Danny in town next week

Danny Sullivan is going to be out in California next week, so he’s agonna stop by the Googleplex and say hello. I believe we’re going to do a long edition of the Daily SearchCast. Although I think Detlev may do the official SearchCast that morning, so a better title might be “Matt and Danny sit around and talk search for 45 minutes to an hour.” πŸ™‚ Listen in, um, I think Tuesday, May 16th at 4 p.m.-ish Pacific time on webmasterradio.fm, or I’m sure it will be archived. Remind me to ask Danny to do longer SearchCasts (25 minutes is great, or else I run out of SearchCast during my commute). Plus I’d like more sighing. Hearing Danny sigh at the quotidian adrenaline of search always brightens my day. Maybe I’ll do a DaveN impression; who knows? πŸ™‚

The nice thing about being in the blogosphere is that you can read things from other peoples’ eyes. I wasn’t able to go to the Chicago SES last year, so I was enjoying Vinny Lingham’s coverage of Danny’s keynote. I get to read what Danny said, and I get to read Vinny’s take on it too. πŸ™‚

Update: Speaking of the SearchCast: Daron, where’d you put the 5/6, 5/7, 5/8, and 5/9 editions? I gotta drive into the city tonight, man. You’re not going to make me listen to the radio, are you? πŸ™‚

13 Responses to Danny in town next week (Leave a comment)

  1. Can’t wait πŸ™‚

  2. Dave (Original)

    Matt, be sure to ask him why he condones SE spamming by supplying a forum haven for them.

  3. Could you give a mention as to what happened with the whole Colgate spamming thing? (was posted first on DaveN iirc). They had a link you clicked which showed more text, but it’s gone now, but they didn’t get banned. Thing is, for most people that didn’t look spammy as such, but they did remove it… did you contact them and ask them to change it? Funnily enough, they’re still old-school spamming in their noscript tag πŸ˜€

  4. Re: Chicago… you missed seeing Danny doing his Matt Cutts impression at the “Evening with Danny Sullivan” session… maybe he can reprise that for you? :p

  5. Haven’t heard Danny sing very much lately – maybe the 2 of you should do some sort of duet?

    Anyway – looking forward to that podcast! (With or without singing)

  6. LOL @ the Danny “Sighing”thing. πŸ™‚

  7. Good stuff. Look forward to hearing it.

  8. Hey Matt,

    Anytime those production guys miss something, shoot them an email. They work well with cattle prods, but that requires being in the same room with them. However, email will work too. hehehe

    Email mark@ or eddie@ and either one of them will hook you up!

  9. Matt, Daron might leave you hanging, but we won’t. All the shows are kept updated here: http://blog.searchenginewatch.com/blog/podcast.html

  10. Matt knows I would never leave him hanging! He’s got too much dirt on me. lol

  11. Ian, I don’t believe that we contacted them.

    Thanks Danny! I didn’t know about that link.

    Jason, listening to me sing would be painful. I can murder even the simplest set of lyrics.

  12. “listening to me sing would be painful. I can murder even the simplest set of lyrics.”

    Aww c’mon, it can’t possibly be as bad as the We Build Pages theme tune! πŸ˜€

  13. The MP3 of that interview is now on Webmaster Radio – many of the topics discussed in the “Indexing timeline” thread are examined further.

