Here’s the speaking/travel that I’m expecting to do in early 2009:
January 17-22, 2009: My wife and I journeyed to Washington D.C. to see the Presidential inauguration. It was very cold.
February 4-7, 2009: I just attended the TED conference down in Long Beach. It was pretty amazing. I got to pick Bill Gates’ brain on his foundation’s criteria for what to fund, and to talk to a man who had a near-death experience about a year ago and how it changed his life. The speakers were top notch too. If I get a chance, I may write more about TED later.
February 10-12, 2009: I’ll be at the SMX West conference this week. Don’t miss my session on “Ask the Search Engines” on Thursday, Feb. 12 — trust me. Looks like you can still register.
March 11-13, 2009: PubCon will be in Austin, and I’ll be doing a keynote (including Q&A) on Thursday, March 12th. Registration for PubCon is still open too.
March 13-17-ish, 2009: I’ve never been to South by Southwest , so I’m planning to attend that (it’s also in Austin, right after PubCon). Right now I’m not planning to speak, just to attend the “Interactive” part.
April 5-10, 2009: Taking a short vacation with my wife.
May 10-15, 2009: Taking a short vacation with my wife.
May 27-28, 2009: I’m speaking at Google I/O in San Franscisco.
May 30, 2009: I’ll be back at WordCamp in San Francisco.
June 2-3, 2009: I’m speaking at SMX Advanced.
June 9-11, 2009: I’ll be speaking at the Found conference in Burlingame, California. The Found conference has been postponed.
July 19-23, 2009: On July 22nd I’ll be speaking in Boston on the Industry Track of the Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR).
August 23-28, 2009: Taking a vacation with my wife.
I’m not exactly sure how I backed into this much speaking/travel in 2009, but that’s how things are shaping up right now.
WOW! I sure don’t envy your agenda. All that travelling and NO holidays, not for me 🙂
Hey Matt,
No summer vacation this year too 🙂
Let’s not forget??
July 31st
Bwah haa haa!
No public Google Calendar Matt?
Hi Matt
What, still no trip to Sweden? You know you want too …
Damian, I don’t think Sweden is in the cards. Harith/Dave, I do hope to take some time off this year, but I don’t know exactly when.
purposeinc, thanks for the reminder. 🙂
@ Matt,
I will be staying in Austin through the weekend as well after speaking at PubCon…do you have tickets for SXSW or like me just wing it and see what you can get in to?
I’m down with checking any of the SXSW events with you that weekend.
Have they changed your role into 1/2 time Engineer, 1/2 time Public speaker? 🙂
Hope you enjoy the different conferences in the first half of 2009! I envy you….then again, many in the biz probably do.
Oh, I forgot, but do you ever do Int’l Conferences? Are you the expert as well regarding SEO for google internationally? Or is there someone else to contact?
Thanks in advance.
Hey Matt – you should try to get down to Florida one of these days. I’d love to have coffee and pick your brain, if you’d ever let me have the honor.
Wow, Bill Gates, eh? Was that your first time talking to him? Was it intimidating – even for a celeb like yourself?
Sounds like you have one heck of a busy schedule man, and that’s just the first half of the year. Have any vacation time built in?
Wow… that’s a lot to do with a lot of traveling! Sounds fun, nevertheless ;).
Matt, did you enjoy the mosquitos at TED? I’ve heard some people were really PO’d about it.
RE: “enjoy the mosquitos”
How’s that possible?
I myself am gonna try and make a few hours at SMX west, depends on my install schedule though, got the expo pass, so I may just wander around introducing myself to people I only see online..
It looks, to me, like being the big dog in the pack has benefits. A lowly beggar like myself who has to go back to the drawing board in these, dare I repeat the overused “tough economic times” (LOL … had to use it) would see that as a part-time gig.
Work is good. In fact it is envied by about 4.8ish million others in USA alone. Who has time to grow old these days? Come on old fella, are you afraid you will miss the early bird buffet? 😀
I hope I can make it to Austin. If so, I will bring you some Geritol, my good man.
Matt – so you are a celebrity now, great, keep going
Hey Matt, any chance I could talk you into having a chat with our community of search marketers in Boston when you’re here for the SIGIR? The day before, the day after, or whenever you had a moment really.
BTW, Microsoft invited us to meet at their offices at 1 Memorial Drive in Cambridge for our March event, but we still haven’t been able to get anyone at Google to give us the time of day.
Hi Matt! I’m so glad I read your blog. I just started training as an SEO for a small company in San Antonio. After reading your blog, my SEO trainer and I both signed up for PubCon in March. Thanks for mentioning that! See you there.
Matt thanks for updating your blog so regularly for us little guys! I enjoy it and have learned a boatload of information. I too would like to hit PubCon, just don’t know if it will be possible.
I hope you do write more about your experience at TED. It is such a great opportunity to learn from very smart people and one can only glean so much from watching the online videos. Any perspectives you can share would be greatly appreciated.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for recommending WordPress and providing great information on your blog about how to use the internet as a great tool. Because of you and WordPress, I can now use the internet to help others enjoy a great experience in San Diego, which makes me a very happy person. Thank you.
looks like Charlotte isn’t even in the near future.
Good thing we have meetup groups to sustain us
Hello Matt,
when are you planning to come to India and when can we have your speech towards Search Engine..