (This is before The Great Shave.) Let’s see:
Meh. Maybe among SEO/webmaster folks, but nobody else would get it. What do you think I should go as for Halloween? Or what are you planning? By the way, my vote for best Halloween costumes goes to cockeyed.com. I think I’ve spent about five hours reading his site over the years.
Would it be too cliched / obvious for you to go as the Googlebot? [credit: battlemedia.com]
P.S. — It’d be nice if you had a preview option on your comments. I think that’s possible with wp, right?
You could go as Sergei?
You know the saying, you are what you eat!
Hi Matt
“Mikkel deMib Svendsen is known at conferences for wearing his trademark orange blazer”
That red (not exactly orange) blazer has the same red colour as the Danish flag, therefore.
Romour has it that Mikkel also goes to bed wearing the flag 🙂
BTW… hate to double post, but if you wear chaps w the upper costume I mentioned…well you could be an all out spam cowboy, IMHO
Sorry Matt, but Mikkel just does it better….
Sorry, Matt but Mikkel is the only true seo pop star. You need to find your own niche :p
maybe as a pagerank update ? 😛
Well, if you were gonna do it Matt, at least get one that fits! :o)
p.s. We were at the SEW London conference in 2004, that was our first intro to Mikkel. We saw him (you couldnt exactly miss him) walking through the networking lunch lobby and looked at each other and said “There’s a guy who wants to get noticed”, next thing, there he was on stage! lol
Nicky, I just happened to see it on the rack. There weren’t too many bright orange blazers. 🙂
>Nicky, I just happened to see it on the rack. There weren’t too many bright orange blazers. 🙂
You ought to head to Knoxville, TN on a Saturday afternoon in the fall.
“BTW… hate to double post, but if you wear chaps w the upper costume I mentioned…well you could be an all out spam cowboy, IMHO”
Get yourself a BLACK Cowboy hat then you could be a Black Hat SEO Spam Cowboy!
Orange is a good look. (Go Vols!) I guess Andre the Giant won’t be needing that blazer, Matt?
Matt since your using a fixed width layout you might want to use this script to automatically reduce your images to maintain your layout.
I guess I have to visit your blog more frequently, Matt, when posts like this go on 🙂
What is all the fuzz about this suite. It’s just ONE color? You should see some of my wild suites! 🙂
To clear up a few misunderstandings …
1) No, I don’t sleep in the organge suite! You must be crazy!! I have a strong mint green one for that – but I still end up naked in the morning … 🙂
2) My suite do not have the same color as our flag. Come look for yourself.
Matt, I knew you Googlers where all copycats but honestly orange is just not your color… And, is this wat you call a “scraper suite”, a “cloaked suite” or a “sneaky redirect suite”?
I just love the pic with you in the red suit.. you look a little..uhm… freaky? :))