Google released the Chrome browser on September 2, 2008. Now that Chrome has been out for about a year and it’s been almost six months since I last looked at Chrome’s market share, let’s take another peek.
For the last 30 days, here are my Google Analytics stats for

For me, 8.97% of my readers run Chrome, up from 7.04% in March 2009.
Some different browser marketshare numbers:
– Net Applications says that Chrome went from 2.59% to 2.84% from July 2009 to August 2009.
– StatCounter gives daily stats. I’m seeing 3.31% on Saturday August 1st to 3.59% on Saturday August 29th.
– Clicky says that in the last 60 days, Chrome has gone from 3.376% to 4.004%:

So after one year, three different sources report market share of 2.84%, 3.59%, and 4.004%. That’s pretty good for 12 months. More importantly, Chrome has pushed all browsers to be faster, more modern, and generally better.
I’m also looking forward to some of the fun things coming in Chrome. Features like bookmark syncing and themes in the latest developer or “dev” release of Chrome are quite nice. If you’re adventurous, you can also try dev versions of Chrome for the Mac and Linux too. And if extensions are your thing, those are coming along as well.
Does anyone know of other sources for browser marketshare? How do the browser stats look for your site(s)?
Added, April 5th 2010: Looks like W3Counter has browser stats too.
Added, April 6th 2010: Wikipedia is a top site on the web and they produce a breakdown of their browser visits. See also this Wikipedia page that collects metrics data from a bunch of different companies.
Matt – check out – It has Chrome @ 2.87% for this month and 2.07% for this year.
I’ve used Chrome since it came out! Much faster page loading and very smooth!
Browser stats for our site (~ 8 million page views/month) for July 2009:
Internet Explorer: 64.87%
Firefox: 27.79%
Safari: 3.31%
Opera: 1.64%
Chrome: 0.9%
The rest is mostly Linux-based and mobile browsers.
For my blog, Occam’s Razor, in the last 30 days Chrome is at 9.16% (of approx 65k Visits). Not bad at all.
Chrome is awesome but i dislike the we have to download it.
“Matt – check out – It has Chrome @ 2.87% for this month and 2.07% for this year.”
Yup, Daver, is the domain for Net Applications. I mentioned them in the post. I haven’t been able to find many other sources of browser market share. Maybe OneStat will do a “one year later” press release, but they don’t seem to put live stats on their website.
For my visitors, over the last 60 days:
Site A (download site for productivity software): Chrome is holding steady in 4th place, at 4.9%.
Site B (educational site for CS students): Chrome is up. Was in 3rd place at 4% 60 days ago, is now at 5.2%.
Site C (my personal blog): Chrome, in 3rd place, dropped from 7.78% to 6.94%.
It´s nice to see how it grow up!
In Spain we still are too traditional, in my site where you buy and sale land & plots the stats still shows IE as main Browser, it provably would be nice to see the stats of a similar site like Matt´s in Spain as stats should be different to my one.
Here are the stats for
¡Que bueno ver que Crome va creciendo!
En España somos todavía muy tradicionales, en mi portal donde se compran y venden fincas, terrenos y parcelas las estadísticas muestran el dominio de IE, provablemente sería bueno ver las estadísticas de una página similar a la de Matt en España ya que éstas serían bastante diferentes.
Estadísticas de en el gráfico
I should also add that Site B is close to 60% visitors from India.
Chrome is doing great on my blog traffic as well. From 6.6% to 20.9% in last 30 days for chrome. If you website is well optimized for fast loading then of course visitors spend good time on chrome as it is much much faster than others.
Data isn’t just the plural of anecdote, but this is fun. I have Chrome at 2.2% of the traffic to my home page for August. Above Opera, but below Safari.
These are the numbers for a large German newspaper site for August 2009
1.Internet Explorer, 48.69%
2. Firefox, 38.41%
3. Safari, 8.49%
4.Opera, 2.14%
5. Chrome, 1.38%
Really surprising, that Opera is stronger than Chrome here…
Matt, I promise you that as soon as Chrome has a release version for OS X, I’ll bump your Chrome share 0.0001% 🙂
Not that weird, why should it be weird? We’ve got the same in the NL too. Check my stats here
Stats of past month for my site according to Google Analytics:
8,748 unique visitors:
1) Internet explorer 54.60%
2) Firefox 33.77%
3) Chrome 5.46%
4) Safari 4.09%
5) Mozilla 1.05%
6) Opera 0.86%
7) Opera mini 0.05%
8) Mozilla compatible agent 0.04%
9) Blackberry9530 0.01%
10) Camino 0.01%
On the most of my blogs, chrome is up on about 8.79%. It keeps going up 🙂
The company I work for has a website with about 25000 visits per month. There are visitors from all over the world, and they are not webmasters (some might be of course).
Chrome went from 2.12% in July to 2.07% in August.
Internet Explorer went from 62.63% to 63.57%.
Our mexican food grocery site gets 250K visitors in Aug 09, with 2.4% being Chrome. What’s really spectacular, is that it has grown 130% from what it was early in the year. If it keeps doubling every 6 months it will soon reach 10% by next year (or even faster).
Seems like every vertical may be different penetration. Reason why it’s really high for your site (mostly “trend setters” and early adopters in technology).
Nacho Hernandez, thanks for stopping by! I totally agree that it depends on the type of site you have.
I was actually just looking at these stats on our website yesterday. Chrome is 2nd for us at 26.5 percent.
For the last 30 days to
1. Firefox: 51.56%
2. Safari: 16.64%
3. Internet Explorer: 15.54%
4. Chrome: 10.78%
5. Mozilla Agent: 2.24%
From the June 30 to July 30 period, Chrome was at 10.22%, with Firefox slightly lower and IE higher. Chrome was at 8.31% in June, 8.89% in May, and 7.69% in April. You get the idea.
woah, it seems that google chrome in right track.
At (last 30 days):
Firefox: 57.42%
Internet Explorer: 20.70%
Safari: 7.76%
Chrome: 7.71%
Opera: 4.93%
Not bad.
1. Internet Explorer 54.56%
2. Firefox 29.00%
3. Chrome 10.54%
4. Safari 3.73%
5. Opera 1.89%
It’s my site about app’s i’ve built on Google platforms, but still 10.54% is quite a jump from the last time i looked.
My blog shows chrome at 8.46% pretty decent considering most of my blogs hits are through search engine queries.
I am pretty sure the browser share is going to increase much rapidly once the Linux version gets more solid (read Flash support and other plugins).
Matt, maybe you should also post about Android stats sometime, would be fun to compare them too 🙂
White Goods Retailer in the UK, so a picture of none techy traffic.
Browser % of Total
FIREFOX 14.19%
SAFARI 4.58%
CHROME 2.29%
AOL 2.16%
OPERA 0.46%
OTHER 0.00%
For a major site in Greece (95% Greek visitors) the stats for Chrome are:
June 2.91 %
July 2.22 %
August 2.61 %
The source is Google Analytics and it is almost the same for the past 6 months.
I installed and used Chrome and I loved it because of the stability (sometimes Firefox crashes) and speed. However, I went back to Firefox for now because of all the plugins. On my websites I did notice an increase in Chrome users. I think besides plugins it is more a matter of habit. I use Google for all my searches, Yahoo mail, and Firefox for my browser and WordPress for my blogging platform and go back and forth with a love hate relationship with Linux and Microsoft.
To increase market share you have to not just create a better mouse trap but find a way to break people’s habits.
On Our Football (Soccer) site with 330k+ vistors per month we have Chrome in fourh place with 4.6%
Chrome is the new Opera – I predict the market share in 12 months time won’t really be that different to what it is now.
Matt Cutts: “I’m also looking forward to some of the fun things coming in Chrome. Features like bookmark syncing”
You need to get out more, mate.
Maybe could Google Analytics release some aggregated browser stats?
I am using chrome from time to time.
It works well. I like Firefox
RE: Does anyone know of other sources for browser marketshare?
You should include the words “meaningful” or “reliable”. Include those words and they are NONE 🙂
Why don’t you post Google stats on Chrome *usage*, rather than skewed stats?
Looking at some of the French sites we look after Chrome is around the 2 % mark. I even have some clients whose sites don’t work correctly with Chrome but don’t think that the number of visitors is significant enough to bother resolving the problems.
If that’s a success after a year, then the 4 % of visitors our French sites receive from is a wonderful result for the boys at Microsoft 🙂
– Neil
My UK over 50s site with over 60K visits in the last month has Chrome at 1.87% (according to Google Analytics) and FF at 15.6%.
What all this data clearly shows is that:
The more tech the site the more likely someone is to be using Firefox and then Chrome.
Hi Matt,
The Xiti service monitors browsers and search engines usage for France. Data for browsers here : and for search engines here :
Interesting reading although as Matt points out, the type of site will have a major influence on what the spread of usage is. I think any site aimed primarily at the creative industries will show a pretty poor share for Chrome and I’ll be very interested to see how this rolls out when Chrome is finally released for OSX.
Usage for a client who is one of the largest UK Rock bands (with a fairly healthy US following) is as follows:
1. Internet Explorer 64.15%
2. Firefox 23.51%
3. Safari 9.25%
4. Chrome 1.84%
5. Opera 0.65%
Generally across all my client sites, Chrome is stealing a considerable march against Opera but still got a bit of catching up to do to challenge Safari.
1. Internet Explorer 64.15%
2. Firefox 23.51%
3. Safari 9.25%
4. Chrome 1.84%
5. Opera 0.65%
one of the largest UK Rock bandsWhich band?
Bugger 🙂
RE: one of the largest UK Rock bandsWhich band?
Which band?
Bugger 🙂
RE: one of the largest UK Rock bands
Which band?
On the main site I run (aimed at the more mature ‘silver surfer’) we’re seeing virtually no movement on visits from Chrome – at around 1%. Although I would expect this as the users aren’t generally as tech savvy, we’ve seen Safari increase massively over the past few months to 5%, and similar gains for Firefox. So it looks like Chrome still has some work to do in some sectors.
Matt, I love chrome, but I have to be honest. It gets annoying having to frequently switch out to another browser to use websites.
Today I had to use firefox to:
Use my online banking
View a custom google maps application
Login to my home cctv system
chrome simply doesn’t work with a lot of websites, or websites don’t display properly.
I think that Chrome will take off in a much bigger way once extensions are officially bundled. I can’t wait for a better, Firebug style, extension. Then I will seriously consider jumping full time from FF
Site #1 – 25k visitors per month (over 60% from UK):
IE: 48.77%
Firefox: 35.68%
Safari: 9.40%
Chrome: 4.03%
Opera: 1.08%
Everything else: <1%
Site #2 – 22k visitors per month (over 50% from UK):
IE: 59.69%
Firefox: 24.46%
Safari: 6.57%
Chrome: 4.54%
Opera: 1.62%
Everything else: <1%
Browser stats for our site
Internet Explorer: 62.34%
Firefox: 30.09%
Safari: 4.41%
Opera: 0.99%
Chrome: 1.53%
This is the stat of my site
Yes I’m with @Ben on this point. I want to add some SEO plugins, but it is not straight forward. It needs to have the same ease as Firefox in this respect.
I use chrome only for because many times i found errors in the gmail if i use MSIE.
chorme is more gmail friendly…..
Hi Matt,
only a C-Blog:
1. FF 62,36%
2. IE 20,99%
3. Chrome 7,31%
4. Safari 4,92%
5. Opera 3,14%
Looks good for Chrome, the Browser for the “Next Web-Generation = Applications” 😉
some Webstats (german)
my sites are also not getting enough user form chroma. they are still less then 3% to all my site. it’s been hyped to much but have no success to it.
To Matt Cutts:
I know about good source of browser market shares: Google itself 😉
On one of our real estate related website, chrome is up from 0.78% in March to 1.77% in August.
1.77% is not really expressive, but it is going up.
All Stats are from Google Analytics and cover August 1st – August 31st
For one of my Business Orientated Websites (popular Monday-Friday):
–Note: This website is geared towards the less technologically savvy.
–Average Monthly Pageviews: 30 Thousand
IE – 67.08%
Firefox – 25.44%
Opera – 2.62%
Chrome – 2.39%
Safari – 1.60%
For one of my Recreational Websites (most popular Saturday-Sunday):
–Note: This website is geared towards the more technologically savvy.
–Average Monthly Pageviews: 3 Million
Firefox – 53.42%
IE – 27.64%
Safari – 8.63%
Chrome – 4.92%
Opera – 4.72%
Personal Site (young demographic):
IE – 50%
Firefox – 30%
Safari – 12%
Chrome – 5%
My Company’s site (older demographic):
IE – 75%
Firefox – 16%
Safari – 7%
Chrome – 1%
That page for extensions is no obsolete, try this one instead:
The busiest web site that I author had 163,391 visits in the last 30 days (U.S. based):
IE- 130,371 – 79.79%
FIrefox – 23,291 – 14.25%
Safari – 5,990 – 3.67%
Chrome – 2,127 – 1.3%
Opera – 588 – .36%
Mozilla – 240 – 0.15%
Netscape – 184 – 0.11%
Opera Mini – 108 – 0.07%
Sea Monkey – 83 – 0.05%
2.10% on our site, over the last 30 days.
Much more pleasantly for me as developer of the site: IE6 is now only 7.03% of IE share 😀
Microsoft is still the clear winner for my sites.
Microsoft 73.90%
Mozilla 15.40%
Safari 5.40%
AOL 3.30%
Google 1.30%
Other 0.20%
Opera 0.20%
Netscape 0.10%
I’ll enjoy using Chrome, but what kills me is that when I’m in Google Analytics and I got to give a profile certain preset filters, I can highlight the filters and move them all over at once. The brower always goes “awww, snap.”
Are the developers of Chrome/Safari working on this issue?
– finn
Well, it’s possible that people read your blog in Chrome just to “suck up” to you :.)
Actually, I’m one of the 8.97%…outside of the minority of sites that don’t work with Chrome, I’m a big fan.
We’ve got an older demographic on our site. I took a look using both Google and Omniture.
Google Analytics:
IE 73.03%
Firefox 19.39%
Safari 4.78%
Chrome 1.76%
IE 77.96%
Firefox 16.10%
Safari 3.80%
Chrome 1.45%
But Matt, there’s no way I can switch to Chrome yet, I need my FF add-ons!
I am surprised no has mentioned w3 schools:
~7% for August 2009. Seems a feasible average of all data.
2.37% here on our biggest ecommerce site. It’s IT related so I doubt it’s representive of the total population.
According to the Financial Times, Google and Sony just signed a deal to feature Chrome on new Sony laptops and computers.
IE 49.5%
Firefox 37.43%
Safari 5.47%
Chrome 5.29%
Opera 1.39%
I’ve changed to Chrome. I never really took to FF but have become increasingly frustrated at how slow IE can be, and it’s propensity to crash.
Chrome is quick, easy and has some nice features. I’m surprised it’s not got a stronger market share.
Averaged over the last 3 months, I’ve got 48.66% Firefox, 34.46% IE, 8.49% Safari, and 4.73% Chrome. Change the time frame to the last three days, and the Chrome percentage goes up to 5.51%.
From a small online retailer (of apparel):
IE 55.7%
FF 26.1%
Safari 14.9%
Chrome 2.2%
Last January Chrome was 0.9%.
Yes Matt, people using Chrome have increased. My stats:
Internet Explorer 61.84%
Firefox 28.02%
Chrome 4.99%
Chrome was less than 2% just few months back and now its up to 5%.
Looks like all that advertisement of Chrome on the Google homepage paid off 🙂
Incidentally, it seems like Chrome is like, the first browser ever to actually obey certain obscure HTML commands, and this actually “breaks” it. Not sure whether this is still the case, but in the forums at, the “wrap” in the post-writing textbox is (or was) set to “physical” for some reason, so when Chrome users write posts, Chrome pumps them full of line breaks so readers see the text the same as it was typed in the much-narrower textbox. The end result is, Chrome seems broken even though it’s really all the other OS’s which are broken and the forum software poorly designed 😛
We ran our stats on the browser market share on Aug 5th last month. We aggregate from a number of sites that we host and maintain. The stats you show are similar to those we see from the tech sector. However when combined with other fields, the numbers come way down. Check out our results at
I didn’t see anyone mention the oft-quoted (but inaccurate of the web “at large”) – their Chrome visitors have doubled in the last six months, from ~3.5% to 7%.
I have a few sites of varying “user tech experience” levels. The more technical-leaning one (200k uniques, 2m pageviews in August) is like this:
Firefox – 41.8%
Internet Explorer – 40%
Safari – 9%
Chrome – 5.6%
Opera – 2.7%
The more “all-round” site (80k uniques, 225k pageviews in August) is like this:
Internet Explorer – 64.0%
Firefox – 24.4%
Safari – 6.3%
Chrome – 2.8%
Opera – 2.5%
I’m interested to know: did Google have any targets or expectations for Chrome usage in the first year?
A hospital web site for what its worth.
IE 74.88
Firefox 16.88
Safari 6.18
Chrome 1.56
For my blog, mostly talking about WordPress, here are the stats for the last 30 days:
Firefox – 66.44%
IE – 13.62%
Safari – 8.70%
Chrome – 6.58%
Opera – 2.25%
Mozilla – 1.89%
Google Chrome became my favorite browser after just ONE day. It’s about 5x faster than my latest version of Firefox and I won’t even talk about any version of IE because I haven’t had one installed on my box for about a year now.
The only problem is that the ECommerce websites I work with are missing some very important “print” buttons in Chrome, so back to Firefox I go. I still use chrome for everything else though. Great article, thanks for the information Matt!
ZDnet just posted an entry on the Net Applications stats mentioned earlier…
For my free stuff blog:
Aug stats
IE – 65%
Firefox – 35%
Others – 5%
Chrome – 5%
July stats
IE – 65%
Firefox – 35%
Others – 5%
Chrome – 5%
Basically no movement on this blog. No time to check other sites but will post when/if I find the time.
Internet Explorer
69,962 74.95%
15,762 16.89%
3,045 3.26%
2,781 2.98%
1,058 1.13%
1. Firefox 46.40%
2. Internet Explorer 29.26%
3. Safari 12.20%
4. Chrome 7.93%
5. Opera 2.04%
UK-based technology news and reviews site, circa 6m page views a month.
Wouldn’t it be cool if Google Analytics allowed you to look at more metrics across multiple profiles and accounts!
Here are some stats from a car insurance website, the differences in share are from one year ago. It looks like Safari had the best year in gaining share and Chrome is right behind it:
Internet Explorer-61.09% (2.59)
Firefox-25.57% (1.16)
Safari-8.49% +2.14
Chrome-3.03% +1.34
Mozilla-0.74% +.06
Opera-0.45% +.02
Opera Mini-0.09% +.06
BlackBerry9530-0.09% +.06
Mozilla Compatible Agent-0.07% +.03
Blazer-0.05% (.01)
It is interesting to see the differences based upon the type of site. I am sure the marketing initiatives play a large role too.
As a web designer it is so nice to see that firefox has finally made its push and IE is finally starting to move down the totem pole. I really cant stand how much more difficult IE is with half of the things with web design. Nice post though Matt.
Our site’s breakdown ( for the last 60 days:
FireFox: 49.35%
IE: 31.68%
Chrome: 8.45%
Safari: 7.42%
Opera: 1.02%
Steve Griffis, great link: Internet Explorer posts largest loss since ’08; Firefox, Chrome, Safari gain
livemercial – in, if you file a bug at, they’re pretty good about fixing pages that cause a tab to crash.
4.77% in the last week on one of our sites (complex javascript tool that doesn’t work perfectly in Chrome but is 98% there, English language).
Anyone got any figures for Chinese language sites.
As they often have more IE (especially IE6).
Unfortunately a big percentage of our users looking for real estate are still using Internet Explorer. I hate that browser. I guess older less tech savvy people are buying real estate??
Internet Explorer 65.45%
Firefox 18.55%
Safari 13.77%
Chrome 1.35%
Even worse 18.31% of them are still using IE6. Microsoft recently came out and said they are going to continue to support that load crap 🙁 I guess they are playing defense. If they make people upgrade they actually might lose them to something better 😉 like Chrome or Firefox.
My website ( is in local search and visitors are spread across the US and come primarily through search engines.
1. Internet Explorer 78.47%
2. Firefox 14.26%
3. Safari 5.32%
4. Chrome 1.23%
5. Mozilla 0.19%
Is nobody gonna point out the obvious? When you dominate a market, you can only lose market share. When you at the bottom of the market, you can only gain market share.
Also, the ONLY company that CAN give meaningful stats on Broswer usage is GOOGLE and they ain’t saying zilch.
IMO, Chrome has to be more forgiving on poor HTML (Like IE) before it can catch-up to M$. In my surfing, the best content sites often have poorly written HTML.
Saying what Matt wants to hear, aint doing the Chrome team no favors, either 🙂
When you click the mouse scroll wheel to auto-scroll down a page, Firefox moves very smoothly. Chrome is very jerky, so the function is pretty useless.
Chrome is much faster than other browser, But I missing a feature of Firefox in chrome is
View Selection source.It much useful in my SEO & other Web activity.Hope chrome will include it on future.
Interesting… I talked to several friends and colleagues about their stats and it’s amazing how much of a difference there is in browser stats for everyone. For August, mine were:
Firefox 55%,
IE 22%,
Safari 13%,
Chrome 7%,
…and then the rest make up the rest. I have chrome installed along with IE8 and FF and Safari (for windows) but I live off the webmaster toolbar plugin for FF and doubt I will change. If I wanted choose my secondary, I’d say Safari for me because it has some webmaster tools in it (although not as good as the one for FF)…so overall I think FF is doing very well. I can say though that Chrome is faster but still limited in many features and I notice it does not display some things perfectly when compared to IE (shocking I know).
Funny you have such a large percentage from Firefox – just shows what a difference it makes when your followers are a bit more internet-savvy. I still get a lot of traffic from IE. I guess my public is clueless.
I was using Chrome for a while because it was faster for me on my satellite connection. But something changed in the settings a few months ago so that it is now impossible to work with on the satellite. So I switched back to Firefox but Firefox is still getting stuck and slow …
The above shows how unreliable stats can be, there are quite a few variables that skew the results either way, but it’s early days yet. Going back a few years,Firefox took off on the (at the time) poor performance of IE. Opera was always there or thereabouts but never quite took off like Firefox did, maybe just poor marketing but it has a loyal fan base. Lifehacker has a performance test comparison from last year: This shows marginal diffrences in speed between FF,IE and Chrome (no Opera) with FF winning with memory useage. The Browser market has matured a lot in a short time and Chrome might find it bit of an uphill struggle. But then again without competition and innovation nothing improves.
IMO, ones own common sense should distate that NO stats posted (to date) are worth noting, and that includes the Browser speed stats.
If your Web surfing is slow, the LEAST likely bottle-neck would be your Browser.
It seems that Chrome are becoming now a tough treat to IE… I’m comfortable with Chrome compare to EI, Chrome loads fast and I like the applications of the browser.
It is interesting to note how much you can tell about the demographics of visitors just by looking at the browser statistics!
We have a money management site in UK ( and we have the following visitor breakup –
Firefox: 47.61%
IE: 24.04%
Safari: 17.18%
Chrome: 9.16%
I guess, going by the discussion here – we do have a fair bunch of early adopters!
Google Analytics is showing that 3.70% of my visitors are using Chrome.
I like the Google-like simplicity of chrome and use it frequently. It is still a bit buggy for some of the sites I need it for, so I don’t consider it my primary yet, but I’m sure it’ll be tightened up soon.
I have two websites. One is about computer hardware and gets 8-9% Google Chrome visitors. The other is an adult site and there only 3,5% of visitors use Chrome.
IMO Chrome is a far better alternative to IE, but it can’t quite compete with Firefox and that’s simply because it doesn’t have those awesome Firefox add-ons, which are so useful (Firebug for example).
I look at ggle analytics and adwords in Chrome. Seems much faster and I don’t get kicked out of the ggl sites. My husband uses Chrome because it’s much faster on his old laptop than ff or IE. I work for a website that helps parents help their kids do better in school. So the main demo is mom, in her 30s, 50k+, with a couple of kids. Chrome has about a 1% share on my site, while IE has an 80% share. I bet that demo just uses the browser that comes on the computer and doesn’t think to stray. Too bad they don’t know about the options for browsers out there. Maybe I will write a blog entry on the site various browsers and their capabilities . . .
I think these stats need to be taken as a reflection of what the users who know there way round the internet use and not the general user, my analytics always has IE as the main browser and this is because most people do not know you can actualy use something else to look at web pages.
I run a PC repair business and I generally install a couple of browsers on systems that come in for repair, Firefox and Chrome but when I tell people they can use these for looking at web pages the look of “Eh!” is always the same. The majority of casual users believe Internet Explorer is the internet.
This is what I belive the biggest problem other browsers have, getting the message across that a browser is just like a window, if you want a better look at the internet stand at a better window.
Market share will increase, the news today: “Sony Defaults to Google Chrome”
Stats for our ecommerce site (, demographically oriented towards males between 20 and 70.
Browser % Visits % Conv.
IE 72.53% 75.12%
FF 18.58% 18.19%
Safari 6.67% 6.34%
Chrome 1.59% .25%
The number of chrome users is not too far out of line with more tech oriented sites, but what’s with the conversions? Is this all the ecommerce / analytics people using Chrome and scoping out the competition, while John Q. Public is driving Explorer?
Just thought of this, a place to get some starts on not just Chrome, but software usage in general…wakoopa, a social community for tracking software usage.
They not only track the number of their members that use any particular application, they also track the total hours of usage. You can also compare usage stats to other applications.
Just check the page often and you’ll pick up some info that might not be available elsewhere.
Generally speaking, Wakoopa users are the type that could be considered early adopters and lovers of technology. Trends among their users could be used to predict trends in the general population. Usually what they flock to, everyone flocks to soon after. And what they shun, the rest of the world starts to shun soon after.
My site just had one of those weird blips of social networking fame where I ended up with 500% of my usual traffic for the day. The browser results were shockingly different.
Firefox 55.73%
IE 22.90%
Chrome 9.84%
Safari 7.85%
Which is very different from the results my site normally sees, which I posted some dozens of comments back. Basically, Chrome and Firefox doubled their take and IE more than halved. I guess that means that the “with it” people do without IE:-)
For my site on Linux, I got the following browser stats.
Google Chrome – 6.3%
Firefox – 55.3%
Internet Explorer – 26%
Safari – 6%
Opera – 4.5%
Mozilla – 1.3%
Konqueror – 0.4%
Mobile – 0.2%
What is interesting is that Google Chrome is showing an 18% increase than its previous share. But there is a huge spike in Opera usage – around 203%.
i have seen 7.78% with ie and firefox both at about 35% mark
Chrome is a pleasure to design for, and here are a few stats from companies for whom we track analytics (we execute web design, and digital marketing):
Internet Explorer
1,053 66.06%
352 22.08%
156 9.79%
12 0.75%
7 0.44%
4 0.25%
3 0.19%
3 0.19%
(not set)
2 0.13%
2 0.13%
164 40.80%
Internet Explorer
123 30.60%
103 25.62%
10 2.49%
1 0.25%
1 0.25%
Great job with Chrome and we look forward to more market penetration for it.
Jason Small
Co-founder, VP of New Media and Technology
Great Young Minds
Social Media Blog:
Most of our traffic is from other businesses needing signs. Here’s how it breaks down:
IE – 69.91%
Firefox – 23.42%
Safari – 4.43%
Chrome – 1.32%
Mozilla – 0.33%
Opera – 0.30%
So it looks like business folk still like their IE.
Ecommerce Site:
1) Internet Explorer – 54.15%
2) FireFox – 31.34%
3) Safari – 8.29%
4) Chrome – 3.87%
My sites show less than 1.25% marketshare for Chrome. Non techy, US traffic. Your everyday type of web visitor. IE still commands nearly 80% of the market, with Firefox near 15%.
Chrome is going nowhere without distribution deals. They just signed Sony so that’s a start. There is really no reason to switch to Chrome from Firefox. Both have very fast javascript, but Firefox has all those neat plugins.
As of my site, Chrome also ranked #3 (statistics of August 2009): 2,366 visitors (8.7%) which is almost similar like yours
Firefox is still dominating but I’m positive things will change a bit once extensions start coming in to Google Chrome 🙂
@anna – I was going to make the same observation about the majority of Matt’s traffic coming from FF vs the type of people reading his blog!
I do love using Chrome and am glad to see it’s picking up in popularity. And I find that Chrome is a little faster for me – could that be because I’ve got so many FF add ons and none in Chrome? The only reason I still use FF as my default browser is because it wins the add ons race, otherwise it would be Chrome all the way.
Good reading as usual Matt 🙂
Hi Matt
My main site in the UK is getting the following figures. It’s not penetrating the UK market as well (but neither is Firefox!)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 261 79.33%
Firefox 39 11.85%
Safari 16 4.86%
Chrome 7 2.13%
Opera 4 1.22%
Netscape 2 0.61%
Total 6: 329 100.00%
Report generated Thursday, September 03, 2009 11:01:28 AM
Internet Browsers will be a tough nut to crack, even for google I expect just because of a “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” type apathy about them because the pre-installed browsers often do a good enough job to keep general users happy. The question is will power users switch over? Chrome is hovering around the 2% mark on my website.
Hi Matt,
My first post here but I have been following your blog for some time now.
I am guessing that the best possible source of browser stats would be Google Analytics. Google is already collecting stats from every site that uses Analytics. What would be really nice is if they published an aggregate of all those statistics somewhere. What a resource that would be!
There shouldn’t be any privacy issues if you aggregate the stats at say country level. I suspect that the T&C already allow Google to do something like this but as far as I know they don’t publish it anywhere.
Hi all,
From UK financial sector site.
Internet Explorer 143,543 74.38%
Firefox 33,921 17.58%
Safari 8,199 4.25%
Chrome 5,193 2.69%
Opera 954 0.49%
And an automotive site
Internet Explorer 6,185 59.87%
Firefox 2,723 26.36%
Safari 873 8.45%
Chrome 384 3.72%
Opera 83 0.80%
From a travel industry perspective, the Chrome usage for Mantra Hotels Resorts & Apartments in Australia has increased from a 0.4% in September 2008 to 2% in August 2009.
It is interesting, although not unexpected, to see that Matt’s readers are more likely to use chrome – I guess that’s because readers of this blog are probably more likely to use or at least be interested in Google’s products.
I wonder how firefox feels about their partnership with Google? It’s just leading people away from using Firefox, I know many people who switched from Firefox to Chrome, not me though.
If this has potential of ruining you’re partnership than what about when Microsoft offers Mozilla a bigger amount of money to use Bing on all firefox startup pages?
If Microsoft would just throw internet explorer away, and use Firefox on all new Windows operating systems and Firefox using Bing startup page on all Firefox releases than that would be a stellar plan and would definitely put a dent in Google.
August visitors (938 of 42,451) 2.2%
August conversions (33 of 1479) 2.2%
At least it isn’t under-converting like FF is!
Internet Explorer 56.91%
Firefox 32.44%
Opera 4.12%
Chrome 3.68%
out of 50k visitors
Chrome is approaching Opera’s figure on my site’s usage. I am using mainly Chrome since it’s been launched and Firefox occasionally for some of its powerful plugins. Once Chrome will benefit from many plugins, I bet it will skyrocket. With or without a ton of plugins, remains the best browser for me
I am up about 2% on Chrome visitors, a few things I want to point out is Chrome is excellent not only from a users point of view, but from a web site designers point of view as well. I will be one happy camper the day I don’t have to fix bugs in the IE display when building a site.
I heard Hp, or Sony will start bundling Chrome in their new pcs, which I also think is just wonderful !
I have been using Chrome a lot lately as my default laptop browser – I love it!
But…extensions/plugins are a *must* to become my main day-to-day browser. For example without the Firefox rikaichan plugin it becomes very tedious to variuos Japanese kanji that I come across in my daily work.
Also great to see that Google is working on bookmark synching – this would be very useful to me as a regular user of 4 different machines.
I think it’s just the beginning like percentage Chrome will win over time a greater share of browser market it is especially fast than may other browsers.
I like Chrome, but the fact that the “do no evil” Google not allowing AdBlock like extensions is good enough of a reason to wish for it not becoming popular. I wonder if Google has something to do with aborted development of AdSweep. Google already thinks they own the Internet and to announce that to the world they want Chrome to be the #1 browser and Chrome OS to round it off. Wake up people, don’t let this happen.
This is the break down for the company I work for in the UK
1. Internet Explorer 53.89%
2. Firefox 35.70%
3. Chrome 5.01%
4. Safari 3.56%
5. Opera 0.66%
Chrome is the best!
Lets not misguide the general public with that title, Matt.
Should read:
Chrome Market Share: One Year Later (for my personal blog)
For past month, compared to previous month
1.Internet Explorer
9 augustus 2009 – 8 september 2009 41,47%
9 juli 2009 – 8 augustus 2009 55,79%
9 augustus 2009 – 8 september 2009 33,65%
9 juli 2009 – 8 augustus 2009 29,12%
9 augustus 2009 – 8 september 2009 12,50%
9 juli 2009 – 8 augustus 2009 5,26%
9 augustus 2009 – 8 september 2009 6,25%
9 juli 2009 – 8 augustus 2009 3,86%
9 augustus 2009 – 8 september 2009 2,88%
9 juli 2009 – 8 augustus 2009 4,91%
9 augustus 2009 – 8 september 2009 1,44%
9 juli 2009 – 8 augustus 2009 1,05%
7.HTC_Touch_HD_T8282 Opera
9 augustus 2009 – 8 september 2009 0,84%
9 juli 2009 – 8 augustus 2009 0,00%
8.Playstation 3
9 augustus 2009 – 8 september 2009 0,24%
9 juli 2009 – 8 augustus 2009 0,00%
Chrome has become my personal browser of choice. Its speedy, tidy and cleans up after itself. I can also see more of the web page I am looking at. Unfortunately, its still a little funky when it comes to getting along nicely with other applications and when viewing websites. I would imagine with a little more time it will be stable. One thing I would love to see is the PR Tool built into the Chrome Browser.
I’m still a FF user but it’s great to see how far along the Linux version has come. Well done to everyone working on that.
For the last 30 days to
1. Firefox: 51.56%
2. Safari: 16.64%
3. Internet Explorer: 15.54%
4. Chrome: 10.78%
5. Mozilla Agent: 2.24%
Thanx all for you
I guess the differences in everyone’s stats has a lot to do with the nature of the site and the origin and technical knowledge of users that visit, new Vs returning etc.
For a site like this, most visitors are tech savvy, they also make use of certain browser add-ons/plugins. I guess that would explain FF beating IE.
For what its worth,
Aug 14, 2009 – Sep 13, 2009
269,632 visits used 46 browsers
1. Internet Explorer – 54.18%
2. Firefox – 32.92%
3. Safari – 5.65%
4. Chrome – 3.82%
5. Opera – 2.70%
6. Mozilla Compatible Agent – 0.30%
7. Mozilla – 0.19%
8. Opera Mini – 0.06%
9. Playstation 3 – 0.04%
10. Camino – 0.03%
came from 183 countries/territories
1. Japan 46.23%
2. United States 9.89%
3. Brazil 5.95%
4. Mexico 3.66%
5. France 3.08%
6. United Kingdom 2.03%
7. Chile 1.56%
8. Malaysia 1.50%
9. Germany 1.42%
10. Canada 1.35%
from 2 visitor types
1. Returning Visitor 64.54%
2. New Visitor 35.46%
Good to see Chrome is doing well but i am Firefox lover as it offer to many addons and mush more customizable then any web browser . To boost up Chrome Google need to add more feature in it .
My main site in the CHN is getting the following figures,
visitors from the US(70%) and CHN(30%)
MSIE 6.0 59360 43.90%
Firefox 37550 27.77%
Maxthon 10980 8.12%
MSIE 7.0 10540 7.79%
Chrome 9860 7.29%
Opera 2170 1.61%
TheWorld 1840 1.36%
Safari 1390 1.03%
MSIE 8.0 1170 0.87%
MSIE 5.0 190 0.14%
MSIE 5.5 110 0.08%
Konqueror 40 0.03%
Netscape 20 0.01%
I personally use Google Chrome. It’s an amazing browser. We’ve seen an increase in the number of Chrome users to Chrome is definitely gaining its share – right now it’s 11.5% of our site visitors.
I love chrome for it’s speed, but for web design it’s almost as much of a headache as ie6. 90% of the sites work fine, but trying to figure out what’s wrong with the other 10% can be a nightmare.
As a side note, another stat site is Stat Owl. I wouldn’t take their data at face value, but they do offer some interesting stats you don’t typically find other places.
Stats on Chrome looks just about right. I have used it. I still juggle back and forth between FF and chrome. Here is how I look at Chrome: Chrome is WebKit which is the foundation for half a dozen different major browsers. Chrome uses way less memory than any of the other browsers and the rendering and script performance absolutely trumps them too. (Not many people know this) The user interface is clean and maximizes screen space.
Many have complained about unresponsiveness in chrome, I think many fail to understand how chrome was designed. Chrome’s design (isolating each tab as a separate copy) definitely favors multiple core CPUs. If you are running an out of date machine this may be a problem.
I just have my favorite features on FF which are not implemented in Chrome yet hence the reason to switch back and forth a bit between browsers.
My statistics are showing less than 2% market share for Google Chrome across the board on my tech sites, music sites and consumer sites (110+ sites and counting). Then again, I don’t work for Google, so fellow Google employees (who are about the only ones using chrome) are not visiting my sites.
There is an old saying “Statistics are only meant to prove what they are trying to prove”
Personally, I would rather use Lynx than install a Google app on my computer. A browser from a “marketing” company??? Well, what do you think pilgrim.
I jumped on Chrome real early on and liked it but for whatever reason came back to Firefox. There been any significant changes within the last few months worth noting?
Thats because your readers are computer users, not common people, i have a social engine network and Chrome is very far from your stats.
Hi Matt,
I Want to share some data from a home improvement site Basement Systems
Data is for 1 month: 61,136 Visits
MSIE – 41,588 – 68.03%
FireFox – 12,864 – 21.04%
Safari – 4,362 – 7.13%
Chrome – 1,164 – 1.90%
Opera – 812 – 1.33%
and so on…
I have several sites we manage and it seems as home improvement industry is using Internet Explorer heavily.
For us developers here at Basement Systems, we mostly use Chrome over IE and FF. I personally use IE and FF a lot to test our web sites. But far as usability goes, Chrome Rocks!
Hi Matt
A bit late commenting on this post I know but just wanted to give a big shout out to the Chrome team. I have a dialup internet connection (no broadband this far north of Scotland) and Chrome makes all the difference to my web browsing. Probably a good 10-15% faster than all other browsers I use and you really can feel it.
Tis the Ferarri of web browsers and looking forward to new editions, just hope hey don’t over burden it and slow it all down.
I’m wondering…. I tend to read a lot of news on the web and use Google news for the majority of it, BBC news is great for browsing on dialup as it has great load times (less connecting to advert servers) but the Telegraph which Google features heavily I cannot load unless I go make a cup of tea and listen to a few songs before returning…! I read sometime ago that Google were considering load times in their ranking, is this true?
On :
1. Internet Explorer 59.84%
2. Firefox 28.54%
3. Opera 5.04%
4. Chrome 3.74%
Visitors coming from:
1. Romania 58.41%
2. Spain 5.16%
3. United States 4.67%
4. France 3.50%
5. Italy 3.37%
6. Germany 2.32%
7. United Kingdom 1.79%
8. Belgium 1.54%
9. Moldova 1.42%
10. Austria 1.34%
I love Chrome! I’m really surprised that it hasn’t taken over IE in popularity. Time will tell I guess.
Stats for Chrome at my blog for last 30 days is 3.22%. Top score this year 3.93%.
Chrome stat at my health blog is 2%. Need extra work to push this.
One thing that I hate about Chrome is that it loads very slowly when you open it for the first time. I dunno if it’s just for me or everybody else.
In any case it is the best for You tube. I would only guess that YT servers are more lenient towards Chrome than other browsers.
I edit websites that are sometimes hosted on really slow servers and have found that chrome speeds things up quite a bit which is nice.
Was having a few problems with Firefox the other day so thought I would give Chrome a whirl. Its a pretty nice browser, definitely seems to speed things up a bit
It still seems to be growing nicely still. I just compared year on year figures of browser users on my website and chrome browser usage is up just over 300%.
Chrome just seems to run so much better and faster than anything else out there, so hopefully more people continue to use it.
On for June 09 – June 10
Internet Explorer 66.8%
Firefox 22.5%
Safari 7.1%
Chrome 2.9%
Opera .2%
I have always been a big fan of Firefox but and really liking the speed that Chrome seems to bring with it. I can imagine the number of users is going to continue to grow.
I love using FF b/c of all of the web master tools, but I love chrome’s speed. The latest version of chrome has been acting up a bit in my MacBook Pro.
Google Chrome at 4.2 %
On [url][url] 2010-2011
Internet Explorer 66.8%
Firefox 22.5%
Safari 7.1%
Chrome 2.9%
Opera .2%
1. Internet Explorer 53.58%
2. Firefox 16.23%
3.Chrome 13.96%
4.Safari 12.83%
5.Mozilla Compatible Agent 1.13%
6.Opera 1.13%
7.Mozilla 0.38%
8.NetFront 0.38%
9.SAMSUNG-GT-S8500T 0.38%
My other site is targeted at middle aged women and has a very very high IE score….
One thing that I love about Chrome is that it loads very fast when you open anypage. In any case it is the best for You tube. I would only guess that YT servers are more lenient towards Chrome than other browsers.
Google chrome at 5.1%
I’ve been using Google Chrome about 1/2 the time for just over a year now. The functionality is brilliant but I still use IE for nostalgic and comfort purposes. At some point I’m sure I’ll need to gracefully surrender the things of youth.
It would be interesting to see an update to this post. I think whilst Chrome is definitely on the rise (especially since this post was first listed), it would be interesting to compare the types of user with the kinds of website being visit. E.g. Technogeeks v Joe Public / Tesco or Walmart User data v Matt Cutts user data etc.
Firefox has become my favorite. Things not loading properly or slowly in IE were so frustrating.