Everybody is throwing out predictions for 2011, so I thought I’d do something different. Here are some of my predictions for 2009.
Wha wha wha?? That’s right: 2009. As 2008 drew to a close, I jotted down some predictions, but I never hit the “publish” button. Some of them weren’t fully-formed (or even complete sentences!), so I won’t print all of them. But some are interesting. Here are a few:
– “Market share for IE falls below 50% in some countries in Europe.” TRUE according to StatCounter. Here’s a graph:

– “Cuil will be acquired by Baidu.” Definitely a MISS. This was an educated guess on my part. I didn’t think Cuil would do well, and someone named Greg Penner was on the board of Cuil and also a board member of Baidu.
– “More people will realize the inevitable truth that Bill Gates saw years ago and that Apple has chased since the introduction of the ROKR: of all the devices in your pocket, the only one you’re not willing to give up is your phone. Therefore, all personal gadgets will eventually be subsumed by your phone. Camera? Already part of your phone. Pen and notebook? Quite close. Video camera? Almost there, give it a couple more years. Car keys, wallet? It will come. In five years, your phone will have fingerprint authentication and be able to start your car or pay for groceries with contactless/RFID chips. It’s all coming. In 10 years you’ll use your phone to authenticate yourself at the doctor, authenticate prescriptions, and store your personal health history, not to mention all your desktop preferences, bookmarks, browser add-ons, and keys to which music you have permission to stream or download from the cloud.” I call this TRUE. Most people now agree that your phone is a personal computer in your pocket. Back in 2008, not everyone realized this.
– “By the way, if anyone figures out how to lick the problem of satisfactory output/input, e.g. heads-up displays or retinal lasers and a virtual keyboard or something with as high a bandwidth as normal typing (and they will), your computer will migrate into your phone. Solving the input/output problem is one of the most important problems for the next decade. Witness the efforts that companies have put into pen-based computing and voice recognition, for example. Re-examine the success of some major products in the new light of better input/output mechanisms:
– Google Maps: direct manipulation
– iPhone: touch and multitouch
– Wii: accelerometer and optical sensors
Smart computer scientists and engineers should be paying as much attention to sonar, inertial, and optical sensing technology as they do to the change from hard-drive platters to solid-state storage.” Um. This one was more of a rant then a prediction.
– Here’s what I wrote back in 2008: “Canny self-promoters plus a few genuine believers will jump on the Facebook backlash early, either for privacy/personal information or for keeping Facebook’s data to itself. But unless the site makes a Beacon-level mistake, Facebook will experience massive growth in 2009, and the Facebook backlash won’t begin in earnest until 2010 or 2011.” Right now it feels true. Maybe we’ll check back after 2011 to see whether that’s accurate.
– “Semantic web technology won’t take off, at least not in the generally-accepted ways.” I’m going to call that TRUE. Remember how Web 3.0 was going to be the semantic web? You don’t hear that meme as much anymore.
– “The most interesting “savviness” test for me will be which of Yahoo, Facebook, or Microsoft let you freely retrieve your email with them into Gmail. Odds are that none will allow it, but if I had to pick one, it would be Yahoo.” A double MISS, because Hotmail did allow POP3 access in 2009. Meanwhile, I believe Yahoo still wants $20/year for POP access. I don’t think you can fetch Facebook mail using POP or IMAP.
– “Vanity iPhone apps.” This was a prediction that individuals would commission their own personal iPhone apps that collected their blog posts, tweets, photos, etc. The other part of the idea was that conferences would commission conference-specific apps. While a few savvy conferences have done this, I wouldn’t call either trend widespread. So it’s a MISS.
– “In the same way that millions of people dropped their land-line for a cell phone connection, thousands of people will attempt to go digital by scanning their photos, ripping their CDS, digitizing their old VHS tapes, and scanning their papers.” MISS, I did a lot of those things in 2009, but average people didn’t. The brunt of the analog to digital migration will happen as data is “born digital” from the beginning. Millions of people will have physical photos stuck in boxes that they don’t look at much, plus digital photos on Facebook, Flickr, or Picasa.
– “Google Chrome becomes one of Google’s most successful products.” I think this is TRUE. (Remember, this prediction was less than four months after Chrome was introduced in September, 2008. Back then I was going out more on a limb.)
– “Breakthroughs in green technology push renewable energy closer to the mainstream, but not into the mainstream. As many people focus their attention in this area, unexpected surprises abound, such as the do-it-yourself solar roof installation or practical solar shingles. Expect to see more green technology scams as well though.” Meh. MISS.
– “Apple will weather the 2009 recession much better than most people expect as people continue to buy with their heart, not always with their head. More people will realize that ‘Once you go Mac, you never go back.’ ” I’m calling it TRUE. Apple radically outperformed the Dow in 2009. Apple has done very well competing against MSFT in operating systems.
– “Obama’s administration mandates that all federal buildings much use Compact Fluorescent Lightbulb (CFL) technology before his presidential term ends.” I’ve still got at least two more years on this prediction. If the mandate is for LED lightbulbs, I’m still counting it.
– I thought some public officials would start lifestreaming as the ultimate endorsement of transparency. That’s a MISS. Chalk it up to believing that politics would be different after the 2008 election. Oh well.
– “Microsoft will demo a snazzy new phone operating system, but it won’t get much traction, either because a) it’s not as snazzy as the iPhone or b) people don’t trust it to be as open as other mobile operating systems.” Given that this was a prediction for 2009, I’ll call it TRUE. Microsoft didn’t get a lot of phone traction in 2009.
– “Someone not officially associated with Android will work on an “iPhone skin” for Android to make Android look like an iPhone.” TRUE. Looks like that did happen in 2009.
– “Twitter’s 2009 business model consists of premium features that either individuals can pay for (at a nominal rate such as $1/month or $10/year) or that businesses can set up for self-contained twittering. The premium features include richer API access as well as some new features, such as the ability to save tweets to be posted in the future or periodically.” That, my friends, is a MISS. Although Twitter is now charging for richer access to Twitter data, so maybe not a horrible miss.
– “Hacking of PC clients will decrease, but hackers will shift their sites to web server software. Massive databases of cross-site scripting attacks will be traded in the underground. Script kiddies will launch dictionary attacks. Anyone that writes their own web server software will probably be at a high risk of being hacked.” Overall I’m going to call this TRUE. As individual PCs become more secure, there’s a multi-year trend toward hacking webservers instead. I fear we’re just at the beginning of this.
– “When Android opens premium apps, one of the big controversies will be developers who take great premium-app ideas for the iPhone and rewrite the ideas behind the app for Android, but without the permission of the iPhone developer. Expect flashlights, lighters, beer, farting applications, goldfish, etc.” I’m not sure if this is TRUE or a MISS. I haven’t read a lot of complaints from iPhone app developers about Android app developers stealing their idea and writing their own apps.
– “Multiple people write a bit of JavaScript that site owners can add to their page to guilt IE6 users to upgrade to a new browser. Any browser, just something that was released after 2001 (IE6 was released in 2001?!?). The JavaScript code becomes a viral sensation and sweeps across the net. Whoever authors or hosts this JavaScript gains status around the web. Through the collective work of a bunch of savvy webmasters, SEOs, and site owners, IE6’s market share drops to 5% in some markets by the end of the year.” IE6 is slowly riding into the sunset, but call it a MISS. A few businesses will probably be running IE6 a decade from now for their internal apps.
– “eBay introduces spell correction for search queries which delivers a small boost for their profits.” I’m going to call this TRUE because the search [ipod touc] returns “Did you mean: ipod touch?” at the top of the eBay’s results now.
Okay, it’s your turn. Which of your predictions for 2009 or 2010 were spot on or off-base?
I think my biggest miss for 2009 and 2010 was expecting Facebook’s popularity to plateau like MySpace. Although if Google has a trick up its sleeve, that still has a chance of happening.
New to your blog and this post is interesting enough for me to take the time to comment.
Specifically, about your third prediction regarding the phone and the computer merging. I’m a gadget geek but not a super-gadget-geek any more. It’s too easy and time consuming to get caught up in every latest greatest gadget so now I’m more of a ‘real world’ gadget user.
It is interesting when I talk to people about all the time it takes to properly manage all the PC’s in my home for my wife and children, I also include our two iPhones as a PC as they can be equally time consuming to tweak, maintain and get all the right apps up and running right, especially when you are jailbraking them in order to overcome Apple’s poor design of the Start Screen which gives virtually no useful information or functionality (go checkout Intelliscreen if you want to make the iPhone work like it should.)
Anyway, I was contemplating getting an iPad just yesterday. Although our PC’s are Win 7 (took a LONG time for MS to finally get the O/S “semi” right) I’m late to the game on this device mostly because as mentioned, I’ve sort of fallen off the wagon of buying every cool gadget when it comes out just to play with it and show it off to my geek friends. (I just saw the movie “The Joneses” two nights ago and my neighborhood and my neighbors aren’t a far cry from that movie.) I had decided to delay getting an iPad because I heard the gen 2 iPad will be much better (camera and lighter.)
But when I started to think about how I keep telling everyone the most impressive thing about my iPhone 4 is that I can do 70%+ of all the things I can do on my notebook on my iPhone, I thought, why get an iPad when I already have two Win7 notebooks in my house. Yes it is a cool, larger format, beautiful iPhone essentially and you can do more on it than an iPhone but I’m fine looking up recipes in the kitchen using my iPhone already so do I REALLY need an iPad AND a notebook computer AND an iPhone??
Then I thought one of my only frustrations with my iPhone is a couple times I was on vacation and wished I could get at an Excel spreadsheet or Word doc on my notebook via my iPhone and edit it on my iPhone. So just today (which is why I’m taking the time to comment on your blog post – uncanny timing) I decided to find out if there was a way for me to sync all my Microsoft Excel and Word documents to a remote server and edit them whenever I want on my iPhone. Yes there is, it is called Syncplicity combined with Google Docs combined with QuickOffice on the iPhone. Two of the three are free and the third is $4.99 right now. (And it also works for the iPad also.)
So I am a in full agreement with the statement that “Most people now agree that your phone is a personal computer in your pocket.” But I think your “most people” and the ral world “most people” are different. In the real world “most people” don’t even own a smartphone and underestimate how much convergence between the PC and the phone is actually happening. A large portion of my friends eyes gloss over when I try to explaining how useful the iPhone is (or the Droid X) as far as a virtual notebook (or netbook) computer replacement. They’ll find out in due time though.
I thought twitter would roll over and start to wither. I still do, just don’t know when..
I thought Barack Obama would be a progressive president 😛
Ok, that’s not about tech, is it. In tech, I thought that university textbook piracy would become more mainstream (to the point where people actually talk about it in “real life” college classrooms), guess that was a miss.
90.63% people uses google search engine, interesting.:)
Matt can you please tell me that if we search from google.co.in then it is count in google/organic or in google/direct, can we see the keyword for this result in google analytics..
please reply
Twitter and Facebook became day to life at Indians (TRUE). Though orkut introduced new features and reminding to subscriber via email, its not good-stand (MISS)! 🙂
My fear of website hacking is that it becomes so pervasive that users retreat to walled gardens, such as Facebook, where they feel safe. That would be bad for the web, bad for innovation, and bad for search.
“But I think your “most people” and the real world “most people” are different.”
That’s probably true, Jeff. As William Gibson says, “The future is already here – it’s just not very evenly distributed.”
Jonathan, I agree. It would be a real shame if people retreated from the open web because they were afraid.
Sometime in this 2011, dear Matt, I wish you take up some time and focus on the Internet trends in the Indian subcontinent region; tell us if you notice any signs of advancements or backwardness etc. There maybe many Internet users in that region but very very few are producing interesting content, that’s my overall assessment.
If majority of Internet users love to surf through websites, there must also be a good number of users who should produce content! Don’t you feel so? Now people talk more about SEO and less about content. Now blog design is so important over art of writing. Now people create blogs not to write but to monetize it. Content duplicating with auto posting robots has become an ugly mess. Isn’t all this frightening? Where are we actually heading to?
Her is my 2011 SEO prediction which I´m 100% sure is gonna be TRUE 🙂
“Google will look more at cloaking in Q1 2011. Not just page content matters; avoid different headers/redirects to Googlebot instead of users.”
The Facebook backlash Plateau will come in 2011, as the personal content becomes more lude, and there are well-publicized incidents of personal harm as a result of loss of privacy. Some loss-of-privacy issues come as a result of Facebook promising privacy,yet then releasing private thoughts for all to see. Jokingly, it could be said that one reason the MySpace plateau came earlier was that the MySpace nav has always been better than Facebook. It was easier to figure out than Facebook and users found the end of the program sooner. MySpace was more lude/trashy earlier than Facebook.
I used 3 years during statcounter by a coincidence and I saw statcounter gives very safety and healthy results. For measurement and evaluation is very good job and beginning. Who knows? user knows, of course 😉
About scripts that target IE6, the IE6 No More initiative has gotten some recognition, although not a viral sensation. http://www.ie6nomore.com/
On another note, although the semantic web has been ‘just around the corner’ for the last ten years, with the release of Drupal 7 (with native RDFa support) this week 2011 might prove to be the year when it actually starts to come true.
My prediction in 2010 that cellphone users would not patronize PayTV on their small screens was right on target. I also predicted that a PC smaller and handier than the netbook would hit it big in 2010 although I do not have the iPad in mind. I predicted or rather wished for a smartphone of my own and got it as gift last Christmas. ^_^
NYT confirms your prediction on IE in Europe with a more in-depth article based on the StatCounter data you linkd to above: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/05/technology/05browser.html.
I always thought that cell phones and even computers to an extent had a limited usability because of output/input interface, and that a product would come along which would blow these old systems away because of a vastly improved output/input interface. The iPhone definitely made pretty big waves, and so did the iPad, but my prediction for 2011 (or maybe 2012 depending how quickly it can be adapted to diverse tech), is that Microsoft’s Kinect system might be the next big thing. If that technology can be adapted to pick up finger movements on a desk where a phone projects a keyboard or a high-res image of it’s own screen, then at some point we may not be touching our phone’s screens at all, but rather manipulating a projected image – and that could open a pretty huge door of possibilities.
Went mac, bigtime, beginning with my first iPod (3rd Gen), a few months later replacing an aging PC with a PowerMac, then getting the first MacBook – I though my whole house would soon be Apple products. Then it started to crumble. I felt the lack of commercial software, and had to live with subpar open source ports to OS X. Sometimes the Mac “just didn’t work” and there was no way to remedy the device without hacking into its UNIX underbelly. As we acquired my ipods and even an iPad (for work, amazingly enough) this year, the walled garden effect was wearing very thin. The straw of the camel’s back was the end of support for PowerPC, rendering my PowerMac obsolete. When it finally started dying this year, I wiped out all the Apple computers with budget PCs running windows 7. Even if I wanted to replace them with Macs, it would have cost 3-4 times as much: and this guy can’t afford to buy with his heart. I did go back, and am quite happy with Windows 7. Apple remains a premium brand. I wish Google luck with ChromeOS, as the world needs a real budget competitor in the market.
Wow. I wonder why you never actually posted that list? (Smiles)
Honestly, I can barely remember 2009. I mean, that was two whole calendars ago. Or one, considering I’ve yet to purchase a 2011 calendar as I use the one in Google apps for most things.
I do remember predicting that they’d have cars that could “sense” when obstacles were nearby, so I totally nailed that one. Oh, wait. I do believe my actual prediction was that the cars would drive themselves.
Moving on…
Hi Matt. Regarding the prediction with checking in with your phone at the doctors will not be possible in 10 years as they ask you to turn them off in the UK before you go in. Unless apple come up with an additional mode. You have airplane mode already, so they will need to come up with a doctor mode. Lol. Cheers Jake
Your predictions even the ones that were a miss, I could see being true if I was in 2008. The Twitter prediction I could see and still see them possibly providing premium services. Plus, your prediction of governments being more transparent could be accurate… just a few years to early. Pretty sure congress is live streaming tomorrow using social media.
Thanks, Matt. I like to think that if my predictions are wrong, I’m just too early. 🙂
Facebook will continue to grow at a phenominal rate. Business owners have been pretty slow to use it and accept that it’s a valid business tool.
This is a post I made on my computer support forum at the end of 2009:
“1. Peripheral Connection: USB 3.0 – With higher speeds and more power, USB 3.0 will be used in more devices soon. Not only does it provide much higher speeds and higher power when you need it, but it also offers a more power-efficient system.
2. Wireless Data Transfer: 4G – With a faster data rate, 4G will offer better wireless connection to web-based content.
3. Web Design Markup: HTML 5 – New tags such as , , , , and will be game changers in web design.
4. Storage: Solid State Drives – Solid state drives are faster than hard-disk drives. With Seagate entering this fast-changing field with their Pulsar, Solid State drives should be more popular and may find their way into some desktop computers.
5. Circuitry: Memristor – With the introduction of memory that could retain information without power, computers and other devices could boot instantaneously. Although the memristor is the farthest from completion, it has the most potential to change technology.”
The 4G prediction was good, and the memristor is of course still coming, but most of what I predicted has yet to be implemented fully.
Hi Matt
Can you comment on this prediction found on Slashdot: http://www.lacisoft.com/blog/2011/01/04/prediction-2011-the-year-when-google-will-turn-into-an-enemy/ ?
I’m specifically curious about point 5 where it is stated that Google disobeys its own technical guidelines for webmasters.
Hey Rob, we endeavor to block our own search results pretty hard. Thanks for pointing out this example–I passed it on.
OK, for 2010 I thought that Bing could make more trouble. In my eyes the results outside the USA are lousy … I mean: could be better. The german bing-results are full of spammy sites.
I haven’t thought that chrome could grow so fast and successful. Congrats.
Actually I think that facebook will start a kind of search engine.
I am a little bit scared about Googles power. I don’t think that they will misuse it now. But who can say what will be in 5 years?
But, of course, I trust more in Google than in faceBook.
Oh, c’mon Matt, you got 8 true’s! That’s amazing! 🙂 You should point out some predictions for 2011 – and publish them this time – and analyze them next year, that will be interesting! 🙂
Re dave smyth – i’m a business evangelist and fb user, but fb just isn’t the right tool for business promotion. Linkedin could be but that’s not quite there either. We need another tool/ site to do a bizbook type thing. I’m surprised it hasn’t been done.
The prediction about compact fluorescents, may becoming true sooner than you think. The US will phase out most uses of incandescent bulbs as early as January 2012.
Did anyone see Facebook going public? Did you you see it happening so quickly?
social Media is here to stay. I have to say I called that one when Myspace was born. Had no idea they would be in trouble and struggling this hard.
“Someone not officially associated with Android will work on an “iPhone skin” for Android to make Android look like an iPhone.”
Who would have tought…? Android’s interface is WAY BETTER than iPhone! 🙂
Concerning Facebook, I must admit that most of us didn’t realize the power of branding past then… Imho, it’s what contribute to Facebook success nowadays…
I think your taking time off Twitter is paying off. Your blog is updated more frequently now, that you are wasting less time on Twitter.
I like that 🙂
i think in 2011 also many changes in shows in Stat Counter global data so Firefox is stable b’coz it is user friendly and use full ad-dons. also in chrome is new and also many similarity also ad-don available so user is now increasing in future.
You are not that much out of line with your predictions 🙂
But could you predict the next PageRank export? That would be interesting to hear from you 😉
Every year I predict a dramatic decrease in the number of people who use Twitter. I predicted that in 2009 and I’ll predict it again for 2011. It’s like my recurring “flying car” and “teleportation” predictions – this year will be the year. Oh, and the Toronto Maple Leafs will win the Stanley Cup.
Fun list. You definitely hit the nail on the head with a lot of them. You are right, once you go mac you never go back! Apple stock has done very well for me personally. Go apple!
Expecting Facebook’s popularity to shrink was a failure of mine so Facebook will continue to grow and maybe it is time for me to use it for my bussines 😉
I thought Facebook would have crested long ago. From having watched myspace turn into an obtrusive (from music playing loudly when you loaded a page, obnoxious backgrounds, to the “thanks for the add”s that littered every page) I figured Facebook would go down the same path. Wrong.
As for the future, I am curious to see how successfully the make their ppc model work for them, and whether that will have an impact on adwords.
I really did think that facebook would experience a backlash too – and in my personal sphere I’ve seen people leave and come back.
But once you’ve used facebook and given up you’ll always be an ex-facebook user, and experience cravings that a non-facebook user doesn’t have. Most ex-facebook users end up facebook using again – its a habit that not many people can kick.
Loved this post, it scared me a little tbh like the one where the phones take over our lives.
“In 10 years you’ll use your phone to authenticate yourself at the doctor, authenticate prescriptions, and store your personal health history, not to mention all your desktop preferences, bookmarks, browser add-ons, and keys to which music you have permission to stream or download from the cloud.” I call this TRUE”
No no noooooo! Am I the only one who is sick of being on a social leash?
Have to give to the Chrome ppl, its a thing of beauty this browser. I actually, finally made it my default browser today! I would’ve never shifted from safari but … its just so much “better”. 🙂
” I thought some public officials would start lifestreaming as the ultimate endorsement of transparency. That’s a MISS. Chalk it up to believing that politics would be different after the 2008 election. ”
*sigh* we can dream. :/
Matt, I don’t think Breakthroughs in green technology that push renewable energy closer to the mainstream was a complete miss.. Here are some note worthy renewable energy technology breakthroughs in 2009-2010: IBM’s solar cell created from “earth abundant” materials, MIT’s Concentrated Solar Funnel, Wake Forest University’s Light Pipes, Louisiana Tech University’s CNF-PZT Cantilever, New Energy Technologies’ see-through glass SolarWindow, Purdue University’s system to harvest heat from car’s exhaust, Innowattech’s Piezoelectric IPEG PAD and CSIRO’s Brayton Cycle Project.
I too thought Facebook would fade but how off was that? I can actually envision FB and other social networking sites taking a bite out of Google. I know that I personally will ask people on FB about a new restaurant or venue before Googling it…without even thinking about it. I really think FB becomes a major competitor for Google in 2011 and beyond. I’m still not so sure about Twitter for the general public.
Funny how soo many predicted back in 2009 to the end of PageRank, it’s so true now 🙂 last PR update toke place sometime April 2010
Thanks for the great post! I’m disappointed that live-streaming, political openness hasn’t taken yet, but I’m still hoping.
As predictons go, the number of websites will continue to increase rapidly until 2015. And so, there is still plenty of time for the internet and the way in which we use it to change. No time to rest on your laurels.
My predictions for 2012 and 2014.
Twitter popularity will fall a lot in 2012-2013
Facebook popularity will fall in 2014-2015
May be after 3-4 years we found this post TRUE.
That’s a great post and some of your ideas are really fascinating. I want to comment about one thing, where I’m not sure you’re right, though.
I don’t think phones will be widely used to authenticate ourselves for very long. Isn’t it more likely, for example, that a fingerprint scan in order to start up a car will be implemented in the car itself?
You already have a computer in all new cars and many of them already support wireless communication of some kind. So, I think it’s reasonable to assume that future models would allow you to have control over who uses the car and when, from a distance and through a web based interface, while the actual authentication of the driver will be done when he tries to open the car door and/or start the car.
So, why add a fingerprint scanner to all the family phones when you can add one or two to the car? And you can say the same about ATMs, POS etc.
Hello Matt,
I enjoyed your article regarding 2009 predictions.
Would you be willing to do an interview for my Tumbleweed Marketing Analytics blog about where you analytics going in the next year or so due to mobile technology and social networking.
Thank you,
Tom Wolfer
What abou IPv6 predictions for 2011? There seems to be a lot of uncertainty about how this will affect online businesses, search engines, marketing, etc…
Matt, you make it sound easy and for you perhaps it is.
As a small businessman, the idea of having the time or the funds to take a whole bunch of pleasent trips to exotic places is simply an exasperating dream interrupting the calming consistent worry about getting enough work in to pay the bills. Why exasperating? because its unfair to raise the expectations of loved ones that such are remotely possible.
These days, the internet is full of potholes and no small measure of hail stones hurled from high places. To attract customers is hard and if it means being addicted to this screen and looking in every nook and cranny for answers then so be it. That’s what survival entails.
On your next holiday, think about those who can’t make the trip because we are actually stuck.
9 True 9 Miss
May as well just flip a coin next time Matt 😉
I am a really happy Google Chrome user. At first, about 2 years ago I guess, I’ve just installed and unistalled it after about 2 days of usage.. It was lacking a lot of features. But now., I really love it because:
1. It’s stable, it has great error handling function(s). As a direct consequence, Chrome is less exploitable by crackers. This also means less unwanted code (viruses, trojans) will run on your computer. Internet Explorer made it easy for far too many computer viruses to get into our systems just by visiting a website.
2. It’s fast! and the way it saves the passwords for all my website accounts is a blessing and contributes to it’s fastness. I think Chrome has the most reliable “password saving” feature I’ve ever seen in a browser. I always had trouble with IE with the password saving feature.
3. It combines the best features from all available browsers. So, atm, it’s all I need. I currently have other browsers installed just because as a webmaster I have to check out how my website is viewed by the users using them.
Anyway, on topic, I guess it’s pretty obvious that Chrome will continue to grow 🙂 Good luck with that!