A few words about China and Burma

Recently two enormous tragedies struck China and Burma. China suffered a serious 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Sichuan that killed tens of thousands of people. And in Myanmar (Burma), Cyclone Nargis ravaged the coast and also killed tens of thousands of people.

Disasters on this scale boggle the senses. The sheer amount of destruction is overwhelming, and the cost in human life cannot be calculated. I know that people at Google have tried to help in many different ways. I appreciate that there is a donation page for charities to help in China and for charities to help in Burma. We are all in this world together, and I urge people to do what they can to help the people in China and Burma in this time of need. My thoughts and sympathy goes out to the families affected by these catastrophes.

19 Responses to A few words about China and Burma (Leave a comment)

  1. Keep the good work up !! We all are with Google !

  2. thanks Matt, thanks Google.

  3. “We are all in this world together, and I urge people to do what they can to help the people in China and Burma in this time of need.”

    Thank you for this post!

  4. I sympathized…

  5. Fortunately, Miss World is from China and Miss Universe is from Japan – so they will be able to bring additional global attention to it during their tours

  6. “We are all in this world together, and I urge people to do what they can to help the people in China and Burma in this time of need.”

    Well said, Matt.

  7. Thank you for your post to let more people know the terrible disaster.

    For Canadian guys, you can donate through RedCross Canada. Canadian government makes the match donation.

  8. Magnitude of this earthquake revised to 8.0.

  9. That’s good to know, DavidYin. Thanks for mentioning it.

  10. I’m from china and I’m appreciate that your kind for chinese and human in world. You are absoulate kindness and virtuous man. China met the big tragedies in the earthquick. more than 30000 people dead and more people hurted. We are grieved for such thing, and we mourning for quake victims all over the country from May 19 to 21 .

  11. Thanks for taking time for this post Matt. I hope everyone does their part in assisting those in need.

  12. I appreciate you taking the time to post this on your blog too. 🙂

    I was in Louisiana (@ school then) at the time Katrina/Rita hit. And I helped a friend move out of what was left of her apartment, when they finally re-opened New Orleans to residents. I’ll never forget that experience — being in a ruined city, seeing what was left of where I’d been hanging out just 3 weeks before the storm. Having to pull over on the side of the road to let an Army column pass me, on what had become a narrow street… Seeing a boat on its side in the middle of Canal St…

    I can’t imagine what it’s like to be in the middle of Burma or Sichuan Province now — where the damage and loss of life are so much greater than what I saw…

    I’m glad Burma has finally opened up to accepting aid. And that China is finally accepting medical teams now too.

  13. Re what DavidYin said about cashback in Canada, in the UK the government gives 22% tax-relief on donations from UK taxpayers – I’m almost 100% sure this applies to donations for this. If you are a UK taxpayer, make sure to tick the box to say this.

  14. Really sad time for everyone affected, we have made a donation.

    But not through Google! Might have been better if you didn’t HAVE TO set up a Google account to make a donation – why isn’t there an option for paypal users or a well known online payment facility that people use day in day out to pay through?

    Just don’t want Google having all my details on their books! You are getting as bad as the UK government!

    What next? Google finger printing? lol

  15. 谢谢你。
    Thank you!

  16. That,
    We live in the same planet, we have to good, live the unity of!

  17. Hi Matt –
    One of the things that really sets Google apart from MS and Yahoo! is the “voice” of real people working at Google. Sure, MS and Yahoo! may be blogging but none of it in my opinion is personal – from real people about real people. This post is just another example of how the Google team personalizes their work.

    Thanks for sharing – and keeping it all real.

  18. Matt

    I’ve visited Burma, or Myanmar which is the correct name but the west refuses to use it. It is a very scary place, I really feel for the people there because the secret police are verywhere. You really can’t go to the loo without being watched. I can’t believe more than 1% of the population are happy with their situation and i find it appalling that the west does nothing about it, same with zimbabwe and yet when there’s a bit of oil around, whey hey, off we go. Confusing but I guess most people know that pol;iticians are hypocrits!

    Sorry, rant over!

  19. Everyday I make sure that I take a good look around me and breathe in all that is good. I try and make sure that I don’t take any more days for granted. Too many days have passed me by with me buried in work or everydaylife. Now I make sure that what I put our is as equally good or better than what I receive. THis world is a great place but would be so much better if we could all lend a helping hand. I am glad to see that you, Matt are acknowledging others in the world – to many they are simply another news story.
